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10 Core Principles On How You Can

Teach Your Children At Your Own Home With Great Success,

While At The Same Time…
Protect Your Kids From Harm,
Save Your Money,
Save Your Time,
Reduce Stress, And
Strengthen Your Family Life.
By Bo Sanchez
“But aren’t you depriving him of his socialization?”
Believe me, I cannot count the number of times I’ve heard this line from well meaning friends when they learn that we
don’t send our son to school, but instead teach him at home. (Now, with this article, I don’t have to answer. I can just
give them this and say, “Read this please. Let’s talk again after you’ve read it.”)
Here are other comments we’ve heard—some with sense, others just plain funny.
“Won’t he become… uh, abnormal?”
“You’re overprotecting him. Let go and let God!”
“He needs to learn how to fight, become tough, and experience the world.”
“Di ba yung homeschool pang artista lang yan?”
I smile at everyone who gives me these comments and then explain these facts:
Today, there are millions of kids being homeschooled in the world.
And test after test (after test after test…) show that the average homeschooleracademically beats the average of all
students every time, at every year level, atevery subject.
Why? Here’s the truth that has been hidden from you and from the world at large: Homeschooling is the best
educational system in this planet. It beats the most expensive, the most exclusive private schools money can afford.
Unbelievable? Read on.
I Bet You Might Know Some Of These
Homeschooled “Kids” …
Just in case you think that homeschooled kids may become social misfits and social idiots, let me show you a little list
of a few homeschooled “kids” in the world:
 Albert Einstein (Scientist)
 Leonardo da Vinci (Painter/Sculptor/Inventor)
 Claude Monet (Painter)
 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Composer)
 Douglas MacArthur (U.S. General)
 George Patton (U.S. General)
 Thomas Jefferson (U.S. President)
 Abraham Lincoln (U.S. President)
 Franklin Delano Roosevelt (U.S. President)
 Theodore Roosevelt (U.S. President)
 George Washington (U.S. President)
 Woodrow Wilson (U.S. President)
 John Wesley (Founder-Methodists)
 Blaise Pascal (Scientist)
 Winston Churchill (British Prime Minister)
 Hans Christian Andersen (Writer)
 Agatha Christie (Writer)
 Charles Dickens (Writer)
 Mark Twain (Writer)
 Daniel Webster (Writer)
 Andrew Carnegie (Industrialist)
 Charles Chaplin (Actor)
 Florence Nightingale (Nurse/Hero)
 Sally Ride (Astronaut)
 Albert Schweitzer (Physician)
 Leo Tolstoy (Writer)
 C.S. Lewis (Christian Apologist)
 Alexander Graham Bell (Inventor of the Telephone)
 Thomas Edison (Inventor of the Light Bulb)
 Orville and Wilbur Wright
 Joan of Arc (Saint-Martyr)
Why can homeschool produce world-class achievers?
Because of the core principles imbedded in the system of teaching your own child. Here are the secrets of the best
educational system in the world…
10 Core Principles That Will
Dramatically Change Your Child’s Life—
And Your Life As Well.
Friends, here are the ten core principles of homeschool:
 Follow Your Child’s Passions
 Follow Your Child’s Learning Style
 Follow your Child’s Learning Pace Per Subject
 Never Use Fear & Punishments As Motivation
 Remove Tests And Grades As Tools For Teaching (Shocked? You Bet.)
 Nurture A Great Love For Reading
 Make Ordinary Life Events As Your Classroom
 Make Work And Service Essential To Your Child’s Education
 Build Your Family Relationship (The Greatest Reward!)
 Personally Share Your Faith and Values With Your Child
Here’s a promise. If you follow these 10 core principles in teaching your child, you will dramatically change the life of
your child—and your life as well.
Core Principle #1:
Follow Your Child’s Passions
One of my son’s first words was “Horse”.
I’m not kidding.
It was spoken together with “Mama” and “Mamam” (food or water).
As a toddler, he already loved playing with plastic toy horses, riding his wooden rocking horse, and looking at
pictures of all sorts of horses.
So we gave him large books on horses, and he gobbled them up and kept asking for more. Together, we studied the
different breeds from around the world, the evolution of the horse, the equipment needed to ride horses, etc. We
bought him coloring books with lots and lots of horses. At three years old, he was already riding real horses by
himself. Today, he dreams of owning a ranch where he’ll own ten horses—as a business! He said he’d let the kids ride
on the horses for a fee. His ranch will also have a restaurant, a “fake” jungle with robotic animals, and a man-made
lake with a shipwreck as added attractions.
