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4-2 Leadership, Participation, and Collaboration

The candidate seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take

responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues,
other school professionals, support staff, and community members to ensure
learner growth, and to advance the profession.

The music educator must seek out opportunities to lead as most of what they do in
a music classroom is lead. These leadership roles can look different from what the
traditional leadership role is. In my case, I had plenty of opportunities to lead in my
time at K-State. The most notable leadership roles I had were when I was assigned
principal player for multiple ensembles. In my first artifact, readers will read more
on that experience. For a brief time in my collegiate experience, I also was given a
leadership role inside an ensemble to where I was a conductor and would lead
rehearsals on a concert block. Readers may also read about this experience in the
second artifact. All of my time as a performer in a leadership role at K-State also
directly translates to being a leader in my music classroom. In my student teaching
experience, I created, taught, and directed a music program for 3rd and 4th grade.
Not only did I have to take leadership of the musical side of things, I also had to
collaborate with students, their parents, their classroom teachers, and also the
other specials teachers. Putting the program on took a school-wide effort and I had
to orchestrate the whole thing. In my third artifact, viewers will see my parent
letters sent home along with a program handout.

- Personal Statement about leadership in principal player role
- Personal Statement about leadership as a University Band Conductor
- Copy of Parent Letter and Copy of 4th Grade Program

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