Edexcel Biology IGCSE: 2.9: Food Tests

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Edexcel Biology IGCSE

2.9: Food Tests

Practical notes

Food tests

Conduct qualitative chemical tests for starch, reducing sugars, proteins, and lipids.

The Iodine test for starch

● Food sample
● A test tube
● Iodine solution (0.01 mol/dm​3​)
● Pipettes.

1. Put some of the food sample into a test tube.
2. Add a few drops of iodine solution to the food sample using a pipette.
3. If starch is present, the solution turns from brown to blue-black. Note any colour change in a
table of results.

The Benedict’s test for reducing sugars

● Food sample
● A test tube
● Benedict’s solution
● Hot water bath
● Thermometer
● Pipettes

1. Add an equal volume or excess of Benedict’s solution to the food sample in a test tube.
2. Place in a hot water bath for a few minutes.
3. If reducing sugar is present, a brick red precipitate is formed. If reducing sugar is absent,
the solution remains blue. Note any colour change in a table of results.

Test for protein

● A test tube
● A 10cm​3​ measuring cylinder
● Biuret solution

1. Add a few drops of Biuret’s reagent (sodium hydroxide and copper (II) sulphate) to the food
sample in a test tube.
2. Shake the solution to mix and wait for a few minutes.
3. If protein is present, the solution turns from blue to purple.

Test for lipids
● Food sample
● Test tube
● Ethanol
● Distilled water

1. Add a few cm​3​ of ethanol to the food sample.
2. Pour this mixture into a test tube of equal volumes of distilled water.
3. If lipids are present, a white emulsion is formed on the surface of the mixture.
4. This is called the emulsion test.

Sources of error
Colour change of Benedict’s test and Biuret test may be subtle and difficult to judge if the
concentration of the tested molecule is low.

Safety precautions
Tie hair back and wear safety goggles when performing the experiment and be careful when using
a Bunsen burner and hot water bath.
Handle Biuret solution with care as it contains copper sulphate (poisonous) and sodium hydroxide,
(corrosive). Wash immediately if it is spilt on your skin and wipe away any spills to surfaces.
Keep ethanol solution away from flames as ethanol is highly flammable.

Edexcel Biology IGCSE

2.12: Enzymes and Temperature

Practical notes

Effect of temperature on enzyme activity

Investigate the effect of changes in temperature on amylase activity, measured by the rate of
disappearance of substrate (starch).

Amylase catalyses the reaction below:

Starch → Maltose

● test tubes
● a test tube rack
● water baths (electrical or Bunsen burners and beakers)
● spotting tiles
● a 5 cm​3​ measuring cylinder
● syringes or 10 cm​3​ measuring cylinders
● a glass rod
● a stopwatch
● starch solution
● amylase solution
● buffered solutions
● iodine solution
● thermometer

1. On a tile, label each well with the time (from 0 onwards) and add a drop of iodine solution to
each well.
2. Prepare a range of temperatures of water baths (from 20 to 60​°C​) at fixed 10​°C​ ​intervals.
3. Transfer 3 cm​3​ of amylase into a labelled test tube and place in a water bath.
4. Transfer 3 cm​3​ of starch solution into a labelled test tube and place in the same water bath.
5. Allow time (a few minutes) for the temperature to equilibrate, then mix the 2 solutions
together by stirring with a glass rod and start timing immediately.
6. Use the glass rod to transfer a drop of the mixture to the well labelled ‘0’ on the tile.
7. Repeat step 6 every minute, rinsing the glass rod in between every test, until the iodine
solution remains brown and does not turn blue-black.
8. Record results in a table as seen below.
9. Calculate the rate of enzyme reaction by using 1/ time taken for iodine solution to remain
10. Repeat steps 2-8 for other temperatures of water baths.
11. Plot a graph of the rate of enzyme reaction against temperature.

Temperature Time taken for amylase to Rate of reaction / s​-1
completely break down all the
starch / s

Controlled variables
● pH
● Volume and concentration of amylase solution
● Volume and concentration of starch solution
● Time interval between testing

Sources of error
The intervals between testing samples may be too long to accurately measure the time taken for
the starch to be completely broken down.