Because of his passion for horses, he learned the following: To read a lot, do artwork (coloring), study science (horse
anatomy), history and culture, physical education, and even business.
Yes, he studied all those subjects—just because of his love for horses.
No forcing. No pushing. No intimidating. No stress!
Because it was his passion, he loved to learn.
That, my friends, is one of the best secrets of homeschool.
Field Trips More Often
We went to the Museo Pambata three times and stayed there the whole day. My son repeatedly explored every
section on his own. This developed my son’s interest in science and history. So, together, we visited various museums
of science, natural history, and zoos. — Tina Galvez, Quezon City Homeschooled her son
What Is Your Child’s Passion?
It May Not Be Obvious At First,But It’s Got History, Science, Math, & Art In There…
Is your child a comic book lover?
Encourage him. That’s requires reading too!
Research together on comic book authors, illustrators, and companies. Sign him up for drawing classes. Tell him to
rent out his comics for a fee. And through the Internet, find out which comic books sell for thousands of dollars today.
Let him draw one and sell it to relatives. Do the math for his small businesses.
Is he a basketball fan? Then read about the history of basketball, go through basketball statistics, study which muscle
groups need to be highly developed in basketball, create artwork on basketball players, play ball regularly, and watch
some games together.
When my son was four, we started playing Cashflow For Kids, a game where players buy real estate and invest in
stocks. We found out that aside from financial knowledge, it’s a great way for our son to learn mental math. We also
played his Pokemon cards—and his math has improved because of the constant adding and subtracting in the game.
We recommend less textbooks—and more “real” books—like biographies, classics tales, and special interest books.
In fact, we recommend “living” books, like interviewing experts instead of just reading facts.
Again, this cannot happen in a traditional school. There are programmed topics to discuss for every week—and the
entire class has to go through them. And thus, boredom sets in. Not because they’re dumb, but simply because their
passions aren’t pursued.
In homeschool, you use anything that’s he’s interested in to learn all sorts of subjects. Because when he’s interested
about something, you simply “ride the horse” of his passion, and off you go at 100 kph.
And not only the child’s passion, but you also follow something very important in your child…
Core Principle #2:
Follow Your Child’s Learning Style
Your child is a genius.
You just have to know what kind of genius.
Let me give you a very simple example of what I mean by following your child’s learning style.
When my son Bene was five years old, he was having problems with his math exercises. It would take him ages to
write down his answers. Bene would get totally bored, and we’d catch him stalling and dillydallying in the middle of
the writing exercise. His thoughts would wander, sometimes creating a full-length movie in his mind. (We know
because we hear him whispering, “Bangbangbang! Shooooosh! Vabooooooom!”)
It would happen every time and my wife would be totally frustrated.
After many weeks of tense filled homeschool sessions (“Son, finish that now! I said NOW!”), my wife was wondering if
math was his waterloo. Did he really hate math?
And then an idea struck her. She picked up the workbook, and she verbally asked the questions—and made it like a
game. Bene would stand on the far end of our living room and he’d take one step for every right answer.
Guess what: He breezed through it.
At least at that particular stage in his life (five years old), oral and mental math was better than written math.
Do you now see how only homeschool can make that kind of adjustment?
Because the mother is teaching her child one-to-one, she can change teaching methods depending on the learning
style of her child.
Let me tell you what usually happens in a traditional school. Whenever a student is doing well in school, the school
proudly points to themselves and say, “We’re the reason why your child is performing well. We’re good.” But when a
student is failing, the school points to the child and says, “Tsk, tsk, tsk. There’s something wrong with your kid.”
Okay, they may not say it in that way. But when the child is failing (or bored or restless or uncooperative), it’s always
the child’s fault. You’ll hear the experts say, “Your boy isn’t learning because he’s stubborn and has undiagnosed
ADHD and probably has a slight form of dyslexia.”
Sure. Gosh, why is the kid always at fault?

