#3 Weekly Reflection CPE Residency Unit 2

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CPE Residency Unit 2 2021

Bi-weekly process notes
HOURS 120 1

1. Describe any significant learning events you experienced with those you ministered to (clients, patients,
families, or staff). Any new insights from these experiences or from readings that you are incorporating
into your pastoral care?

I have noticed that I tend to be less engaged when a person seems to be minimally interesting-which I know is a
judgement. Being curious is so important to effectively being there for others.
I had lots of interaction with exhausted staff. Many seasoned RNs have been in tears from the many losses at
the hospital. It warms my heart to see how much they care.

2. Assess what you think is happening in the interpersonal group. How do you feel you “fit-in” with other
members of your peer group?
I think I could be more willing to explore my peers perspectives more. At times, I find I forego asking questions
because I feel I have talked a bit too much and it would be beneficial to be quiet and learn from others. For
example, there is one person in particular that I connect to less. It may be fruitful to bring it up.

3. Assess how you are using your time in individual supervision.

Just to check in and process the happenings. Talk about charting nuances.

4. Describe your progress with your learning goals this unit.

I am feeling good about the 3 goals I’ve established. Now, I’m just working toward growing in them. The most
difficult one for me right now is having healthy emotional boundaries in care. It’s hard for me to witness so
much and keep going to the next thing.

5. Describe theological/spiritual insights and/or growth during this time period. How has God been
working within and around you?
My recent prayer is to bring the light of Christ into these painful situations. I am accepting my
inability to change the pain for people and just hoping to try to make it a tiny bit easier or more
manageable for them.

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