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Volunteering at Micanopy Area Cooperative School (MACS)

If this is your first year at MACS, and to everyone else we hope youve had a great start to the year. Volunteering at MACS is a great way to get involved in your childs education and see firsthand all the awesome opportunities and activities that MACS provides. Each family that has a child/children enrolled at MACS is required to contribute 8 hours of volunteer time each school year. There are many different ways that you can contribute your time. Please take the time to fill out the volunteer survey form and return it to school. We realize that you are busy and your time is precious. We promise to use your time efficiently and effectively and to use your talents in the best possible way. Your Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) organizes many functions during the year. We love to hear new ideas and we are open to suggestions. Please give us a try and help us improve the overall MACS experience. Volunteer Coordinator: Michelle Stopford,, (540) 5990756. PTO President: Tami Dixon,, (352) 843-8140 PTO Vice President: Wendee Haddick, PTO Treasurers: Ryan Vidal, and Lisa Hill, PTO recording secretary: Susan Bonagura, PTO hospitality secretary: Angelina Baldinelli, In addition to your PTO committee, please find out who your classroom mom is. You will be contacted from time to time by a PTO member or a classroom mom requesting your help, so please give us an email address and contact number. Please remember to log your hours in the volunteer binder in the front office We look forward to a great year and thank you parents in advance for your time and efforts. Michelle Stopford, Volunteer Coordinator

CHILDS NAME:_________________________GRADE:___________ PARENTS NAMES:________________________________________ CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS:________________________________ CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER:_____________________________ MOTHERS OCCUPATION:__________________________________ Interest/talents:________________________________________ FATHERS OCCUPATION:__________________________________ Interests/talents:_______________________________________

Please indicate which activities/events you are interested in helping with. (No previous experience is required). Classroom parent Helping in the classroom Working from home Scholastic Book Fair (week of Oct 17th) Fall Festival (October 29th and/or 30th) Thanksgiving Feast (Nov 22nd) Santa Exchange and Activities (December 8th and 9th) January Rib Sale February Fire Extinguisher Sale Spring Fling Carnival and Talent show (April) Staff/ Teacher Appreciation Luncheon (May 2nd) Mothers Day Spaghetti Dinner (May 11th) Silent Auction (May 11th) Field Day (last week of school) Community Outreach (Thanksgiving and Christmas, help
collect and distribute canned goods and secret Santa items)

Compiling The Yearbook (year round) Please list any ideas/comments or other ways you can help us at MACS:_________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

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