We’re More Flexible

Homeschooling has helped us create a more flexible environment. My children understand more clearly because of
how I present the lessons uniquely to each of them. I need to be sensitive and caring to know that a child is different
from another. I see to it that my own teaching style is in tune to the learning style of each child. Homeschooling has
been a very fruitful experience — Irma Chua homeschooled her 6 children

Remember This Powerful Rule:

If The Child Isn’t Learning,
It’s 99% Not The Child’s Fault.
Instead, Change Your Teaching Method!
In homeschool, we believe that if the child isn’t learning, it’s not his fault 99% of the time. Perhaps the parent isn’t
using the specific learning style of her child.
There are three basic learning styles (auditory, visual, and kinesthetic) with as much as 27 (!) subgroups. None is
better than the other. You simply need to discover how your child processes information—and then deliberately use
his preferred choice.
By simply observing how he learns best will already give you clues as to the genius of your child. There’s nothing
better than following this simple rule of thumb: Do what works!
Some kids prefer structure and like being told what to do (that’s why there’s room for structured, traditional school
system done at home), while other kids like to do things on their own. And some learn more at particular
environments and particular times of the day—so adjust accordingly. Believe me, this is much better than scolding,
shouting, and bullying our kids to fit our teaching methods.
And if you think that this is a powerful principle, wait till you read the next one…
Core Principle #3:
Follow The Learning Pace of Your Child
Per Subject
A traditional classroom with 40 kids has one established pace of learning.
Usually, they try to go mid-speed—not too fast, and not too slow.
Sometimes, this learning pace is too slow for your child—resulting in boredom. (I know many children who are failing
in school, not because they’re dumb, but because of the opposite reason—they’re actually too bright and are totally
bored by class.) On a few occasions, the pace may be too fast—and your child is left behind.
Here’s something else you’ve got to think about. Your child has different speeds per subject. Your child may go at 80
kph in English and only 40 kph in Math.
In homeschooling, you can simply adjust with his pace for each subject.
Here’s the rule: When you see him bored, usually it’s because he already knows the material. Try going faster and
introduce new material.
For example, if your child is totally bored by his Grade 3 English, what’s stopping you from zooming ahead and
tackling Grade 4 English?
When my son was five years old, I remember bringing him to the doctor’s clinic, and while in the waiting room, Bene
would sit and quietly read his books. And every time, people around would be shocked seeing this little guy
readingCharlotte’s Web, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, and James And The Giant Peach—stuff usually read at
Grade 3 levels.
I believe we underestimate our kids. If you follow your child’s pace, you may be surprised at his speed of learning.
On the other hand, there’s no point in rushing a child to read (or write or do math) when he’s not yet ready. Tests
have proven that kids who learned to finally read well as late as age 10 onwards do catch up very quickly—and
surpass the early readers from regular schools.Again, don’t pressure yourself or your child!
I believe that you should avoid giving “study pressures” until kids are age 8 to 12. If you follow their passion and
learning pace, you don’t need pressure.
And one more thing about pressure…
Core Principle #4:
Never Use Fear & Punishments As Motivation
This mystified me.
I learned that the expert animal trainers of dogs, birds, lions, tigers, seals, cats, and even dolphins have very
important basic rules: Never insult the animal; and never offend the animal; and never hurt the animal. Or the animal
doesn’t learn.
But John Holt says that we forget this rule when it comes to training human beings! I agree with him. How many
times have I heard parents and teachers (and aunts and uncles and grandfathers and grandmothers) insult their own
little children? We scream at them, we call them names, we bully them, we intimidate them, we make them cower in
fear—just so they do what we want them to do.
Here’s a rule: The moment the teacher is shouting in anger, true learning stops.
You can use angry shouting for emergencies, but you don’t use it in education.
Gentle Firmness
In my eight years of homeschooling, I have learned that using fear and punishment crushes a child’s spirit. This
deeply hurts a child and diminishes his self-worth. My children have responded better when they are gently but firmly
told of their mistakes and what are expected of them. They obey us not out of fear, but out of love and respect. This
is borne out of our love and respect for them.
– Rita Yokingco, Mandaluyong City, homeschooled her 3 children
True Learning Means Having Fun.
If It’s Not Fun, Do Something About It!
In homeschooling, true learning has to be fun and exciting for your child.
If it isn’t, you adjust and make it so.
When learning is fun, your child will go 100 kph. But when learning is forced upon him, he’ll go at 2 kph—with lots of
dillydallying and delaying tactics.
Banish fear and punishments from your educational system.
