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CHEMICAL CONTROL OF MICROBIAL GROWTH Diana Verano S.Mierebiology DEFINITION OF TERMS ++ Preservation: prevention of mutpication of misroerganismsin formulated products, nclusng pharmaceutea's and foods + Aniboes: Naturally occuring or sythetic organic compounds ‘which nit cr deste solecive bacteria, ganraiy at ow + Sporiia: agent hat can ils fungal spores '» Vinelda: agent that estoys viruses ‘uses are not considered calls and are no ava capable of reproduction oly when mse a host Outside hos eprosuction is not possible EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS + Biocies (could be bacteriostatic or bactericidal) ‘bactorioidal.Both terms are acceptable Biocides coud be used as + Disinfectant © antiseptic © Storiant: example: etytene oxide gas fr rubber gloves) © (sterlant ~ agent fr steriization) + Some bioeides ae classified under Chemotherapeutic agents ike antbiotes PRESERVATION OF FOODS BY OSMOTIC PRESSURE + greg te -onan mensamnens bse mein © Syztingor an of ug oa cl ces chara {thats ahiperoneenerment nurs wae flee cal + Carte pressure inusadin eo presen « Wer ay macnn gata eer nt MODES OF ACTION OF CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS 1 Damage to DWAty DNATeactne chai + Aga ges tat eae ovary ‘ene Gute Tyme ar Coane « Dhkinsone a iby ning wth NA Repeson 2 Pron Geran + cenawatondsnpion ote ety sree pttons casing ‘toberon ietona 3Diugn of Cot wa Cot Herbene * Moroes nrmauncon fel ca ior te ca © Laon apr ta esis al wl Four ina sae © Ponetinpreveis aml at nal yh ransppcson, ing oe a MODES OF ACTION OF CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS |4Removal ot fee Sul groups © Many enzymes and coenzymes have shy oroups losin agents snd hay meals 0 wesprend famage + Oxdzng agents intrtre wth uttysy roup. yng uP neigtoag suns wih dude nkages RSHHER —>RESR SH Sulhydyl cups ants a ea ea to Dost Re [i as 4 MICROORGANISMS THAT GROW IN SOME DISINFECTANTS AND ANTISEPTICS + gomoogatie, sete hut edhe bata gous it Ernonespc: meone egies) eaps-onquredjause bona itsons eps, eecetes ad ‘Mong oo peope wit wearer Sem MODES OF ACTION OF CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS ‘5 Chemie! antago: ‘+ Chemtl antagaisnererence of chemi agent between enzyne sods citrate ‘Antagonist act by 2.Combing wit mie ions of eyes ‘+ mineralions acs as brge tween enzyme and cosy, oF ‘eye iP supsate «© Example: carbon monoxide ae eynie ining to tenn here cortamingeraye, proven uncon respraton| «Enzymes wil rd to analogs neta MICROORGANISMS THAT GROW IN SOME DISINFECTANTS AND ANTISEPTICS Facts abot Member of Gans Pesomonae + Has Leng Asean » Proce lage number of nzyescapate of etatoling varous ‘states Example peste oe boken sou ar aided sa 1 Produ ucpunp syste th eet arts ene call beter hay fncien + Otnersustates fe pseusorona soap eioesquatamary _anmrium compeundsanspts) +» Cangrowatrergratrorpertre, cause fod splage MICROBIAL CHARACTERISTICS AND CHEMICAL MICROBIAL CONTROL + Many biocides works more effective against gram peste bacteria than gram-negative bacteria Resistance to biocides by Gram-negative bacteria thu is cell wall ‘components: + LPS (ipoposaceharide layer) + porns in outer membrane “+ Membars of Genera Pseucomanas and Burkholderia grow in some disinfectants ang antiseptes MICROORGANISMS THAT GROW IN SOME, DISINFECTANTS AND ANTISEPTICS Facts about Members of Genus Burhldena + Burkholderia cepecia was formety Known is Pseudomonas cepacia, ‘Burolderias now entifed a a separate Genus Vom Pseusomonas © gram-negative, aerobic ubiutous edaphic bacteria. grows in moist ondione/Edaphic means hing sl) + Capable of degrading 10 cterent organic molecules + Contaminants of equipments and drugs in hospitals. capable