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Quantity of Heat

Section 03

Quantity of Heat, Q
Heat – is the energy transfer from point to another point due the
difference in temperature.
James Joule – found out that the temperature is directly proportional
to the amount of work done.

Temperature Heat
Depends on the physical Always refers to the
state of a material. amount of energy in
A quantitative description transit from a body or
of hotness or coldness. system to another.

Calorie (cal) – defined as a unit of heat which is the amount of heat
required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water from 14.5 C to
15.5 C
A corresponding unit of heat using degrees Fahrenheit and British
units is the British thermal unit or Btu.

Specific Heat
› The quantity of heat Q required to increase the temperature of a
mass of a certain material from to is found to be
approximately proportional to the temperature change 2
1. It is also proportional to the mass of the material.

For Water:
𝑑𝑄 = 𝑚𝑐𝑑𝑇 𝑐 = 4190 𝐽/𝑘𝑔 · 𝐾
1 𝑑𝑄
𝑐= 𝑐 = 1 𝑐𝑎𝑙/𝑔 · °𝐶
𝑚 𝑑𝑇
𝑄=quantity of heat, cal 𝑐 = 1 𝐵𝑡𝑢/𝑙𝑏 · °𝐹
𝑚=mass, g
Δ𝑇=change in temperature,°C
𝑐=specific heat, cal/g·°C, different for every material

Sample Problem
1. [Overheating Electronics] You are designing an electronic
element made of 23 mg of Silicon. The electric current through it
add energy at a rate of 7.4 mW. If your design does not allow any
heat transfer out of the element, at what rate does it temperature
increases? The specific heat of silicon is 705 J/kg·K.

Sample Problem
2. During a bout with the flu, an 80-kg man ran a fever of 39 C
instead of a normal body temperature of 37.0 C. Assuming that the
human body is mostly water, how much heat is required to raise his
temperature by that amount?

Molar Heat Capacity
› The heat capacity of a substance can be also expressed in terms
of number of moles n rather than the mass m. The molar mass of
any substance M is the mass per mole, and this quantity depends
on the mass of a molecule, not its weight.

is called the molar heat capacity (molar specific heat)

For water:

Specific and Molar Heat Capacities
(Constant Pressure)

Calorimetry and Phase Change
Calorimetry – measuring heat
Phase – describe a specific state of matter such as solid, liquid,
gas, plasma, or BEC (Bose-Einstein Condensate)
Phase change/phase transition – a transition of one phase to
For any given temperature and pressure, a phase change takes
place at a definite temperature, usually accompanied by the
absorption or emission of heat and a change of volume and density.

Latent Heat of Fusion
Latent Heat of Fusion, - the heat required per unit mass to
change 1 kg of ice at 0 C to 1 kg of liquid water at 0 C at normal
atmospheric pressure.

To melt a mass m of material that

has a heat of fusion requires a
quantity of heat given by:

This process is reversible, the freeze the liquid water, we

remove heat, the magnitude is the same but in this case
𝑄 is negative heat is removed rather than added.

Latent Heat of Fusion
= heat is entering/added
= heat is leaving/removed

The heat of fusion is different for every material and with

variation in pressure.
For any given material at any giver pressure, the freezing
temperature is the same the melting temperature. At this
unique temperature the liquid and solid phases can coexist
I a condition called phase equilibrium

Latent Heat of Vaporization
Heat of Vaporization - the corresponding heat per unit mass to
change liquid into gas at normal atmospheric pressure. The for
water is:

Heat of Fusion and Vaporization

Phases of Water

Tips in Solving Calorimetry Problems
1. Identify relevant concepts. When heat flow occurs between two
or more bodies that are isolated from their surroundings, the
algebraic sum of the quantities of heat transferred to all bodies
is zero.
2. Set-up the problem using the following steps.
a. Identify the objects that exchange heat
b. Each object may undergo a temperature only, a
phase change at constant temperature or both.
c. Know the specific heat or molar heat capacity and heat of
d. List the know and unknown quantities and identify the
target variables. 43
Tips in Solving Calorimetry Problems
3. Execute the following:
a. Use the energy conservation   . Make sure
that .
b. If a phase change occurs, you may not know in advance
whether all or only part of the materials undergoes a
phase change. The resulting temperature should not
exceed the highest temperature and should not below the
lowest temperature.
4. Double check your calculations, and ensure that the results are
physical sensible.

Sample Problem
1. A camper pours 0.300 kg of coffee, initially in a port at 70 C into a
0.120 kg aluminum cup initially at 20 C. What is the equilibrium
temperature? Assume that the coffee has the same specific heat as
water and that no heat is exchange with the surroundings.

Sample Problem
1. A camper pours 0.300 kg of coffee, initially in a port at 70 C into a
0.120 kg aluminum cup initially at 20 C. What is the equilibrium
temperature? Assume that the coffee has the same specific heat as
water and that no heat is exchange with the surroundings.

Sample Problem
2. A glass contains 0.25 kg of cola (mostly water) initially at 20 C.
How much ice, initially at -20 C, must you add to obtain a final
temperature of 0 C with all the ice melted? Neglect the capacity of
the glass.

Sample Problem
3. A vessel whose walls are thermally insulated contains 2.40 kg of
water and 0.450 kg of ice, all at a temperature of 0 C. The outlet of
a tube leading from a boiler in which water is boiling at atmospheric
pressure is inserted into the water. How many grams of steam must
condense inside the vessel (also at atmospheric pressure) to raise
the temperature of the system to 28 C? You can ignore the heat
transferred to the container.


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