Task 4

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Task 4

The purpose of the task is to reflect on readings from three books on the
nature of the teacher and their role, the role of the school community in
effective learning and Bible shaped learning.

The task involves a 500-word reflection on each reading that involves a

critical analysis of the contribution the reading makes to an
understanding of an educational practice anchored in a Biblical

1.nature and role of the teacher
11. How is it connected to the school community
111. connect some point to biblical perspective

Elia ‘ena e 3 ke ke lava o connect kiai ho reflection I he ng reading e 3 teke

Koe ha ha fatongia oe faiaako oku asi mei he reading, relate ki he faiako I
lokiako ,mo ha mea oku fakafolofola fekauaki moe reading koia
Manatui to quote “ “ acknowledge moe source or author

Teachers’s understanding of Imago dei, by Norsworhty

Koe reading ko’eni lahoi aupito ng mea oku lave kiai fekauaki moe faiako
moe school community
To’o pe koe ha mea e feunga moe foi lea 500 (fakamatala)

Imago dei is focused on human bearers as shown in the creation mandate, that
every individual is created in the image of God. According to Norsworthy (2015),
She suggested of our roles as “ stewardship of creation and culture making”
(Norsthworthy, 2015). It means that in our vocation as teachers we also play the
role of stewards at the school community. The students are created in the image
of God. It is the nature and role of the teachers to be able to look after these
students at school, to make sure your treat everyone with humility and love. We
counsel and lead them and actively support their studies. We should encourage
them with the gifts that God has intended with every individual. As a Christian
teacher, we show mercy in our attitude and make our classroom a community
where everyone participates, work together and willing to share their resources
with love. In the creation mandate in Genesis, God has given authority of
stewardship and looking after Eden to Adam and Eve. (172) lava pe keke
ngaueaki hoo example mei hoo ngaue to support. For instance, in my Maths
class I always make sure to help and support my students. I will monitor …..

Koe point pe e taha ena – stewards

- God is love
- Education for these image bearers for success
and flourish(grow)
Handout koeni oku lahi aupito, koloa pe ha 3 pe 2 ke mau ai 500 words
Each document (500) tatau pe moe other handouts, choose pe simple ideas
that apply to you and your teaching experience/ school community

Mau leva 1500 words

Manatui hoo reference at the end

Ka iai pe ha mea ke toe fiemau toki message mai

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