of growing in ‘ésinfecant, + Causes problems wih Cyste Floss patents (genet lng disease) HEIRARCHY OF RESISTANCE TO CHEMICAL BIOCIDES Most resistant Prions, Endospores of Bacilus and Ciostcium Mycobacteria| Cysts of protozoa (Eukaryotes) Vegetative protozoa (Gram-negative bacteria Fungi and fungal spores. Viruses without envelopes Geam-posiive bacteria Viruses with iid envelopes least resistant CHEMICAL CONTROL OF PRIONS (PROTEINACEOUS INFECTIOUS UNITS) + alte aman WHO (Wes Heat Cranston eeanmands ‘mre usec sfon af dun ntde are atetomng 138°C + Srpteng en ot Sosunyase hua acing a « Rosen opors aon of tas ess erng ston ot ‘Nigel otumentpesee beaks avn prose pans «Dacor reso o deposi nanan tes DISINFECTANTS «Faw chemicals achiave stenity © Most reduce microbial populations to safe lovels © No-single disinfectant is appropiate forall crcumstances “Tings o consider ‘concentration of chemical agent 2Nature of mateal tobe cisintocted 3.pH and temperature of mecium ‘4 Exposure Tme (gradual process) {Sometimes areas ae needed more time so dsnfectans wil eact to meroorganisme. © Tobe effective, disinfectants need to be left on surface ‘SUMMARY OF BIOCIDES Lalebals acter and fungicidal ‘Eyal athe abinecen, Boat spectum atinerbi eaten, preseaton see “eet bce inses fg hotspot ‘pts contain ot ose Ziapopamlor anbepisdsfecten, Sod spectrum atin ‘corpyt prewnatin satya set Bacar rae ong ‘ponecl ptm act concentration ot ‘SUMMARY OF BIOCIDES Tadehydes ‘.Guarldehyse Low. String enosepes and url temperoure equipeent infection, 2 concentration: prcal activity steritzaten, prsenation 2Fomaldehyde Low- Bacterial spor vinci temperate. infection af espa infection, struments nung respon therapy sterizaton, equiptment (resenaton Used by moras fr enbaling SUMMARY OF BIOCIDES biguanides ‘.Gloeridne antiepti,amiplaque oad spectrum activity ‘ctiiypresenaion, Dieta used in handwashing ‘inferton andor proces Bate Preservative pens ed in antsopticsoaps and hand res Lt ct aginst Psudemenesaeruginss and roids Ue dsinfctant and sap ne sn oto SUMMARY OF BIOCIDES © Agent ses ctivty/Appiction MBispenets “ion ———etsepisampaque toad spectrum ev ay ae Sheer Speroatie Pritert Lnmadorephene Desert acter Fresration eden o prescription oan Vialogen- releasing agent ‘.cilorne Disinfection, Chlorine gas: infection of wate fommounes __Asps”ChrineEompounes nection of ry {ri equiptment cating tens hotsehls ers an assares May act aioe (rcompanents of rpanic and organic edie Disinfection, sed fer kin and wound treatment taps” fective anteptc as tincture sacophor ay act lone (Or components of organic and rganic ‘VisHeavy Metal derivatives 1stver Preservation, Heavy metals in high amounts: biciat compounds Antbepsi “ser nivate slalom antsepte ‘Sliver ufadacine: bood specu acti binds to DNA, “mary Disinfection Heavy metals in high aunts bie Compote rood sect: bacerottie Seapper Preservation, 1tver nate solution: antiseptic compaunds ——rthepss Silver sulfadanib aoa specbum actiybings to DNA “A. Comprise Grd peru acter Cee ee aren ViLPeroxygens| ‘.Hyerogen Disinfection, Broad spectrum atv pernite Stellan veuesbactrayestiendopores Sporcial activity: (1020) bu longer contact tines For contaminated ste, deep wounds Effective past aye este and anaerober ror antsptc but gpd decane 22.0n0 Disinfection, Supplement fr clraton SPeacetic acid Dsinfection,Sterant Steniaton ae “i Phenols and ceies “Pena Disinfection rarely ue ritatng and agocable Prenton or Sie wd as a standard of compton Phenolics Disection Far eniormentl and Prearation sacs rtraents mucous menbanes cess Disnfectin, Pherle tom xt Fresration Good sitar aaernts ‘Ophenyghenc ven necro sel ‘xsutace ate presents Saeed Desecton Gand ering get cere Detiapss,” Leva se ceegen eee == =e