q2 1stsummativeTLE

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1st Summative Test in TLE 6

Name: _____________________________ Grade & Section: ________________

1. Match the definitions of an entrepreneur in Column A with the qualities in Column B by writing the letter of
your answer on the blank.

Column A Column B

_______1. Displays hardwork and perseverance in the face of challenges; utilizes a. risk – taker
skills to diligently carry out tasks or make goods.
b. helpful
_______2. Does not engage in deceptive or fraudulent acts; displays sincerity at
all times. c. honest
_______3. Does not easily give up or let go.
d. industrious
_______4. Understands the feelings, concerns, and needs not only of his or her
customers but also his or her workers. e. proactive
_______5. An entrepreneur that is always available to provide assistance. f. caring

_______6. Is a careful planner; sets long-term goals and plans and executes a g. strategist
well-thought of strategy in order to achieve them.
h. prudent
_______7. Acts immediately on new ideas, insights, and opportunities; always in
step with changes in one’s environment and applying them to one’s business;
i. persistent
does not engage in procrastination and other unproductive work habits.

_______8. Is never wasteful and always ensures that all resources are used wisely j. Innovative
and every bit of raw material does not go to waste.

_______9. Takes calculated risks and knows how to match opportunities with
market realities; takes on risks anticipating business profitability and chances of Complete the Project Plan
success. based on the information
_______10. Has the ability to envision future needs or demands and create new
opportunities, products, and services to meet these demands. Marita and her cousin wanted
to put up a business named
“Sticks-on-the-go” which
offers merienda on sticks.
They wanted to specialize in
selling Banana que dipped in
chocolate syrup and turon
with ube halaya, leche flan and langka inside.

11. Business Name: ____________________

What are you offering: ________________________________________________________________

12 - 13

14 - 15
III. Illustrate the Buying and Selling Process by completing the diagram shown below.

16. _____________

Purchase decision

Information Search
Post Purchase 17.
Evaluation ________________
Recognition of needs and wants
Figure 1.
The Buying Process

Evaluation of
18. _____________

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

_______ _______ ________ ________ _________ _________ _________
Figure 1. The Selling Process
Follow – up Prospecting and Qualifying Approach

Pre- Approach Objection Handling Presentation



2nd Summative Test in TLE 6

Name: _____________________________ Grade & Section: VI - Bonifacio

I. Identify the term being defines in each number.

1. ICT stands for _______________________________________.

2. _______ is a web application that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users.
3. The most popular wiki is the ___________________. It is a free, open content online encyclopedia where
registered users can publish an article and anybody can edit.

II. Enumerate the following:

Uses of Wiki
4. ______________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________

Kinds of Wiki
7. ______________________________________________
8. ______________________________________________
9. ______________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________

III. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.

_________11. Blog is a word derived from web logs.

_________12. When using the internet, be respectful always.
_________13. Grab / use photos without the owner’s permission.
_________14. Inform your parents and teachers about your blogging activities.
_________15. Use your blog to destroy other’s reputation.

IV. Draw 5 materials / equipment needed in video conferencing.

16. 17. 18.

19. 20.

V. Name 5 Video Conferencing Software discussed with you.

21. 24.
22. 25.

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