They simply don’t work. And in homeschool, you simply drop whatever isn’t helping a child. Why? Because you’re not
tied to one way of doing things.
So if you see that your teaching method or curriculum or class schedule or textbook (It could be anything!) isn’t
helping but blocking your child’s learning, drop it and try something new. Believe me, it’s much better than forcing it
down the little guy’s throat with anger, intimidation, and threats of punishment. (Note: You can of course use reason
and persuasion to convince him to read a particular book he doesn’t like to read. That’s OK!)
Traditional classrooms, by their very structure, are inflexible. Even if a student isn’t learning, the activity or book or
method has to go on. Understandably, because there are forty other students in class.
My next principle is probably the most controversial of all…
Core Principle #5:
Remove Tests And Grades As Tools For Teaching
Traditional schools create good “test-takers”.
But do they create good learners and critical thinkers and passionate kids?
Tests and exams create fear, because the results of tests are used to “label” children with a grade.
I repeat—true learning cannot happen in the presence of fear.
Pseudo learning, yes, and that happens quite often.
Kids, under enormous pressure, memorize stuff. And when grades are given, the kids are labeled, categorized, and
I ask: Why? What for?
Why not just go through a series of questions, and when they make an error, teach them the right answer at that
moment? Why do you have to give him a zero point for not knowing the answer?
I really believe that we have adults now who are totally un-proactive in their lives because they have a fear of making
mistakes—which they learned from school.
But mistakes are important! I’ve come to realize that the most successful people in the world are those who have
made the most mistakes!
So in place of tests, what should we do?
Use The Child’s Desire To Tell Stories
About What She Knows
There’s something even better than workbooks, fill in the blanks, multiple choices, true and false items, and a list of
Charlotte Mason recommends that we use the power of narration. In other words, why not ask children to tell stories?
By doing so, they don’t get bits of information—but real knowledge. (We confuse the two. They’re actually worlds
Only when kids tell stories—either in written or oral forms—or recounting “plot” behind science, history, and
religion—can you instill a genuine love for knowledge. And not a fear for failure, or even a shallow desire for high
And please: Don’t grade their narrations with an A, a C, or an F.
Instead, engage them in conversation. Ask questions. Talk some more. Tell your child where he was excellent. Point
out where they can do better. But most importantly, enjoy the conversation. (Note: I started a Homeschool Provider
called Catholic Filipino Homeschool or CFH.It’s the first Catholic Homeschool Provider that does purely homeschool
services in the Philippines.And for DepED requirements, CFH will give quarterly tests to measure the child’s grasp of
the subject matter—but without the threats, the fear, the negative competition, or the labelling usually involved in
Believe me, that’s when real learning happens.
Why I Don’t Agree With
Some Homeschool Systems…
As I said before, I’ve noticed that some homeschool programs today don’t follow all these Core Principles I’m sharing
to you now. I’ve seen some Homeschool Providers who merely transfer the “traditional school system” into the
parent’s home. Unless this is what their children want, I feel this is a tragic mistake.
Here’s what usually happens. Because the parents want to stick to the “packaged curriculum” bought from their
Homeschool Provider, they do NOT follow their child’s learning style, nor their child’s passion, nor their child’s
learning pace. And because their homeschool program requires monthly tests and grades, they again use fear and
punishment as standard teaching tools to pressure their kids to pass these tests.
I feel this is a terrible waste of homeschool. It’s not a total loss, but I could compare it to harvesting thirty-fold when
you could have harvested a hundredfold.
I pity the children, and I pity the parents! (I repeat: If this structured homeschool system is what your children want,
then give it to them! This must be their learning style, so follow it. But if it isn’t, forcing it on them will just produce
suffering on both parties.)
Homeschool isn’t simply about changing the geographical location of learning—from classroom to home. Nor is it
about changing the “terror” teacher and becoming the “terror” parent.
Homeschool is a total change of paradigm.
Homeschool is a radical change on how we think children really learn.
The next principle is a tough one. But it’s crucial for the success of our kids.
Core Principle #6:Nurture A Great Love For Reading
Our goal is self-directed learning.
You want your child to start learning on his own, because of his sheer love for knowledge. (Yes, every child has an
insatiable hunger to learn. You just have to connect to that, release that desire, and see her conquer the world.)
But self-directed learning can happen more easily if a child develops a love for reading as well.
A fair warning: Some children develop late at reading. Don’t worry! In a few years, homeschoolers catch up quickly
and surpass the reading abilities of children going to regular schools.
How do you nurture that in a child?
