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STATE taken from latin STARE, a state is a political community that occupies a define territory.

Five Features of a State:

1. It is sovereign.
2. 2.its institution are public.
3. It is an exercise of legitimation.
4. It is an instrument of domination.
5. It is a territorial association.

Four elements of state:

1. Sovereignty
2. Government
3. Territory
4. People

SOVEREIGNTY refers to both jurisdication and independence.

GOVERNMENT the system of people, laws, and officials that define and control country.

TERRITORY includes theland, sea and airspace the state exercises jurisdication on.

PEOPLE the organization of human beings.

Types of State:

1. Effective
2. Weak
3. Failed

ARISTOTLE a good citizen makes a good state.

Aristotle Six Types of Governments:

Who Governs? How many? Positive Forms Negative Forms

One Monarchy Tyranny

Two Aristocracy Obligarchy

Three Polity Democracy

NATION is a group of bound together by commonalities in language, history, traditions, and religion.

GLOBALIZATION the pocess by which people and goods move easily across borders.


1.Economic globalization 3. Political Globalization

2.Cultural Globalization

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