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t Grade Swimming Assessment

Exceeding Approaching
Meeting Expectations Below Expectations
  Expectations Expectations
3 pts 1 pts
4 pts 2 pts

Freestyle Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below

Body Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations
Horizontal with Horizontal to 15 degrees Horizontal to 30 degrees Body position often
excellent streamline from surface with good from the surface with vertical at surface with
position, continuous streamline position, o.k. to poor streamline poor to no streamline
fluid roll and body in consistent to some side position, occasional side position, little to no side
straight alignment. to side roll, and body in to side roll, and body in to side roll, and body
predominantly straight inconsistent alignment alignment not straight.

Freestyle Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below

Arm Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations
High Elbow with High Elbow with o.k. Straight Arm Recovery, Under water Arm
relaxed recovery, s recovery, hands enter hands enter at or slightly Recovery, hands at
pull, full extension at above head, slight above head, straight arm head, under water pull
finish. outward sweep with bent pull, power phase with straight arm low
pull, power phase finishes at waist to hip. power, power phase
finishes at hip or finishes at mid torso to
beyond. waist.

Freestyle Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below

Kick Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations
Continuous kick from Continuous kick from Continuous kick with Inconsistent kick with
hips, 2,4, or 6 beat hips with slight knee some bike, bent hips and bent knees, flexed feet,
kick, feet stay below bend, knees and ankles knees during downbeat and little forward
surface and are extended, but not rigid, of kick. movement in power.
pointed. feet stay below surface,
but are not pointed

Freestyle Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below

Breathing Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations
Exhale underwater Occasional exhale No exhale underwater No exhale underwater
during power phase, underwater during power during power phase, during power phase,
head has minimal phase, head has head is lifted to side, but head is lifted forward,
movement and is flat moderate movement and ear not in water during and breathing is
in the water during is occasionally flat breathing. laboured, inconsistent
breathing. during breathing. and not streamline.

This rubric is designed to assess the technique of front crawl in swimming. After completion the
teacher will give the student a score of what they have achieved as per their observation. The
teacher will grade the students on several criteria like their kick, body position, breathing, and arm
position. This rubric helps to give students feedback on their performance.

Breaststroke 1 2 3 4
Head position Student doesn’t keep Students keep their Students keep their Student keeps their
their eyes to the wall. eyes towards the wall eyes to the wall most of head up and keeps their
some of the time the time. eyes to the wall all the
Arm pull Student doesn’t create Student creates an Student creates an Student is efficient in
an ‘upside down heart’ upside-down heart in upside-down heart in the water and creates
in the pull part of their the pull part of their the pull part of their an ‘upside down heart’
stroke. stroke most of the time. stroke most of the time. through the water.
Some errors or wrong Consistency needed to
shape. reach level 4.
Arm glide Students’ arms don’t Students’ arms extend Students’ arms are Students’ arms are
extend. Is unable to some of the time but extended. Their glide is extended, they can
glide. not fully straight. Glides still slightly short glide for 3 seconds
but not long enough. consistently.
Leg action The student is unable to The student completes The student completes The student can
complete a whip kick. a whip kick some of the a whip kick most of the effectively perform a
time. 2 or more time. 1 component may whip kick for all of the
components missing still be missing such as time completing the
such as foot placement foot placement or stroke.
or circular motion. circular motion.
Breathing The student brings the Student lifts chin Student lifts chin to Student lifts chin
whole head out not the instead of head to breathe most of the instead of head to
chin the water effecting breathe some of the time. May still lift the breathe all of the time.
their efficiency in the time. May still raise the head to breathe at least They are efficient when
water. head 2 or more times. once. breathing.
Coordination The student does not The student accurately The student accurately The student accurately
complete or demonstrates the pull, demonstrates the pull, demonstrates the pull,
demonstrate the pull, breathe, glide breathe, glide breathe, glide
breathe, glide combination some of combination as part of combination as part of
combination. the time. Some their stroke most of the their stroke all of the
components or timings time. 1 component may time.
are missed. need improvement.
Body position The student doesn’t The student brings their The student brings their The student brings their
arch their back or bring arm forward and arches arm forward and arches arms forward and
their arms forward as their back some of the their back most of the arches their back as
part of their stroke. time. Arms may be time. Arms may still be part of their stroke all of
bent, back not arched slightly bent, back still the time.
enough. not arched enough.

Teacher score_______

Average score_______

Teacher comment:

This rubric that I have found grades the students on the critical elements of breaststroke. The
students are graded by the teacher after a period of observation. The teacher grades the students
based on a number 1-4. This rubric is also good because it adds an extra section where the teacher
can write a little feedback note to directly help the students improve on something.

Squat 4 3 2 1
Feet & Legs All 3 criteria 2 out of 3 criteria 1 out of 3 criteria No Attempt
demonstrated. demonstrated. demonstrated. made.
Sufficient effort. Sufficient effort. Insufficient/Sufficien Insufficient effort.
Feet placed
shoulder-width/hip- No feedback or Moderate t effort.
width. assistance feedback Significant feedback
needed. required. required.
Toes turned 30
degrees outward.

Lower body muscles


Spine & Torso All 3 criteria 2 out of 3 criteria 1 out of 3 criteria No Attempt
(Prep) demonstrated. demonstrated. demonstrated. made.
Neutral Spine. Sufficient effort. Sufficient effort. Insufficient/Sufficien Insufficient effort.
No hunch No feedback or Moderate t effort.
forward. assistance feedback Significant feedback
Not bending needed. required. required.

Shoulders & All 3 criteria 2 out of 3 criteria 1 out of 3 criteria No Attempt

Neck (Prep) demonstrated. demonstrated. demonstrated. made.
Shoulder blades Sufficient effort. Sufficient effort. Insufficient/Sufficien Insufficient effort.
pinched. No feedback or Moderate t effort.
Eyes & Head assistance feedback Significant feedback
facing forward. needed. required. required.
Bar resting on top
of contracted
trapezius muscle.

Lowering All 3 criteria 2 out of 3 criteria 1 out of 3 criteria No Attempt

Phase demonstrated. demonstrated. demonstrated. made.
(Execution) Sufficient effort. Sufficient effort. Insufficient/Sufficien Insufficient effort.
Bend in Hips & No feedback or Moderate t effort.
Knees. assistance feedback Significant feedback
Humerus parallel needed. required. required.
to floor (or lower).


Teacher score______

Teacher comment:

Pushing off the wall with lots of power is essential in swimming when you are trying to gain a fast
glide underwater before you begin your stroke. Squatting is a powerful way of improving leg power
that will directly transfer over to swimming when you push off from a wall. It is essential that the
technique of squatting is done correctly so you are able to maximize your output from the exercise
and really see benefits. This rubric is designed to grade the form/technique of the squat. I will get
the students to complete 5 repetitions of a squat. I will allow them to use weight if they feel they
want to. I will then grade them on my rubric after observing their technique. Once I have graded
them, I will provide a comment, along with a score as a way of feedback for improvement.

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