How My Kids Love To Read
When I started home schooling my eldest son “J”, we always read fiction books together with his two younger
brothers, John and Jaimy. Soon after, he learned how to love reading all sorts of books—even encyclopedias. After a
few months, his younger brothers followed him and they now enjoy reading books together. –Mayette A. Salvedia,
Quezon City homeschooling her 3 children
Read To Your Child Books That Interest Them.
And Surround Them With Books, Books, and More Books…
Find out what interests a child.
When your child can’t read yet, set a special time each day where you read tothem. Ham it up. Play act. Put drama.
Get into the role and let your child laugh and have a great time.
There are four types of readers, depending on their preferred subject matter. (No time to discuss this now, but we
give this routinely in our Quick Start Training Program for those enrolled in CFH.) Surround your child with the books
on her preferred subject. Buy, barter, and borrow—do what you must, but those books have to be there for easy
Tip: Get those “Series” books. Because when your child gets hooked on one book, he’d want to read every other
book in the series. (My son read 34 books of theMagic Tree House Series.)
And parents—your kids have to see you reading books as well!
Cut TV watching and computer games to a minimum (we allow those on weekends only) so that there’ll be generous
time for reading everyday.
Reading for pleasure is so important to learning. I’m saddened at the huge amount of “homework” kids bring home
from school.
That’s the benefit of homeschool: Class is only three hours a day, so your child can read books for an hour or two
each day, for the sheer delight it brings.
By the way, did that little fact surprise you? That homeschool takes only three hours a day? Here’s the reality: Most of
the hours in a traditional school is spent on waiting: waiting for the classmates to arrive, waiting for everyone to settle
down, waiting for the bell to ring…
In homeschool, you skip all that, so that you have more time for what I call “ordinary life events”.
Core Principle #7:
Make Ordinary Life Events
As Your Classroom
Trust in your child.
She learned how to smile, crawl, walk, talk, run, dress by herself, and understand her world before starting school.
Because each child loves to learn. For them, it’s as natural as breathing.
Kids learn the way adults do: By their interests and by their curiosity.
So why teach them in a different way? In fact, that’s why John Holt coined the term, “Unschooling”. Because
ultimately, you don’t really “teach” your child. (We use that word loosely.) You merely provide the learning
environment and resources so that your child self-learns.
In the end, true learning and living cannot be separated.
There are three things that you can do to use ordinary life events as your classroom:
1. Let Your Child Get Involved In Your Adult World
Kids love to get involved in the adult world—with what you’re doing.
So get them involved!
Usually, your child will be passionate with what you’re passionate about. Whatever your concerns are, she’ll pick that
up, latch on to that, and be passionate about that too.
So whenever feasible, get them involved in your world. Bring them along when you work (if your work situation
allows for this) and let them observe, help out, and do stuff for you—yes, even if they bother you and slow you down.
For example, John Holt recommends that Math be learned by opening the financial books of the family, and teaching
children how the household money is earned, spent, and saved.
If you’re interested in business, I’ll go even further and recommend that children start their own businesses—and
practice applied Math right away. Believe me, when your child wants to know whether he can buy his favorite toy
from his business profits for the month, he’ll become a math wizard right before your eyes.
2. Do Real Projects Together!
Would you be happy if you did something totally meaningless everyday?
But that’s what school is to many children.
Let’s face it: Even adults hate it when we do something that has no relevance with real life. So why do we ask our kids
to do it—and scold them when they get bored?
Here are examples of what I mean by “Real” Projects:
For those mechanically inclined, let your child build stuff with you for the house. Stuff that you actually need and will
actually use.
For children who love music, prepare a “mini-concert” for the next family get-together. Create invitation cards with
silly artwork, cook pasta together, practice your child’s welcome speech, and have a musicale complete with
costumes and dance numbers. (In one blow, you’ve had art lessons, music lessons, speech lessons, and theatre
lessons. But more importantly, you’ve built character and confidence in your child.)
And instead of listening to a lecture of loving the poor, volunteer to build a house in a Gawad Kalinga village, or help
in an orphanage each month, or go to the province and work with farmers. At the end of the day, real education isn’
t information but transformation. And that’s what will happen if you use ordinary life events as your classroom.
3. Finally, Don’t Program Everything. Let Your Child Be!
Please set aside enough time for your child for his play and imagination everyday.
Don’t try to do what some overzealous homeschool moms do—cram a ton of activities, workbooks, games, projects,