ann {use anante —_Dlnfeton, Sng ny tend ecutment Santino Settee,” Har snr mute ar escent Preievaton Fe mcm merbes mane cre a te Xquatemary Antiseptic, for si, truer, ewan infecton tents aboor impound Baerga note SUMMARY OF BIOCIDES Eee Vapor phase For heat senstive medical devices sterilants ‘and surgical supplies ‘Lethylene one sterilization steriant Haat icrbes (4-18 hours) cquperent 2.Formaldehyde 3.Hyeroren| ernie “aporaceti acd ‘SUMMARY OF BIOCIDES (heen uses aeeeepietion XL.Chemical Toretard food spoilage preservatives ‘Ste doxide disinfection For wine ming 2Serbic acid, _presevation Prevent mol fom growing in potassium hee and soft nhs Serbate,sodium lowes feo ates rabere ae used a esate shampoos 2.caleam preservation Fungstatic on surface melts propionate proven oro of Solar. fn brea SUMMARY OF BIOCIDES | Agent Uses Activity/Apptication XL.Chemical reservatives “Sadun nate preservation Ades to mest products ie rane fam pocon fatogs suse Nie preserve fed er and prevent ‘germination of erdaspores of Bots ouanum nhs certain ron ataningenayes of anaerobes CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS. 1 Alohols cant ll endospores snd Nonenloped viuses Mode of action of sleohols + Protein densturaton and Disruption flips in membrane ‘Advantages of alco « Evapoates repiyleavng no residue © Disinfectants of thermometers and aherinstuments «© egering (swabbing of skin beer jection, therfore wiping aay of Disadvantage of alcohol «Unsatisfactory antsop in wounds «© Cause coaguiaton of a layer of protein bactra continuo to grow EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS ‘ Alohels Common used techat than + Recommended eptinun concentration 703% bu bec acy is whi: 60:54 conceriraton (100 80 minis) ‘Pure 100% emanates elective than aqueous solution { Aqunous: ehael sted with water © Denatuson auras wate Ethanol an sopropanet > Usoto enhance efectveness other chemical agents !soprpanol 9 sold ating seca © Signy superior to tnanckantsepe ar clenectant © Les yo Less expensive, Easily obtsined EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS ‘2.Nenyces: rong most eectv amir agent Examples + formaisenyse + Ghdarldenyte Mode of action of aldehyde: « Pron denaturation by inatvaton of proteins Formatdehyse gas “ Exoalen cenectnt formalin ‘s Aguscus sluion, 37% of formaldehyde gas + Used to preserve bilegcal specimens ractatebactoria and vtusosin (tutaraldehyde: chanical olatveofformaldahye + Less itatngymare eectve han farmaldehyd «+ Coneserd tesant EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS 2Alionydes (Cex 2% Gltaradetyce 1 Sporica: 2-10 hours «6 Tbercosial: kas Mycobacterium tuberculosis causative agent of Tuperesone «Replacement for gtaraldahyde, OPA © OPA: ertho-phthaaldehyde more fete against many mirobes and less erating 3 Bguanies: CChiothexdine © Prefered ue'skin and mucous membranes © Low toicty © Cambined with aloha or detergent use fr surgi! hand Serbs an preoperative skin preparation of patnts “6 Mypanactonia members re hgh resistant EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS ‘5 Halogon Releasing Agents » Effective antimicrobial agente Examples ‘A.Chlorine compounds {.Chlorine: as a gas or combination with other chemicals > Widely used as disinfectant CChorine + water = Hypochiorous acid (HOC) 6 Os HO SR H+ ces (HOC) = + Hoct Hr +oct Mode of action of hypochlorous acid: a strong oxidizing ‘agent prevents enzyme system to function EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS ‘3Biguanies: Mode of action of Biguanides : disruption of co membrane Avagard + Combination of Chorhexidnet ethanol + Waterless, scrubess presuigicalantsepte + Block enzyme for pid sythesis.ffects plasma membrane + Biocidal: vegetative bacteriatyeasts