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Tony Mayo
LS625 Mod 5
Master of Leadership
Dr Dennis Anderson

In this module students were assigned to compile four strategies for recruitment for four new

positions within our NPO. I researched different recruitment strategies from several different

sources and combined a few together to mold what I want my recruitment to look like. The four

strategies I came up with are listed below and I will break each of them down in detail.

1. Develop accurate Job Descriptions: I feel it nis very important to develop an accurate

job description because this is the first glimpse into your company for a worker seeking

employment. I also believe it is very important to be as detailed and thorough with the job

description as possible. Including skill sets, qualifications or even education requirements in the

job description helps you to narrow down your candidate pool before ever conducting an

interview. (Feb 2005). I believe the job description is large part in recruitment because not only

is this the first look into your organization, but if the organization can spell out in intimate detail

what the requirements and expectations are upfront it eliminates any needless negotiation.

2. Post the Ad in mediums most likely to reach your potential candidates: I have known

and used several platforms for recruitment in my time in the workforce. There were the digital

recruitment data bases (indeed, LinkedIn etc.) and there were contracted individuals who were

hired by companies to essentially do the recruitment for them. These contracted recruiters (I

knew them as headhunters) would narrow down the candidates and provide the best

candidates to the organization for the interviewing process. Most workers today I feel

influenced by what they see on social media. I want to attract athletes with specific skill sets

and certain goals and aspirations. Social media platforms have advertisement for sale.

Specifically social media platforms can generate algorithms for the advertisement to reach

certain types of profiles. For example, we can solicit people or accounts that follow athletic

training pages, that follow certain sports, and that follow certain types of leadership accounts

(motivational speaking etc.). I want our advertisement for our position to reach far but also to

reach the right kinds of people. Additionally, to social media we need to have our ad listed on

digital means, if that is indeed or LinkedIn then so be it. Whatever platforms allow us the most


3. Be mobile ready: Researching on Indeed showed the ability for workers to search and

apply for jobs via their mobile device. If we expand our criteria to allow individuals who reach

our advertisement via their phone to submit a mobile application, I believe this makes our

candidate pool significantly larger. Research shows that roughly 50% of applicants search for

jobs via their phone. Data shows the potential payoff for allowing mobile applications is the

potential to receive as many as double the qualified applicants (Jan 2015).

4. Assess potential candidates using a proven assessment tool: I combined a few different

strategies together to make this one. I want to compile a list of recruiting strategies once

the candidates have been identified to narrow them down even further. I want a tool that

marries the right fit to the right position based on not only skills and qualifications but also

personality and interpersonal skills. These will be the two sets of criteria for the assessment

tool. The recruiter will match the appropriate skills with the appropriate position or the

position these skills best fit. Additionally, the recruiter will develop a scenario-based

questionnaire to determine if this candidate possesses the right personality and

interpersonal skills to fit our organization. These scenarios will be work related but will also

ask very generic personal questions. The generic questions are to establish a baseline for

evaluation. Take the company ethos or what the organizations core values are and develop

questions that put the worker into a scenario where those core values are tested. If the

worker answers in a way that does not reflect the values of the organization, then that

worker is not the right fit for the job. (Jan 2015) (Feb 2005).

The second part of our assignment was to identify six retention programs and select the

most appropriate programs for our NPO. Below is a list of retention programs or strategies I

thought would be appropriate for my NPO.

 Performance Evaluation Systems: In several articles I read that employees want to

receive feedback on their performance to give them tangible metrics to improve on. (career


 Reassess Compensation: Our organization will develop a standard compensation for

all our positions. However, I want to have a program in place that reassesses compensation and

awards top performers. This may be in the form of bonuses or some other financial

compensation package for superior performance. (Jan 2023)

 Prioritizing work life balance: At times I think employers become so goal oriented

they tend to forget about the impact the work has on their employees and their home life. Our

organization is a family run organization and will focus on work life balance. As a member of the

Military, I know all too well how work can overshadow your home life at times and we really

must work to balance the two. I want to include families in our organization as well. This can be

accomplished in paid time off or a standard metric for gaining leave time. In the military right

now, we gain 2.5 days of paid leave every month of the year. (Jan 2023)

 Create pathways for growth: To me the number one selling point in any career or

job is opportunity for advancement. Creating pathways for growth and showing employees

different opportunities for advancement provides tangible goals for them to set their sights on.

(Jan 2023)

 Flexibility: Some employers believe that when you are on the clock you are on

company time, and you must be doing something company related. I come from a different

culture where no time is too valuable. Our organization is going to provide work flexibility to

accommodate family caregiver concerns, medical concerns, as well as individual needs. If a

worker needs to run to the bank in the middle of the day and they have arranged for all their

work to be managed, then let them go. If a worker needs to get their teeth cleaned and they

can only get an appointment in the morning of a workday, then they can come in after their

appointment. (Jan 2023)

 Support employee wellbeing: With the constant change in political dynamic as well

as the economic state of the country, we must look out for our employees. With the cost of

living steadily changing, and inflation raising prices on standard necessities like a gallon of milk

or carton of eggs we must ensure our employees are taken care of. This requires personal

engagement from the leadership. We must communicate and foster a welcoming environment

for our employees to feel comfortable talking about these issues with us and allowing us to

help them. Deion Sanders, an NFL hall of fame player was quoted saying “If you look good, you

feel good, if you feel good, you play good, if you play good, they pay good.” We want our

employees to feel good so they “play” good. (Jan 2023)


The second part of the assignment was to list six retention programs and choose the

ones that best fit our NPO. Well, I chose all six of the ones I listed and wanted to provide some

context as to why I chose them. I feel retention is a vital part to the success of our organization.

Specifically, because I do not want to grow talent and watch it walk out the door and bloom

elsewhere. However, if I was to prioritize these programs and select only two, I would choose to

prioritize Prioritizing the Work-Life Balance, and the Performance Evaluation System. I believe

these are the two most important concepts to focus on for retention based on my experience in

the work force. Employees want to know their employer cares about them. I believe these two

concepts show that we care about our employees, their well-being, and their families.

References February 2005: Recruiting and Hiring Top Quality Employees March 2005. How to create a winning employee retention strategy

Career Onestop Business Center:

retention-strategies.aspx January 2023: 14 Employee Retention Strategies for your Company in 2023

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