Potential Hazards
Be careful using hot water.
If using a Bunsen burner tie long hair back and wear goggles.
Wear safety goggles when using iodine solution, amylase solution and hot water.

Edexcel Biology IGCSE

2.14B: Enzymes and pH

Practical notes

Effect of pH on enzyme activity

Investigate the effect of changes in pH on amylase activity, measured by the rate of disappearance
of substrate (starch).

Amylase catalyses the reaction below:

Starch → Maltose

● test tubes
● a test tube rack
● water baths (electrical or Bunsen burners and beakers)
● spotting tiles
● a 5 cm​3​ measuring cylinder
● syringes or 10 cm​3​ measuring cylinders
● a glass rod
● a stopwatch
● starch solution
● amylase solution
● buffered solutions
● iodine solution
● thermometer

Method for pH
1. On a tile, label each well with the time (from 0 onwards) and add a drop of iodine solution to
each well.
2. Add 2 cm​3​ of each buffer solution (ranging from pH 3.0 to 7.0) into each labelled test tube.
3. Immerse the starch solution, amylase solution, and the test tubes of buffer solution in a
water bath at 25​°C.
4. Allow a few minutes for the temperature to equilibrate.
5. Use a syringe to add 2 cm​3​ of amylase into a test tube of buffer solution.
6. Use a syringe to add 2 cm​3​ of starch into the same test tube and start timing immediately.
7. Use the glass rod to transfer a drop of the mixture to the well labelled ‘0’ on the tile.
8. Repeat step 6 every minute, rinsing the glass rod in between every test, until the iodine
solution remains brown and does not turn blue-black.
9. Calculate the rate of enzyme reaction by using 1/ time taken for iodine solution to remain
10. Repeat steps 2-8 for buffer solutions with different pH values.
11. Plot a graph of the rate of enzyme reaction against pH.

pH Time taken for amylase to Rate of reaction / s​-1
completely break down all the
starch / s

Sources of error
The intervals between testing samples may be too long to accurately measure the time taken for
the starch to be completely broken down.

Potential Hazards
Be careful using hot water.
If using a Bunsen burner tie long hair back and wear goggles.
Wear safety goggles when using iodine solution, amylase solution and hot water.

Edexcel Biology IGCSE

2.17: Diffusion and Osmosis

Practical notes

Diffusion and Osmosis

Investigate diffusion and osmosis using living and non-living systems.

Equipment for living system

● Plant tissue eg. potato
● A cork borer
● A ruler
● A measuring cylinder
● Labels
● Boiling tubes
● A test tube rack
● Paper towels
● A sharp knife
● A while tile
● A range of salt or sugar solutions
● Distilled water
● A top-pan balance

Method for osmosis in a living system

1. Use a cork borer to cut 5 potato cylinders.
2. Trim the cylinders using a sharp knife and a ruler to the same length (about 3 cm).
3. Accurately measure and record the mass of each cylinder.
4. Measure 10 cm​3​ of the 1.0M sugar solution and transfer to the first boiling tube and label.
5. Repeat step 4 for other concentrations of the solution and distilled water.
6. Add one potato cylinder (of known mass) to each boiling tube.
7. Prepare a table as seen below.
8. Add one potato cylinder to each boiling tube, making sure the mass of each cylinder is
9. Leave the cylinders in the boiling tubes for at least 15 minutes in a test tube rack.
10. Remove the cylinders from the boiling tubes and dry them carefully by blotting with paper
11. Measure the mass of each cylinder and record your measurements in the table. Calculate
the percentage changes for each cylinder.
12. Plot a graph of change in mass (in g) against the concentration of sugar solution. Find the
x-intercept to determine the concentration of sugar solution that is isotonic to the potato

Sources of error
Discs from different parts of the potato may have different water potentials.
The differences in the surface area of the discs may lead to different rates of osmosis.

1.0 M sugar 0.75 sugar 0.5 M sugar 0.25 M sugar Distilled

solution solution solution solution water

Initial mass (g)

Final mass in

Change in
mass in (g)

Safety precautions
Take care when handling cork borer and sharp knife.