enveloped viruses + Doesnt work on endospores Miycobactra spp, and protozoan oysts « Persistent hours EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS Stoop Reng Ages add fomcl cones Chiesa fect f marie nd eects Sree ‘Nena mcafee opayieet vat 1 ter and nat oe cnctatone: er 2 King pover ee ows eaten pact ca}0c2} + Use as diet by Senet cots eto tng EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS 4 Bsphenols «Derivative of Phenals,cantaining 2 phenalic groups Trelosan + Ingredient in antibacterial soaps and toothpaste + Sporostati (inhibit fungal spore germination) ‘Pseudomonas aeruginosa is resistant Mode of action of trclosan: disruption of cell membrane « Inhibits enzyme for faty acid synthesisaflcts plasma membrane Integy Hexachlorophene {Ingredient of pHsoHEx (prescrition lotion fr surgical and hospital rmerobialcontrl procedures) + For contol of ski infection of infants, works against staphylococe and streptococci EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS 5 Halogen Releasing Agents chlorine compounds bcaleum hypochlorite Cacia) «Was called horde of ime, usd 1825 to sak hospital dressings Paris hospitals + Used a disinfectant by emmelvels to control hospital infection ‘rng eildoth «+ Fective disinfectants + For disinfection of dary equiptment and restaurant eating tenis Chleramies: © Chlorine combined with ammonia 4 dsnfectants aseptic saitng agents + Stable compounds hat release chorne over ong periods «Control taste ane odor problems + Effective nerganie matter EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS ‘5Halogon Releasing Agents Lchiorine compounds <4.other exampes of Chlorine releasing ompounds Sodium hypochlorite (N20) © Household disinfectant, Component of Clorox fr bleaching «© Disinfectant in dares food processing establishment and hemodialysis systens (Chlorine dioxide, gaseous form of hlerine » accaslonally used as area disinfection «Wills endospores of anthrax (Boillus anthracis) EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL. AGENTS. ‘5 Halogen Releasing Agents Bodine compounds lodine (1) © Oldest and most effective antiseptic «Effective against all kinds of bacteria,many endosapores varios fun! and some viruses «© Available 2s tincture or fodophor © For Skin and wound treatment + Campers use lode for water treatment a dine tablets passing trough iodine-treated resin fers Mode of action of iodine: mpsis protein synthesis, strong oxising ‘genta ales cell membrane EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS. 5 Halogen-Releasing Agents Bilodine compounds lodine is Avatable as tincture or iadophor Tincture: solution in aqueous solution lodophor ‘© combination of iodine and inorganic molecule join is released slow + Has animirobla activity of iodine 4 Dont stan and Less iitating Betadine + Povidone-iodine {+ Most common commercial preparation + ovidone:surface active iodophorimproves wating action reservar ¢ ‘active iodine (h) EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS (Heavy Real devatves ae used as: + Bocia or Anais Example of Heavy metasin smal amount fx chemist conta: © aver + Copper Mode of action of heavy metals: Donaturaion of enzymes and essential otgednani tn: ‘smimersil ats * Seat ein contin ath syn gps pot ty hoa metal (ver copper 0 exert + Seen when cone placedin cute sma ane fino is seen ‘sound tn son, zone of inhibition: ise zoneo mierbil growth EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL. AGENTS 6 Heavy Netal derivatives Uses of iver ‘6 silver nitrate solution: antiseptic + Years ag9, few crops of sivernivate is used against gonorrhea! ‘opnthalma neonatorum, antbiote replaced k eventually + gonortheal ophthalmia neonatorum: infection of eye of ewbom passing thru bith canal