songs, and chores into their child’s life from dawn to dusk. Not only isn’t this beneficial to your child, it will also burn
you out!
Let your child be for long stretches of time everyday.
Without you telling them what to do!
Just so that he could be himself. And think. And read. And ponder. And imagine.
Fantasy is his way of learning how to cope with the world.
These times are very important for his own self-learning.
During these times, you’ll find out that he’s trying to figure things on his own.How stuff works. How the world works.
That’s a crucial part of homeschooling—when you’re not around.
And this also includes…
Core Principle #8:
Make Work And Service Essential
To Your Child’s Education
I repeat our philosophy: The best way to learn is to actually do it. It beats any lecture, any book, any field trip, any
For example, our son has a Bangus business and has gained much confidence because of it. At the age of five, he
handed out flyers to our visitors at home. He went around in his three-wheel bicycle and delivered them to his
grandmother’s house. I asked him for suggestions when we designed that leaflet. He also wrote down his first
“prospect” list of 10 people who’d buy from him (mostly our family!). As he grows older, we will slowly give him more
and more responsibilities to his growing business.
According to The Moore Foundation (a pioneer in Homeschooling), education should not just be (1) Study. It should
also contain equal amounts of (2) Workand (3) Service—Thus forming the three basics of a good Homeschool
By Work, we mean household chores and entrepreneurship.
Believe me, when you give your children responsibility for certain parts of the household and certain parts of a small
home business—you’ll see him rapidly grow and mature before your eyes! You solve many character and personality
problems spontaneously—better than all your scolding, homilies, lectures, and punishments.
And don’t give cash for household chores. Or you program them to become employees. They need to produce or
sell something in the business to earn something—and you program them to be entrepreneurs.
And what does Service mean?
Let your kids regularly serve among the poor, in an orphanage, in a soup kitchen, in a home for the elderly. Set
a daily schedule for service in the neighborhood if possible. You’ll find your child growing in love, character, kindness,
and integrity. Their sense of compassion and nobility of heart will increase.
And now—for one of the most important things in your life…
Core Principle #9:
Build Your Family Relationships
(The Greatest Reward!)
In homeschool, you spend each day with your child playing games, swapping stories, taking adventures, reading
stories—and creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Yes, you bond with your child in an extraordinary way!
And if you have more than one child, you bond the siblings together, too. The older children teach the younger
children (and because teaching is the best way of learning, everyone benefits).
On a whim, my wife can bring our two children for a trip to wherever. They can visit a sick friend or attend a birthday
party. They can go to the zoo, a museum, or a movie.
My Teenage Son Isn’t Ashamed Of Expressing Love
My son is 14 years old today, but because we’ve bonded enough through homeschool, we could still walk in the mall
holding hands. Even with his classmates and friends around, he’d greet his Daddy and me with a kiss and a hug.
– Tina Galvez, Quezon City, homeschooled her son
Probably the first question people will ask about homeschooling is, “What about your child’s socialization?”
Here’s the answer: On average, homeschooled kids have been known to be more socially adept and more socially
confident than other children.
Shocked? Here’s why: In homeschool, kids get the right kind of socialization. Because you want your child to learn
character, morals, and manners from you,and not from his peers.
My Kids Are Open To Me
Home schooling our children has blessed me with the opportunity to spend 24/7 with them. This precious time
during their formative years has cemented the bond between us. We’ve come to know each other’s strengths and
weaknesses and this has helped us understand and appreciate each other deeply. In fact, now that our two elder
children are in regular school, their classmates are amazed that they are unashamed to hug and kiss us in front of
them. And more amazing to them is that our kids are able to tell us everything (and I mean everything - heartaches,
triumphs, disappointments!) that goes on in their lives. Our children are secure in the knowledge that our family will
always be there for each other.
– Rita Yokingco, Mandaluyong City, homeschooled her 3 Children
Offer True Love.
Not Anti-Socialization.
This is the most asked question to me: What about your child’s socialization?
Here’s my answer: Many times, large schools today offer our children anti-socialization.
Without meaning to do so, they open our kids to the meanness of other kids. The bullying, the snobbishness, the
peer pressure…
Kids don’t need that daily pressure to grow into healthy, positive kids.
Let your child grow in a place where his self-worth and confidence is established. Once that’s settled deep within, he
can conquer the world. (Sometimes, I think they can conquer any planet.)
Does your child need to relate with kids his own age?
Yes, he does. He needs two or three of them, but not necessarily forty. Perhaps cousins and neighbors he can play