Equipment for non-living system

● Beaker
● Visking tubing
● Capillary tube
● Sucrose solution
● Water
● Marker
● String

Method for osmosis in a non-living system

1. Tie one end of a visking tube with a piece of string.
2. Pour some solution into the visking tube.
3. Insert a capillary tube into one end of the visking tubing. Close the other end of the visking
tubing by tying with another piece of string.
4. Use a marker to mark the initial water level in the visking tubing.
5. Use a stand and clamp or other means to fix the position of the capillary tube, and immerse
the visking tubing in a beaker of distilled water.
6. Leave for 15 minutes.
7. Note the difference in water level in the capillary.

Equipment for diffusion in a non-living system
● Water
● Beaker
● Potassium permanganate crystals

1. Place a few potassium permanganate crystals in a beaker of water.
2. Note the colour of the water after a period of time eg. 15 minutes.
3. Note the colour of the water after a longer period of time eg. 1 hour.

Potassium permanganate molecules diffuse from a region of high concentration (crystal) to a
region of low concentration (surrounding water).
After a short period of time, the molecules are still diffusing throughout the surrounding water and
is not equally distributed so the colour is not uniform.
The molecules will diffuse throughout the water until it reaches equilibrium, hence, over time, the
colour of the water will be a uniform pale purple.

Potential hazards

Potassium permanganate is:

● a powerful oxidising agent
● harmful if swallowed
● very toxic to aquatic life with long-lasting effects.
● Stains the hands and clothing

Edexcel Biology IGCSE

2.23: Photosynthesis
Practical notes


Investigate photosynthesis, showing the evolution of oxygen from a water plant, the production of
starch and the requirements of A. light, B. carbon dioxide and C. chlorophyll.

● a boiling tube
● freshly cut 10 cm piece of pondweed
● a light source
● a ruler
● a test tube rack
● a stopwatch
● a range of concentrations of dilute solutions of sodium hydrogen carbonate (including 0.2%)
● a glass rod
● White tile
● Iodine solution (dilute)

Method for A

1. Place a test tube rack containing a boiling tube 10 cm away from the light source,
measured using the ruler.
2. Fill the boiling tube with a fixed volume of 0.2% sodium hydrogen carbonate solution.
3. Place the cut pondweed into the boiling tube with the cut end at the top. Gently push the
pondweed down with the glass rod.
4. Leave the boiling tube to rest for 5 minutes.
5. Start the stopwatch and count the number of bubbles produced in one minute.
6. For each light intensity/distance, repeat the count twice more and take a mean.
7. Record in a table as seen below.
8. Repeat steps 1-7 for 3 more distances (20, 30, 40 cm) of the boiling tube from the light
9. Plot a graph of the rate of photosynthesis (given by the no. of bubbles) against light
intensity (using the inverse square law, light intensity ​∝​ ​1/distance​2​ between pondweed
and light source).

Controlled variables
● Species of pondweed
● Temperature
● Volume and concentration of hydrogen carbonate solution
● Time for counting bubbles

Method for B
1. Place a test tube rack containing a boiling tube 10 cm away from the light source,
measured using the ruler.
2. Fill the boiling tube with a fixed volume of 0.2% sodium hydrogen carbonate solution.
3. Place the cut pondweed into the boiling tube with the cut end at the top. Gently push the
pondweed down with the glass rod.
4. Leave the boiling tube to rest for 5 minutes.
5. Start the stopwatch and count the number of bubbles produced in one minute.
6. For each sodium hydrogen carbonate concentration, repeat the count twice more and take
a mean.
7. Record in a table as seen below.
8. Repeat steps 1-7 for 3 more concentrations of sodium hydrogencarbonate solution.
9. Plot a graph of the rate of photosynthesis (given by the no. of bubbles) against sodium
hydrogen carbonate concentration.

Controlled variables
● Species of pondweed
● Temperature
● Volume of hydrogen carbonate solution
● Light intensity
● Time for counting bubbles

Distance between Number of bubbles per minute

pondweed and light
1 2 3 Mean
source in cm / Sodium
hydrogen carbonate
concentration / Presence
of chlorophyll

Method for C
1. Use a variegated leaf (with green parts and white parts).
2. Immerse the leaf in boiling water for 30 seconds.
3. Carefully spread onto a white tile so the colour change can be accurately seen.
4. Use a dropping pipette to add iodine solution to the leaf.
5. The green parts of the leaf should turn blue-black due to the presence of starch the white
areas should not.

