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, a ENT OF SHE PUNIAD | ; FINANCE. “DEDAC THEME ; fo, ‘ ae oe Pated.Lahore, the Ist December ,02 ‘ i From | : f Se . p “oo! Mei Munarimaa Hani #: Mari : \f Addae 'Pinance Secreta ytiixp), ‘ : oY Government “of the Punjab, ? 7 Finance Department, Lahote, > [yma Apt : AW WEM To “ . — 1) AlL Adminlatrative Secretaries to Government +” of the Punjab; 2) All Meads of Atiachea Departrents in the Punjab; * 3) "All Commissioners’ of Divisions in’ tne Punjab; 4) $24 Deputy Commissioners and District!& Sestions Judges" in’ the Punjab; ; 5) The Registrar, Lahore High Court, Lahore; { * 16) Te Secretary, Provincial Assenbly, Punjab, Lahore} 7) The Secretary, Punjab Public Service Connise toy . Lahore; and 8) The Secretary to Governor of the Punjab, Lahore, SUB; AMENQMENT IN TE PUNJAB CIVIL SERVANTS PAY’ REVISTON RULES, 1977, a _: : Sab : 2 ay : ; " "0" | Tam directed to retet ts this Department's: notification benefit of one advarce of even number dated 10,4,1992 under. which inerenent, bn promotion has been allowed to certain cater arin by amending: Rule’ 10(2) of Civil Servants Pay Revision Rules, 1977, A question has“arisen whether Grant of ‘this advance inctement would @ffect the normal date of increment or not, It is herby clarified that grant of this advance increment will. not qgffect the normal increment which will continue to be admissible on the due date, A'separate amendment inthe relevant rule to this effect willbe issued in due course, (0A2~AHMAD’ BHATT) UNDER SECRETARY (pC YO,& DATE Evin q Copy 45 forwarded: for. information & necessary action, tc « The Ac ountant General, Punjab, Lahore, + All the District Accounts Opcicers in thePunyad, \\ 7A) . . (AZ NAIIMAD DUA) a UNDER SiC UEEARY: (PG) . ‘ i

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