with everyday. Find ways where he can compete in sports and be with other kids.
We enrolled our son in a gym class where he goes once a week. And because of our regular prayer meetings in our
Catholic Community, he gets to have many friends among the children of other members.
Core Principle #10:
Personally Share Your Faith & Values To Your Child
Today, many kids have tepid faith and weak values—and one reason for this? Parents are no longer seriously taking
their spiritual responsibility to introduce the Lord to their children. Instead, many parents pass this spiritual
responsibility onto the school. But that doesn’t work! How can a school do it with hundreds or thousands of kids
under their administration?
Dearest Parent, you’re the priest in your home and one of your most important roles is to bring your child into a
vibrant relationship with God. Of course, a teacher or priest can do this—but only as an added support to you.
Ultimately, that’s your job.
Faith and values aren’t taught as much as “caught”. Homeschooling is the perfect context where this
“contaminating” can take place.
In our own Homeschool Program at CFH, we wish to deepen the Catholic faith of our children. (This will be our
specialty . However, children from other denominations are always welcome. After all, their parents will
pass their faith to them.)
Friend, you need to deepen your own Catholic faith. For how can you give what you don’t have? (If you’re not yet a
member of the KERYGMA FAMILY, sign up now at and get all the resources you
need to grow spiritually: Daily Bible Reflections, spiritual books, inspiring audio and video talks, etc. We give you a
mountain of powerful stuff so that you keep growing in the Lord.)
If you think that’s not enough, there are more benefits to homeschooling your child…
Here Are The Other Fantastic Benefits
Of Homeschooling Your Child
Let me share with you three more incredible reasons for considering homeschool:
1st Benefit: You Protect Your Children From Evil
2nd Benefit: You Save Lots And Lots Of Money
3rd Benefit: You Save Lots And Lots Of Time—And Save Yourself And Your Child From Unnecessary Stress
Let me explain these benefits to you one by one…
1st Benefit:
You Protect Your Children From Evil
I know many parents who homeschool their kids for this one reason alone.
Let’s face it. Evil is a monster that waits for easy prey—like our defenceless children.
I met a five-year old who liked saying “F_ck”.
It sent chills down my spine. Guess where he learned it.
I also met a distraught father who told me that a 13-year-old female classmate was offering his 12-year-old son sex.
He found out when he accidentally read a text message on the cellphone meant for his son. He showed it to me and
I couldn’t believe a 13-year-old girl could write it. It was pure hardcore porn.
I also met a small seven-year-old that was bullied each day in his school bus. A bigger fellow would call him “insect”
and “worm,” ridicule him to shreds, drown him with insults. Twice a day. Every single school day.
By the way, let me tell you an example from my own life. In my very well respected Catholic high school, one of my
male teachers taught us in his class that we should go to a prostitute as early as possible so that we become “real
men”. In fact, he had already “initiated” his own 13-year-old son very recently. And so that we don’t get any venereal
disease, he instructed us to take two tablets of 500 milligrams of antibiotics (he even recommended the brand), one
tablet a day before going to a prostitute, and another tablet on the day itself.
And yes, some of my classmates actually followed his “fatherly” advice.
I haven’t even mentioned about drugs, drinking, violence, and sexual abuse.
In homeschool, you protect your children from these unnecessary negative influences.
The second benefit is a very practical—and a very necessary—blessing…
2nd Benefit:
You Save Lots And Lots Of Money
Homeschooling “tuition” is a tiny fraction of the expensive tuition fees of exclusive schools today. My friend pays
P65,000 a year to send her grade-school son to one of the most prestigious schools in the Philippines—where the
ratio is 1 teacher to 40 students. In homeschool, the ratio is 1 teacher to 1 student (you and your child!)—and for how
much? At least in CFH, it’s only P14,700. Other Homeschool Providers have different fees but their range is around
this figure.
In CFH, we decided to use Local textbooks (that’s why we call ourselves CatholicFilipino Homeschool), not only
because your child will know our culture more, but also because they’ll save parents their hard-earned money. So
instead of spending P15,000 for foreign textbooks, you spend around P5,000 only per year.
And because your child will stay at home, you won’t spend for daily food allowances and the daily transportation
expenses—such as school bus fees. Now that’s big savings!
You’ll also save from the fees for projects, and school uniforms, and Boy Scout uniforms, and P.E. uniforms. The list is
An added savings: If you have more than one child, you buy your textbooks only once. Because in homeschool,
books are passed from older children to younger children. Because in homeschool, you make the rules about
Here’s the comparison of Annual Expenses (Average Only!). Note: I’ll use CFH figures, but you can replace these with
the figures of other Homeschool Providers.
Expenses Regular School CFH Homeschool

