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Dear Parent, Guardian,

The Big Brother Program is designed to provide assistance for students attending Naparima
College in areas in which they may be experiencing some level of difficulty. Whilst Participating
within this program, your son, as a student will be interacting with various Form 5 and Form 6
students who would have attended the same classes and subjects in years prior, hence allowing a
student's perspective via which to better aid your son with his areas of difficulties.
All mentors have been vetted and selected by Naparima College staff and all inter-student
interactions will be closely monitored by the program's dedicated teachers, Mr. Nandlal and Ms.
To this end , the safety and well-being of all students involved within the program will be
ensured. Furthermore, a parent or guardian of any student wishing to participate in this program
must sign his/her/their name at the end of the document consenting to their son's participation
within this program.
By signing this document, you give consent to your son's participation in the program and
acknowledging the following:
○ The communication of your son with the tutors via the google classroom medium.
○ Assistance will not be given for homework, coursework, SBAs and other
activities that have been assigned to them via a teacher. We plan simply to provide
assistance in clarifying concepts to students with which they have issues as well
as to provide insights gained from our experience in test-taking.
○ There will be full Teacher Moderation of all communications done through the
Program Classroom in and the exchange of personal contact information will be
strictly Prohibited.

I _____________________________ parent/guardian of ___________________________of

form ______________have read the above information and comply as well as agree to all the
terms and conditions stated.

___________________ ___________________
Parent/ Guardian Principal of Naparima College,
Mr Roger Ali

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