Antbiotes replaced + Siver is Incorporated in cathethers and in wound dressings, Surfacine- for appicaton of sufaces contains water soluble silver ince, very persistent, up to 18 days ‘iver sulfadiazine (combination of sulturtcrug sulfadiazine) ‘Used as topical eveam for use of burns + Binds to NA, EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS 6 Hoary Metal devatvos «Uses of mercury + nary use: conto midows in pints + Broad spectum: bactrostate «has been used a infects «+ Les use because of lovey covrosivenes netectvenes in eganie Uses of Copper (Copper sulle othr capper containing aves) «Use a agi against green algae gronng in reservar stock ponds, swimming pos oh tank + efoctive Hf ustor degen contin excessive organic mati + Coppers hytroxuinlne’ used to prevent midews in pants ‘lode: is algae EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS 6 Heavy Metal denvatves Uses ofzine + Copper and zne tested shingles + Zine chlorde ingredient mouthwashes + Zine oxide: most widely used as antfungal agantin pains part of pigment formulation of paints ‘7 Petoxygens o oxidizing agents ‘Antimicrobial activity by oxidizing celular components (release of ‘ogen) + Mode of action of peroxygens: oxidation Examples + Hycrogen peroxide + Ozone + Peractic acl EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS 7 Poroxygons or oxidizing agents Hydrogen peroxide ‘» Found in household and hospital «Net good antiseptic for open wounds slow wound healing * Effective for asintection aerobic or anaerobic bacteria ‘© Usefulin deep wounds, oxygen eleased inhibits anaerobes Benzoyl peroxide ‘© Useful fr treating wounds Main ingraentof medications for fone caused by anaerobic nfecing hai flies Peracatic acis + One ofthe mos effective quid chemical sporcide ‘> Considered sterlant + Kills endospores and viuses within 30 minutes «Kis vegetative cells and fungi § minutes + Used as disinfection of food-processing,medical equiptment ® Notoxle rescue « Minimally affected by organic matter EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS 8 Phenols and cresols |» Mode of action of phenols and phenolics: dleruption of pla membrane and enzyme denaturation @.Surface-Aetve Ingredients Examples + Soaps and detergents + Acid anionic Sanitizers +» Quats (quartemary Ammonium Compounds) {Quats (quartomary Ammanium Compounds +> Have cation portion (positive charge) ‘© Change els permeabilty loss of potassium EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS ‘Phenols and eresols Phenol (catbolc acid) + Used by Lister to contre surgical infections in operating room | Controls odor of sewage + letates skin “© Used to alleviate sore troat (throat lazenges) + Above 1% has antimicrobial effect Phenolics (Derivatives of phenol) ‘+ Used in combination of soap or detergent disinfectants 4 Injures lipids in cell membrane, results of cellular leakage | Mycobacteria spp. are susuceptible (rch in techoie acids) + Persistent Used for disinfecting pus, saliva feces EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL. AGENTS ‘9.Suface-Acve Ingreients Examples of QUATS ‘ Zephiran, brand name of bezalkenum chide . Cepacol brand name of etyipyrisiium chloride + Both are stongly antimicrobial colores odors tasteless stable. easy uted + Quats are myeobactrostatic + lLmoutwaeh file wih foam when shaken i contains a quat + Pseudomonas sp, actively grow in quats Mode of action of uats: enzyme ition, poten denaturation, disruption of el memirane EXAMPLES OF CHEMICAL CONTROL AGENTS 410.Vapor phase sterilants Ethylene oxide + Toxic and explosive in pure form ‘© Usually mixed with other gases + Highly penetrating ‘© Used to sterilize spacecraft sent to land on moon

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