Tuition P50,000 P14,700

Daily Transpo P20,000 P0

Daily Allowance P30,000 P0

Uniform, Etc. P5,000 P0

Textbooks P5,000 P5,000

Year Total: Regular Schooling: Homeschooling:

P110,000 P19,700
The comparison is almost absurd. You save P90,300!
Even if you join our CFH Gold or Platinum Intensive Coaching (this is optional),and let your child join CFH Clubs for a
minimal fee (again, all optional)—you’ll still save a lot!
You can put your savings to buying more books for yourself and your children—especially books your child is
interested in. You can also take more trips together—and learn through those trips. You can also invest in getting
more training for yourself—because the better you become, the more you can give to your child.
And one more fantastic benefit…
3rd Benefit:
You Save Lots And Lots Of Time—And Save Yourself
And Your Child From Unnecessary Stress
Let me guess.
If you send your kids to school, do they have to wake up at 5:30am and travel for an hour through the traffic? (Don’t
you just think this is simply nuts?)
And do they have to go through that same traffic going home?
And when they get home, do they have to do their homework—which requires tutoring? (Wait a minute… You paid
the school to teach your kids, right? Why do you now have to tutor them every evening? And sometimes even hire a
private tutor for your child? Isn’t this illogical?)
And are some of your kids stressed out by their load and schedule?
In homeschool, you don’t have traffic.
Yes, you don’t have to wake up your kids at 5:30am.
And you don’t have homework (Ha! Ha!)
And you don’t have over-stressed kids.
And your classes are only three hours a day.
Now tell me. Isn’t that a great deal?
Other Questions?
Here Are Some Answers…
 Gosh, I’m An Ordinary Mother. Can I Really Homeschool?
You’re homeschooling right now. Did you teach your baby to walk, talk, eat with a spoon, kiss, and give a hug? Did
you teach your toddler to say the Alphabet and read and count 1 to 10? What do you call that? Homeschooling. I
believe thatalmost any Parent can homeschool—it’s just a question of commitment and dedication.
 Is There A Homeschool Program For High School?
As of this writing, CFH accepts only Grade School levels—specifically, Informal Nursery, Kindergarten 1, 2, Grades 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, and 6. In the future, we will eventually open a High School Program. You can check with different Homeschool
Providers for their High School Programs.
 Will my child get DepED Accreditation if I homeschool him?
You need to connect yourself to a Homeschool Provider that’s connected to an existing regular school. Because as of
this writing, DepED doesn’t yet encourage homeschooling. (Give it a few more years before they see the light!) CFH is
attached to Powerkids Academy, a private school based in Bulacan whose students are multi-awarded.
 My son is already in Grade 5. I’m afraid he won’t like it if I pull him out of his regular school.
For older children, they need to agree to your decision to homeschool. Explain the benefits! Tell them that they can
pursue their passions, have adventures, pursue businesses, etc. Discuss these with them and try to make a decision
 Can I start at any month? Or does it have to be June?
You can start homeschooling at any month of the year.
 What if I’m a working mom? Can I possibly homeschool?
Yes. Tough, but it’s possible. There have been working mothers who have homeschooled their children. It will take a
lot of planning, and flexible time schedules, but it can be done. Usually, the mother gives assignments before she
leaves for work, and then does homeschool sessions in the evenings. Weekends are for family activities and projects
of their homeschool.
 If I’m a working Mom, can I hire another homeschool Mom to teach my child in her home?
Yes, you can. Though this isn’t the ideal situation, it’s possible. Call us at CFH office, and we may (we can’t promise)
be able to refer you to homeschool mothers in your area who are open to homeschooling your children. I must warn
you though that this won’t be cheap—as you’re hiring a one-on-one teacher for your child—and you have to bring
your child to that homeschool mother’s home everyday.
 Am I expected to teach trigonometry to my child?
No. You can always get a tutor or another homeschool mother (who’s forte is Trigo) for these difficult subjects.
 My child is autistic. Does homeschooling work for him?
Homeschooling is perfect for children with special needs. Because of the personalized nature of homeschool, you
can tailor-fit the education you’ll give to the specific needs of your child. You simply have to learn extra knowledge
necessary to teach your child with his/her specific needs.
Intrigued? Don’t Stop Asking Questions…
My last word: Your child depends on you to grow in every area of her life—spiritually, intellectually, physically,
emotionally, and even financially. Don’t pass on this responsibility to others. It’s that important.
Keep asking questions. Research. Ask other homeschool parents you know.
By the way, thank you for reading this letter and for giving me the opportunity to share my passion to you.
I remain your friend,

Bo Sanchez
Catholic Filipino Homeschool (CFH)

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