Chemistry - Patterns in The Periodic Table

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4 – Patterns In The
Periodic Table

Patterns In The Periodic Table

● The periodic table is arranged in a particular way.

● All of the elements in the same column have similar physical
and chemical properties.
● In this way, we can predict the properties of any element simply
by its assigned location in the periodic table.
Chemical Families

● Chemical Family: a column of elements with similar properties

on the periodic table.
● Families with distinctive properties have been given identifying
● The elements in the first column from the left are alkali metals.
They are called group 1 elements.
○ The alkali metals are shiny, silvery, and soft, but highly reactive.
○ We do not often encounter these elements on their own because
they combine readily with other elements and compounds.
Alkali Metals - Reactivity
Pure metallic sodium is HIGHLY reactive. It
can even explode if it is placed in water!
Chemical Families
● The elements in group 2 are called alkaline earth metals.
○ These metals are shiny and silvery but are not as soft or reactive
as alkali metals.
○ Many substances composed of alkaline earth metals burn with
bright, colourful flames.
Chemical Families

● The elements in the column on the far right of the periodic table
are called noble gases (group 18).
○ Noble gases are stable, unreactive, colourless, odourless, and
tasteless, they glow brightly when an electrical current is passed
through them. With the exception of radon, the group 18
elements are also non-toxic.
Chemical Families

●The group 17 elements are in the column to the

left of the noble gases. These elements are called
the halogens.
○All halogens are very reactive. This is why
halogens are rarely found in their elemental
○Many halogens are poisonous in large amounts.
Periodic Trends

●Elements in the same

horizontal row in the
periodic table show
some trends of
increasing or
decreasing reactivity.
●Rows on the periodic
table are called
History Of The Periodic Table
● The current version of the periodic table evolved from the one
developed in 1869 by Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemistry
● He gathered information about the properties of all known elements.
He arranged them by increasing mass. He noticed that there were
groups of elements with similar physical and chemical properties. He
decided to arrange elements with similar properties under each other
in the same column of the table.
● When he finished his table of elements, there were several empty
spaces where no known element could fit. Mendeleev suggested that
the missing elements did exist but have not yet been discovered.
Decades later, scientific knowledge and theories about the structure of
the elements led to brilliant explanation of the periodic nature of
Exploring the Periodic Table Activity

Now it’s time to explore the periodic table and learn more information about the
elements. Click here to get your copy of the activity. Follow the instructions and
answer the questions in the google doc.

When you have completed the activity, you will submit your work into the dropbox
on D2L. This will NOT be marked however I will be checking for completion.

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