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After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. identify the difference between density-dependent and density-independent
limiting factors;
2. differentiate logistic growth from exponential growth; and
3. explain the relationship between population growth from carrying capacity.
Subject: Science
Topic: Relationship between Population Growth and Carrying Capacity
• Grade 10 Science Learner’s Material, Quarter 3 - Module 7.2: Relationship
Between Population Growth and Carrying Capacity, DepEd, pp

Instructional Materials:

• Power Point Presentation

• Video Clips
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparation
1. Routinary Activity
a. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning, Ma’am!

How are you today? We’re good, Ma’am

Oh! That’s nice to hear!

b. Prayer
Before we begin let us bow our head and feel
the presence of the Lord

(Prayer video)

c. Checking of Attendance
Okay, for your attendance, I’ll see the list of
your names here in our google meet.

There are 19 of you in the platform

d. Review of the Past Lesson

Okay class, let us have a quick review on our
past topic which is Biodiversity and Stability.

Will somebody in the class explain what is

Biodiversity? Yes Luna
Ma’am it is the variation of life at all
levels of biological organization,
referring not only to the sum total of
life forms across an area, but also to
the range of differences between those
forms. Biodiversity runs the gamut
from the genetic diversity in a single
population to the variety of
ecosystems across the globe.

Very good Luna, what are the various

categories of values of species, Karen? There are 3 categories of values of
species Ma’am, those are: direct
economic value, indirect economic
value and aesthetic value

That is right Karen, can anyone differentiate

each category, Via?
Ma’am, direct economic value
refers to species are sources of the
basic needs of humans such as
food, clothing, shelter and
medicine. While indirect value,
species if there are benefits
produced by the organism without
using them. And lastly, aesthetic
value, lots of species provides
visual or artistic enjoyment, like
forested landscape and the natural
calming beauty of a natural park.

Very good class, is there any question

regarding our previous topic?
None, Ma’am
2. Motivation
Before we begin with the lesson, we will have
a short activity related to the topic. I will give
the meaning and you will guess what the word
is by filling up the space with the missing
word. Are you ready?
Here is the first one,

It is the variety of life in an area.


Can you guess what it is?

Very good class Ma’am, biodiversity

Here’s the second one

Group of living things within a certain area

that are all of the same species


What do you think it is?

That’s correct! Ma’am population

Here’s the third one

The maximum population size an
environment can support

Can you guess what it is? Carrying capacity Miss.

You’re correct

Next, anything that limit population size and

helps balance the ecosystem.



What is this?
Excellent, and lastly Ma’am I think it is Limiting
P P L T N Factor


Do you have any idea?

Very good! Ma’am it’s Population Density

Class, did you enjoy our short activity?

Class today we will tackle the Relationship Yes Ma’am
between Growth and Carrying Capacity

Biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms

in different ecosystems. In an
article published by bwiser, 2016,
Philippines is considered as one of the
17 mega biodiverse countries in the world
containing 2/3 of the Earth’s biodiversity
and 70% of the world’s plants and animal
species. It is geographical isolation with
an area of 300,000 square meters and tropical
climate made it a perfect place to
inhabit a variety of life forms.

It is an advantage that our country’s richness

in biodiversity provides its
people plenty of food, medicine, building
materials and the likes. However, with this
number of populations in our country,
including the human population, are the
resources sufficient enough for all the living
organisms to live properly? What do you
think are the limiting factors that may hinder
the continuous growth of some

As we proceed to the lesson, you will learn

more about population growth
and carrying capacity.
Let us first discuss what is population, can Population typically refers to the
you please read the definition of population number of people in a single area,
whether it be a city or town,
region, country, continent, or the

Thank you, population can be the of the same

size but they may have different densities.
Density is defined as a group of individuals of
the same species living and interbreeding with
a given area.

So, what is population density? Can you Population density is the

please read the definition Sam? concentration of individuals within
a species in a specific geographic
locale. Population density data can
be used to quantify demographic
information and to assess
relationships with ecosystems,
human health, and infrastructure.

Population density is defined as the number of

organisms per unit area. Population density
can be used to describe the location, growth,
and migration of many organisms. In the case
of humans, population density is often
discussed in relation to urbanization,
immigration, and population demographics.

Example of Population Density

As you can see in the first picture, there are
fishes in an aquarium with low population
density, and on the second photo there are
fishes in the pond with high population
density. In a high population density, there are
a lot of organisms crowded in a certain area,
while in a low population density, only few
organisms are in an area. Differences in any
community maybe attributed to limiting

Limiting Factor, please read the definition In population ecology, a regulating

factor, also known as a limiting
factor, is something that keeps a
population at equilibrium (neither
increasing nor decreasing in size
over time). Common limiting
factor resources are environmental
features that limit the growth,
abundance, or distribution of an
organism or a population of
organisms in an ecosystem.

A limiting factor is anything that constrains a

population’s size and slows and stop it from
growing. Some examples of limiting factors
are biotic like food, mates, and competition
with other organisms for resources.

Limiting Factors are categorized into two:

1. Density-independent limiting factors
2. Density-dependent limiting factors

Let us first discuss what is density- Density-independent limiting

independent limiting factors, please read factor is any force that affects the
what’s on the power point size of a population of living
things regardless of the density of
the population (the number of
individuals per unit area).