Potential Hazards
Be careful with boiling water and iodine solution. Wear eye protection.
There is a potential allergy risk from the pondweed.
Lamp may get hot.
Be careful to keep water away from electrical power outlets and wiring.

Edexcel Biology IGCSE

2.33B: Energy Content of Food

Practical notes

Energy content of food

Investigate the energy content in a food sample.

● Boiling tube
● Water
● Needle
● Food sample (each should be the same mass)
● Bunsen burner
● Electronic balance
● Thermometer
● Measuring cylinder

1. Add 25 cm​3​ of water to a boiling tube, measured using a measuring cylinder.
2. Measure the initial temperature of the water and record it.
3. Weigh the food sample (to check the mass) and skewer it on the needle.
4. Light a Bunsen burner away from the boiling tube and light the food sample in the flame.
5. Place the burning food sample under the boiling tube. If it goes out, relight it and place it
back under the boiling tube until it will not relight.
6. Record the final temperature of the water.
7. Calculate the energy content of the food using the formula:
energy (J) = mass of water (g) x temperature change (°C) x 4.2 (J °C​-1​ g​-1​)
[where 4.2 is the specific heat capacity of the water]

Sources of error
● Heat loss to surroundings and incomplete combustion of the food sample are not accounted
● Mistakes in measuring the volume of water.
● Angle of tilted boiling tube not consistent.

Potential Hazards
● Tie long hair back and wear goggles
● Be careful when using needle
● The heated water may become a hazard

Edexcel Biology IGCSE

2.39: Respiring Seeds

Practical Notes

Respiring Seeds

Investigate the evolution of:
A. carbon dioxide
B. heat
from respiring seeds or other suitable living organisms.

Equipment for A
● 4 conical flasks
● Sodium hydroxide
● Hydrogencarbonate indicator
● Respiring seeds
● Delivery tubes
● Moist cotton

Method for A
1. Pour some sodium hydroxide solution into the first conical flask. This is connected to the
inlet pipe that allows the inflow of air, and remove carbon dioxide from the air.
2. Pour some hydrogencarbonate indicator into the second conical flask. This is connected to
the first conical flask with a delivery tube.
3. Place the respiring seeds in the third conical flask on some moist cotton wool. This is
connected to the second conical flask.
4. Pour some hydrogencarbonate indicator into the fourth conical flask. This is connected to
the third conical flask, and also the outlet pipe that allows the outflow of air.
5. Note the colour of the hydrogencarbonate indicator in flask 2 and 4 after some time eg. 30
minutes. Compare the colour to a colour standard to find the carbon dioxide content of the
1) the air supplied to the respiring seeds and 2) the air released after being used by the
respiring seeds.

Equipment for B
● Thermometer
● Respiring seeds
● Boiled seeds
● Moist cotton
● Thermoflasks

Method for B
1. Set up 2 thermoflasks.
2. Place respiring seeds with moist cotton wool in one thermoflask.
3. Placed boiled seeds with moist cotton wool in the other to act as a control.
4. Use a thermometer to measure and record the initial temperature.
5. After a fixed number of days, measure and record the final temperature. Calculate the
temperature difference.

Controlled variables
● Number of days
● Number of seeds

Sources of error
The thermometers used may have different sensitivities to temperature change.

Potential Hazards
Be careful with sodium hydroxide solution - wear goggles and wash immediately the solution
comes into contact with skin.

Edexcel Biology IGCSE

2.45B: Gas Exchange in Plants

Practical notes

Gas Exchange in Plants

Investigate the effect of light on net gas exchange (given by the carbon dioxide production) from a
leaf, using hydrogen-carbonate indicator.

● a boiling tube
● pondweed
● a light source
● a ruler
● a test tube rack
● a stopwatch
● a glass rod
● measuring cylinder
● bicarbonate indicator solution
● bicarbonate indicator colour standard chart

1.​ ​Place a test tube rack containing a boiling tube 10 cm away from the light source, measured
using the ruler.
2. Fill the boiling tube with a fixed volume of bicarbonate indicator.
3. Place the cut pondweed into the boiling tube with the cut end at the top. Gently push the
pondweed down with the glass rod.
4.​ ​Record the initial colour and pH (using the colour standard) of the solution and start timing.
5. After 30 minutes, record the final colour and pH (using the colour standard) of the solution.
6. Repeat steps 1-5 for 3 more distances (20, 30, 40 cm) of the boiling tube from the light source.

