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Date: March 21, 2023
Course and Year: EDFD 304
Professor: Prof. Eman Lachica
Date Assigned: March 18, 2023, 7:00 AM
Submission Date: March 21 2023, 3:00 PM
Type of Activity: Asynchronous Activity 2


James H. McMillan's article, Establishing High Quality Classroom Assessments, was instructive
for us as education students. It highlights the fact that learning must come before testing.
Assessments that measure learning and aptitude and pinpoint strengths and weaknesses are
beneficial for all students. High-quality assessments provide reliable and valid data to inform all users and
stakeholders, including teachers and parents, about how well students have learned and what further
instruction is needed. They are also key indicators in state accountability systems that hold all school
leaders accountable for equity through transparent reporting.
Assessments that measure learning and aptitude and pinpoint strengths and weaknesses are
beneficial for all students. All users and stakeholders, including teachers and parents, can understand
through high-quality assessments how effectively children have mastered new material and what more
teaching is required. They serve as important markers in state accountability frameworks that use open
reporting to hold all school administrators accountable for equity.
Teachers require strong assessment tools in order to exploit assessment data, or the insights
students leave behind about their learning after taking a test. Only if the assessment instruments (tests)
and items (questions) are of high quality in terms of both content and construction will the data be
relevant. If the assessment tool is badly made, the student data will be erroneous, and teachers'
perceptions of what kids already know and still need to learn will be off.
Make sure the system is giving teachers information to support successful instruction when
selecting an interim and formative assessment system. Measure your system against these 5 essential
characteristics of efficient assessment content as a straightforward foundation for assessment evaluation.
Flexibility, Validity, Reliability, Variety and Insight.

In general, the content provides that a high-quality assessment produces accurate information
about student achievements and it will be used effectively to increase students learning. The users of
assessment/ achievement are teachers, students and parents.

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