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Importance of Farm Practice

The global economy depends significantly on agriculture. According to the industrial agriculture

and small-scale farming (nd) Agriculture is still the world's largest industry and a significant source of

income. Commodities, or basic goods used in business and trade, such as grain, livestock, dairy, fiber,

and raw materials for fuel, are also provided by agriculture to the world economy. According to the

Balance Small Business (nd) Agriculture impacts society in many ways, including: supporting livelihoods

through food, habitat, and jobs; providing raw materials for food and other products; and building

strong economies through trade. Chait (2020) agrees that Agriculture impacts society in many ways,

including: supporting livelihoods through food, habitat, and jobs; providing raw materials for food and

other products; and building strong economies through trade. According to US EPA and US DA (nd)

Agricultural products provide essential resources for daily activities, such as: getting ready for work in

the morning, thanks to coffee and clothes; washing hands with soap; fueling vehicles to travel; preparing

and eating food; and minding health through medicines and treatments.

Knowing a country's capacity to feed its own population in the event of war or conflict is also

extremely important. According to Soubam (2020) Agricultural practice has been the main reason

behind human settlement since immemorial time. But, with the increase in population, there has been

loss of agricultural land, and the demand for food has increased. It is important for the young

generations to know the basics farm practice in terms of soil preparation, sowing, manuring, irrigation,

weeding, harvesting to storage (By Ju’s, 2019).

Objectives of the farm practice

The general objectives of this study is to determine the farm management practice.

Specifically, this study aims to determine the following:

1. Herd management

2. Feeding management

3. Irrigation

4. Feeding

5. Vaccinations

6. Forage management

Time and Place of the farm practice

This study will be conducted at Brgy. Pulo Hermosa, Bataan. RQP Ranch from February 08, 2023

until March 11, 2023.

Brief History of the Farm
Organizational Set-up of the Farm

Image 1: Organizational Chart

Duties and Responsibilities of Farm Personnel

Farm Head – The farm head is in charge of the farm's operations and is in charge of making sure

the herd is fed properly and that the farm is maintained in proper order.

Consultant – In the event of a problem, the consultant will survey the farm, for example.

Missing tags and other issues could arise.

A.I Technician – is the responsible for breeding, with the help of AI tech, it prevents injury and

fast breeding technique with less labor.

Small ruminants/supervisor – is the responsible for small ruminants’ section.

Forage Development – is responsible for the source of food supply for the farm animals, his job

is to maintain and sustain the everyday needs of ruminants.

Farm secretary – is in charge of recording farm situations in order to prevent mistakes and

recording farm needs when the head seeks assistance.

Accountant – is in charge of farms expenses and budgeting.

Cowboys – are the hands on at the farm, they are the one who feeds the cattle on time and

clean the pens and make sure the water is always available.

Herdsmen – is responsible for the mixture of feeds and calling the herds back to the pens after

grazing period.

Veggie – is in charge at the staff house garden, they manage the vegetables and fruits, also

handle the cooking to make sure the food is ready after they went back from the farm.

Housing Facilities
Image 2: Housing Facilities
Equipment and Instrument in the Farm

1. Gloves 2. Hot Iron Disbudding 3. Calf Nursing Bottle

4. Shredder 5. Storage Drum 6. Loader

7. Stool Pusher

8. Irrigation Engine 9. Wheelbarrow

10. Shovel 11. Tractor 12. Vitamin B Complex

13. Ivermectin Gen Vet 14. Tylosin Tartrate 15. Iron Dextran 16. Vitamin A D E

17. Weighing Scale 18.

Guillotine Dehorner 19.

Valbazen 20. Ear Tags

21. Rake 22. Syringe

23. Nitrogen Tank

Source of Stock

Breeds Raised in the Farm

 Red brahman
 Gray brahman
 Simbrah
 Wagyu
 Holstein Friesian

System and Method Practice in the Farm

Breeding Techniques Applied in the Farm

Artificial insemination (A.I)

Breeding Practices


Source of Feeds

 Okara
 Copra
 Darak
 Napier
 Molato

System of Feeding

Vaccination Program
Medication Program
“Industrial Agriculture: Form of agriculture that is capital-intensive, substituting machinery and
purchased inputs for human and animal labour.” (Global,p.563-564)

The Balance Small Business (Maryville University, nd)


Chait (2020) What Is Agricultural Production?


Agriculture Impacts Everyone, Every Day., the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
ThoughtCo, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Soubam Indrakumar Singh, ... Adarsh Pal Vig, in Agrochemicals Detection, Treatment and Remediation,


The Process of Farming | Learn with BYJU'S (2019)


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