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Topic: Drug use and sedentary lifestyle

Name: Elena Anahí Suntaxi Chanataxi

Grade: 2do B.G.U “C”

Teacher: Rocio Hidalgo

School year: 2022-2023

Conocoto 26-03-2023
General objective

• To analyze the negative factors of drug use and a sedentary lifestyle in

young people, and their impact on mental and physical health, in order to
raise awareness of the importance of adopting healthy lifestyles and
preventing health problems related to these behaviors.

Specific objectives

• To identify the negative effects of drug use and a sedentary lifestyle on the
mental health of young people, such as the appearance of anxiety
disorders, depression, stress and other psychological problems, and their
impact on the quality of life of young people.
• To show young people about the negative effects of drug use and a
sedentary lifestyle on their mental and physical health, through the
dissemination of clear and concise information, which effectively shows
the consequences of these behaviors on their quality of life and their
future, in order to motivate them to adopt healthy lifestyles.

Substance use among young people and adolescents represents a major health
problem associated with serious injuries and accidents, disability, substance use
disorders, and other psychiatric disorders, suicidal ideation and behavior,
behaviors risky sex, among others. It is a public health problem that has
increased considerably in recent years.

Several factors can contribute to drug use and abuse among adolescents. First-
time use often occurs in social settings where substances are readily available,
such as alcohol and cigarettes.

Continued use may be due to insecurities or a desire for social acceptance.

Teens can feel indestructible and not consider the consequences of their actions,
leading them to take dangerous risks with drugs. The family environment, that is,
the relationship between parents and children, the parenting styles, beliefs and
myths, conflicts, among other factors, apparently can determine the tendency to
certain adolescent or juvenile risk factors; or on the contrary, they can contribute
to the psychological, emotional, behavioral empowerment and development of a
good quality of parental bonds and of the family system.

Consequences of drug abuse in adolescents.

The negative consequences of drug abuse in adolescents can include:

Drug addiction: Teens who abuse drugs are at greater risk of using drugs later
in life.

Lack of criteria. Drug use in adolescence is associated with poor judgment in

social and personal interactions.

Mental health disorders. Drug use can complicate or increase the risk of mental
health disorders, such as depression and anxiety.

Changes in school performance. Substance use can result in decreased

academic performance.
The effects of drugs on health

Drug use can lead to drug addiction, severe impairment, disease, and death. The
health risks of commonly used drugs include the following:

Cocaine: Risk of heart attack, stroke and seizures.

Ecstasy: Risk of liver failure and heart failure.

Inhalants: Risk of damage to the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys after prolonged

Marijuana: Risk of impaired memory, learning, problem solving, and

concentration; risk of psychosis, such as schizophrenia, hallucinations, or
paranoia, later in life associated with early and frequent use.

Methamphetamine: Risk of psychotic behaviors after long-term or high-dose


Opioids: Risk of respiratory distress or death from overdose.

Electronic Cigarettes (Vape): Exposure to harmful substances similar to the

exposure that occurs from cigarette smoking; risk of nicotine dependence.

How to avoid drug use?

To avoid drug use, it is important to educate yourself about the negative effects
they have on physical and mental health, the legal and social consequences, and
the risks of addiction. It's also essential to develop resilience skills and set healthy
boundaries, such as avoiding situations and people that expose you to drugs.
Seeking support from friends and family who don't use drugs, and from health
professionals, if necessary, can be beneficial. In addition, living a healthy lifestyle
eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep can help
reduce the temptation to use drugs and encourage a healthy, addiction-free life.
Sedentary lifestyle

Sedentary lifestyle is one of the biggest contributors to the development of

Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases (CNCDs) such as type 2 diabetes, illnesses
cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, some types of cancer and obesity,
therefore, it is a factor clearly related to a lower quality of life and an increase in

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a large proportion of people

worldwide are in at risk of suffering from some type of chronic disease; as result
of the decrease in energy expenditure and consequently increase in body fat,
product of sedentary behaviors and lack of physical activity. Adolescents are a
risk group because, on the one hand, they have significantly increased physical
inactivity and behaviors sedentary, as a result of the indiscriminate use of new
technologies, particularly television, Internet, among others. Various
investigations have established those sedentary behaviors and the lack of
physical activity of adolescents are partly determined due to family factors.
Attention has been directed mainly on assessing the influence of family structure
on behavior of adolescents. It has been reported that adolescents belonging to
Single-parent families watch more TV than those who live with both parents.

How does a sedentary lifestyle affect your body?

When you have an inactive lifestyle:

• Burn fewer calories. This makes you more likely to gain weight.
• You may lose muscle mass and stamina, because you don't use your
muscles as much
• Bones become weak and lose some of their mineral content
• Your metabolism may be affected and your body may have more trouble
synthesizing fats and sugars.
• Your immune system may not work as well
• You may have poor blood circulation
• Your body may have more inflammation
• You may develop a hormonal imbalance
What are the health risks of a sedentary lifestyle?

• An inactive lifestyle can be a cause of many chronic diseases. By not

exercising regularly, you increase your risk of:
• Obesity
• Heart disease, including coronary heart disease and heart attack
• High blood pressure
• High cholesterol
• stroke
• Metabolic syndrome
• Type 2 diabetes
• Certain types of cancer, including colon, breast, and uterine cancers
• Osteoporosis and falls
• Increased feelings of depression and anxiety
• Having an inactive lifestyle can also increase your risk of early death. And
the more sedentary you are, the greater the risk to your health.

How to avoid sedentary lifestyle?

To avoid a sedentary lifestyle, it is important to establish a routine of regular

physical activity. This can include walking, running, swimming, yoga, playing
sports, or other activities you enjoy. It is advisable to start with a light exercise
routine and gradually increase the intensity and duration. It's also important to
make changes to your daily routine, such as taking the stairs instead of the
elevator or walking instead of driving short commutes. In addition, it is necessary
to avoid sitting or lying down for long periods of time, getting up and moving
regularly. A healthy, balanced diet can also help increase energy and reduce
fatigue, which can motivate you to maintain a regular physical activity routine.

• It can be concluded that it is a dangerous practice that has detrimental

effects on physical and mental health, as well as causing legal and social
problems. Preventing drug use is critical to maintaining a healthy,
addiction-free life, and can be achieved through education, developing
resilience skills, setting healthy boundaries, and seeking support.
• In conclusion, leading a sedentary lifestyle can have negative effects on
physical and mental health, such as weight gain, cardiovascular disease,
anxiety, and depression.


• With regard to drug use, it is recommended to avoid situations and people

that may expose drug use, which can be useful to prevent the temptation
to consume them. It is also important to set healthy boundaries.
• When it comes to a sedentary lifestyle, it is recommended to do physical
activity in a fun way, it can help to maintain motivation and reduce the
feeling of boredom.

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