Controlled variables
● Volume of hydrogen carbonate indicator
● Species of pondweed
● Time
● Temperature

Distance between Final Colour Final pH

pondweed and light source
in cm

Potential Hazards
The light source may get hot.
Keep water away from electrical outlets and wiring.

Edexcel Biology IGCSE

2.50: Breathing in Humans

Practical Notes

Breathing in Humans

Investigate breathing in humans, including A. the release of carbon dioxide and B. the effect of

Equipment for A
● Limewater
● Straw
● Boiling tube

Method for A
1. Pour some lime water into a boiling tube.
2. Using a straw, breathe air into the lime water.
3. Note the change in the limewater. Lime water turning cloudy indicates the presence of
carbon dioxide.

Equipment for A
● Stopwatch

Method for B
1. Measure and record the breathing rate (number of breaths per minute) of the participant at
2. Carry out a specific exercise (eg. running/jumping) for a fixed period of time eg.1 minute.
3. Measure the breathing rate of the participant again.

Potential Hazards
● Wear eye protection when using limewater.
● Be careful not to ingest the limewater.
● Ensure that the participant is healthy enough to partake in exercise for ‘Method B’.

Edexcel Biology IGCSE

2.58B: Transpiration
Practical notes


Investigate the role of environmental factors (temperature, humidity, wind speed, light intensity) in
determining the rate of transpiration from a leafy shoot.

● Potometer
● Leafy shoot
● Plastic bag
● Fan
● Water bath
● Lamp

1. Set up a potometer.
2. Cut the leafy shoot underwater to prevent air bubbles from entering the vascular tissues
and insert into the potometer.
3. Use vaseline to seal gaps in the potometer to make sure it is airtight.
4. Set up the necessary environmental factors
- Temperature: use a temperature-controlled room or immerse potometer in a
thermostatically controlled water bath.
- Humidity: Wrap the shoot in a plastic bag with varying degrees of vapour.
- Wind speed: Set up a fan with different speeds.
- Light intensity: Set up a lamp at different distances from the shoot.
5. Allow time for the apparatus to equilibrate.
6. Record the starting position of the air bubble in the capillary tube.
7. Leave the apparatus for 1 hour.
8. Record the final position of the air bubble and calculate the distance moved, calculate the
volume of water absorbed by the plant in the period of time.
9. Repeat steps 1-8, changing the factor at fixed intervals.
10. Plot a graph of the ‘factor’ (x- axis) against the volume of water taken up by the plant in 1
hour (y-axis).

Sources of error
● The plant is dying when the stem is cut, water uptake is different from normal.
● Not all of the water taken up is transpired, some is used for photosynthesis and to maintain
cell turgidity.
● When changing light intensity, temperature may also change which will affect the results.

Potential Hazards
Be careful when cutting the leafy shoot underwater.
Keep water away from electrical power outlets and wiring.

Edexcel Biology IGCSE

3.5: Germination
Practical notes


Investigate the conditions - water, oxygen, warm temperature - needed for seed germination.

Subtitle 2
● 4 boiling tubes
● Cress seeds
● Cotton wool
● Incubator
● Fridge

1. Set up 4 boiling tubes as per the instructions below:
- A: dry cotton wool
- B: moist cotton wool
- C: boiled and cooled water with a layer of oil on top
- D: moist cotton wool
2. Place 10 cress seeds in each boiling tube.
3. Place A, B, and C in an incubator, and place D in a fridge.
4. Leave for a week to allow the seeds to germinate.
5. Count the number of seeds in each boiling tube that have germinated. Record in a table as
seen below and compare results.

Controlled variables
● Species of seeds
● Number of seeds
● Time left for germination

Test tube Factor missing Number of seeds germinated

A Lack of water

B Control (all factors present)

C Oxygen

D Warm temperature

Edexcel Biology IGCSE

4.2 Estimating Population Size

Practical notes

Estimating population size

Investigate the population size of an organism in two different areas using quadrats.