If the population’s density does not directly

influence changes in population growth, then
it is called a density-independent limiting

Examples include: natural disaster like

tropical cyclones, floods, earthquake and
These natural phenomena will stop a
population from growing no matter how many
organisms are living in a certain area. The
same goes for the temperature of an area and
the amount of sunlight it receives. Human
activities that alter the environment will also
decrease the number of organisms in a
population, regardless of the size of the

Next limiting factor is Density-dependent We define density-dependent

limiting factor, please read limiting factors as factors that
affect the per capita growth rate of
a population differently depending
on how dense the population
already is. Most density-dependent
factors make the per capita growth
rate go down as the population

Density-dependent limiting factor have

varying impacts according to population size.
Different species populations in the same
ecosystem will be affected differently. Factors
include: food availability, predator density
and disease risk.
Density-dependent limiting factors come into
play when a population reaches a certain size,
there will not be enough resources (food,
shelter, water) for all the organisms. This
could cause the population to stop growing
when it reaches the maximum number of
organisms that can be supported or carried by
the environment.

This is where Carrying Capacity comes into Carrying capacity can be defined
play, so what is Carrying Capacity please read as a species' average population
the definition. size in a particular habitat. The
species population size is limited
by environmental factors like
adequate food, shelter, water, and
mates. If these needs are not met,
the population will decrease until
the resource rebounds.
For you to better understand what is carrying
capacity, please watch the video and take
down some notes


Base on the video you have watched, what did (Student’s answer may vary)
you learn from it?
Very good, does anyone has something to (Student’s answer may vary)

Thank you, now let’s move to the 2 types of

growth of Population
1. Exponential population growth, please Exponential growth takes place
read the definition when a population's per capita
growth rate stays the same,
regardless of population size,
making the population grow faster
and faster as it gets larger.

Thank you, class take a look at this graph

The graph shows that before a population

reaches it carrying capacity,
it experiences a period of rapid growth. This
period of growth is called exponential
population growth. During this period, there
are plenty of resources available for
all organisms, so more births are recorded
than deaths of organisms. When resources are
unlimited, populations exhibit exponential
growth, resulting in a J-shaped curve.

2. Logistic Growth
Please read the definition
Logistic growth is population
increase that happens in a manner
that starts slowly, as there are few
individuals, then increases in
speed as numbers increase, but
then decreases to a halt as
numbers get high enough that
resources are depleted and cannot
As competition increases and resources support further growth.
become increasingly scarce, population
reaches carrying capacity of their
environment, causing their growth rate to
slow nearly to zero.

Take a look at this graph

When resources are limited, populations

exhibit logistic growth. In logistic growth,
population expansion decreases as resources
become scarce, and it levels off when the
carrying capacity of the environment is
reached, resulting in an S-shaped curve.

Is there any question so far? None, Ma’am

Okay, let’s move on to Limiting Factor that

Depend on Population Density
There are 4 limiting factor that depends on
population density those are:
1. Diseases and Parasites
2. Competition for Resources
3. Predation
4. Emigration
Let’s discuss first, what is Diseases and Infectious diseases and parasites
Parasites, please read the definition spread faster in densely
populated areas.

Parasites can limit the growth of a population.

A parasite lives in or on another organism (the
host) and consequently harms it. Density-
independent limiting factors affect all
population in similar ways, regardless of the
population size.

Next is Competition for Resources, please Organisms with better adaptations

read to obtain (food) resources will be
able to reproduce more often, and
its population will grow.

Thank you. The organisms that have limited

abilities to compete for the resources will not
reproduce as often, may not be fit enough to
live long, and can cause their population to
decrease. Competition in the ecosystem is the
interaction between organisms where both
species are harmed. The competition can be
considered as a limiting factor within an
ecosystem because there is a limited supply of
resources that can be used and consumed

The third limiting factor that depend on Predators kill and eat their prey, of
population density is Predation. course, so predation increases prey
death rate and can cause negative
growth rates – population decline.

Plenty of prey are available, predators will be

able to eat sufficiently, thus have energy to
reproduce much, and increase their numbers.
The population of the prey will begin to
decrease as more and more of them are eaten.
However, the predator population will
eventually reach carrying capacity-there will
not be enough prey for all of the predators in
the population, since the predators themselves
compete for their “prey” resources. As the
number of prey decreases, so will the number
of predators because there is not enough food
to sustain them.

And the las factor is Emigration, will you It occurs when a population
please read the definition. approaches its carrying capacity,
and individual organisms leave
and go to a new area where they
can find enough resources for
survival and reproduction.
Thank you, so this will obviously cause a
decrease in the number of organisms in a

Now let’s move on to Sustainable Sustainable development is the

Development. What is sustainable usage of natural resources for
development? human needs in a way that
preserves the environment that
produces those resources so they
can be used in the future.

Organisms need a balanced ecosystem. Their

number should not exceed the carrying
capacity of their respective environment.

Now for you to better understand and deepen

your knowledge about the lesson, please
watch the video and take down some notes.


(Student’s answer may vary)
What did you learn from the video you have

(Student’s answer may vary)

Something to add up?

None Ma’am
Thank you, do you have any question?

Okay it seems like you fully understand the
topic the we tackled today. To sum up the (Student’s answer may vary)
topic, who can summarize the lesson for

Very good!
(Student’s answer may vary)
What are the two limiting factors and its
Very well said! And that’s the end of our
discussion for today thank you for actively Goodbye Ma’am!
participating. Goodbye class!
Directions: Read the following statements carefully. Write T if the statement is
correct, and F if otherwise. Write your answers in your notebook/on a separate sheet
of paper.
1. A population’s growth is limited by density-independent factor and density
dependent factor.
2. Natural disasters, temperature, sunlight and human activities in the environment
are examples of density-independent factors.
3. When the population reaches the carrying capacity of its environment, population
growth will stop.
4. The graph below shows an exponential growth of human population.

5. When an organism has reached the carrying capacity of its environment, its
population will still increase.

Directions: Identify the limiting factor in each illustrated situation. Choose your
answer from the pool of limiting factors inside the box, and categorize it as density-
dependent or density-independent. Write your answers in your notebook/on a separate
sheet of paper.

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