5 +Leading+by+Relating+&+Connecting-konvertiert+

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Leading by Relating & Connecting

• If you ever want to connect and relate well to your staff, then you
need to become an excellent listener. You also need to be open
minded and tolerant. Always be respectful. Mingle with your team.
Have some small talk with them. Ask them how their families are
doing. Ask them anything that relates to their life. Show interest.
Shake people’s hands.

• At the end of the day it is all about how you make people feel. People
will not remember what you say but how you say it. People will
remember how you made them feel. This is how we make an impact
on them.

• If you can laugh about yourself then this is a great thing. If people
see that you do not take yourself too seriously then you will go up
in their books quickly. It is also a great sign of confidence. People
love confident leaders and need them!

• Competent leaders tell a joke and make a warm gesture from time to

• You have messed something up? Share your blunders. You have
made a big mistake? So, what, talk about it and share the lessons
you have learned with your team. This will make you so much more
human and trustworthy. People are not stupid. You are just another
human being; you are one of them. People make mistakes. People
learn. People succeed and people celebrate. Life always goes the
whole 9 yards. You are no exception. Be reminded and show
humbleness. When you are down to earth you will have your

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