● Frame quadrat (25 cm by 25 cm)
● Tape measures
● Clipboard
● Pen
● Paper

1. Use a random number generator to obtain 2 numbers, which are to be used as coordinates
to find a location on the 2 tape measures set up.
2. Set down the quadrat at the coordinates.
3. Identify the required plant species in the quadrat. Count and record the number of
individuals of the species in the quadrat.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 to take 9 more samples.
5. Estimate the population size using this formula:
( total area / area of quadrat) x mean number of individuals counted per quadrat
6. Repeat the procedure in another size and compare the population size of the organism in
the 2 sites.

​Controlled variables
● Size of quadrat
● Number of quadrats at each site
● Coordinate system
● Method of counting

Potential Hazards
Potential allergies, cuts and stings.
Wash hands thoroughly after the experiment.
Wearing gloves may be necessary for those with allergies.

Edexcel Biology IGCSE

4.4B: Distribution and Biodiversity

Practical notes

Field investigation

A. Investigate the distribution of organisms in their habitats (using the continuous sampling
method of belt transect).
B. Measure biodiversity using quadrats (using random sampling).

● Frame quadrat (25 cm by 25 cm)
● Tape measures
● Clipboard
● Pen
● Paper

Method for part A

1. Write down a hypothesis of the effect of a change in an abiotic factor (eg. light intensity) on
the distribution of the plant species.
2. Lay down a tape measure from the base of a tree to an open area of ground (ecological
gradient of shaded to unshaded area).
3. Place the quadrat along the ‘0’ end of the tape measure, with one corner touching the ‘0’
4. Count the number of plants and record it in a table as seen below.
5. Place the quadrat 5 m up the tape measure and repeat step 3.
6. Repeat step 4 at 5 m intervals until you reach the end of the transect line.
7. Gather data from your class to find the mean number of plants at each point along the
8. Plot a graph of ‘number of plants’ against the ecological gradient that is observed as the
distance along the transect line increases. Compare your results to your hypothesis.

Distance along the Number of plants Light intensity

transect line in m

Method for part B

1. Use a random number generator to obtain 2 numbers, which are to be used as coordinates
to find a location on the 2 tape measures set up in one site.
2. Set down the quadrat at the coordinates.
3. Identify different plant species found in the quadrat. Count and record the number of
individuals of each species in the quadrat.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 to take 9 more samples.
5. Estimate the population size of the different species using this formula:
total area / area sampled x total number of individuals of each species counted

6. Repeat the procedure in another site and compare the results (number of different species
and abundance of each species) to determine the differing degrees of biodiversity.

Sources of error
Without repetitions, the results from only one transect line may be anomalous and not reliable.

Risk assessment
Potential hazards from allergies, cuts and stings.
Wash hands thoroughly after the experiment.
Wearing gloves may be necessary for those with allergies.

Edexcel Biology IGCSE

5.6: Anaerobic Respiration

Practical notes

Anaerobic Respiration

Investigate the role of anaerobic respiration by yeast in different conditions by counting the number
of CO​2​ bubbles produced in 1 minute.

● Boiling tube
● Test tube
● Yeast
● Sugar solution
● Oil
● Limewater
● Water + beaker + bunsen burner / thermostatically controlled water bath
● Thermometer
● Delivery tube
● Electronic balance

1. Measure a fixed volume of sugar solution and add to the boiling tube.
2. Place the boiling tube into a water bath for 5 minutes.
3. Weigh a fixed mass of yeast and add to the boiling tube.
4. Add a small quantity of oil to cover the top of the solution to prevent air from entering the
5. Use a delivery tube and a bung to connect the boiling tube to another test tube half-filled
with limewater. Start timing immediately.
6. Count the number of bubbles produced in 1 minute and record in a table as seen below.
7. Repeat steps 1-6 twice and take a mean number of bubbles.
8. Repeat steps 1-7 at a range of different water bath temperatures.

Number of bubbles observed in 1 minutes

Temperature 1 2 3 Mean number of


Controlled variables
● Mass of yeast
● Volume and concentration of sugar solution
● Time for timing

Sources of error
Bubbles may form too quickly to be counted accurately.
If the water bath is too hot it will kill the yeast.

Potential Hazards
Wear goggles when using lime water and a Bunsen burner.
Tie long hair back when using a Bunsen burner.


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