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Using the full extent of his devil power and G Corporation, Kazuya Mishima went on a conquest for world domination. After defeating his father Heihachi Mishima,
Kazuya intensifies his offensive to eliminate the leaderless Mishima Zaibatsu. This brutal war divided the world in two, and in the end G Corporation came out on top.
However, G corporation showed no signs of relenting, and continued to dominate the world by force. The Union of Nations was appalled by these actions,
and they gathered various world leaders in New York to discuss how to impose sanctions against G Corporation. But then, Kazuya himself showed up to the meeting
and announced that he would continue to wage war. He then unleashed G Corporation's army on New York, setting the entire city ablaze.

Despising the cursed blood that ran through his veins, Jin Kazama sought to bring an end to the devil bloodline. He joined forces with Lars Alexandersson, and together they prepared to commence
Operation Lightning, a plan to eliminate the other bearer of the devil gene, Kazuya Mishima. Jin had once plunged the world into chaos in order to resurrect Azazel, the devil gene's progenitor.
His plan was to permanently extinguish the devil gene by defeating Azazel once and for all, even if it cost him his own life. While Jin managed to defeat Azazel, he lost consciousness and fell into
a deep sleep. During his absence, G Corporation, led by Kazuya, took over the world by force. Several months later, Jin finally regained consciousness. His deadly struggle with Azazel had taught him
how to control his inner devil power. Jin swore to end Kazuya's reign of terror in order to atone for the war and destruction he had caused.
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Japan FIGHTINGSTYLE Kazama-Style Traditional Martial Arts

Jun Kazama, the mother of Jin, is a practitioner of the Kazama-Style Traditional Martial Arts. Jun displayed a propensity in communicating with animals from a very young age.
She went on to become a wildlife surveillance officer for a conservation group where she pursued Kazuya Mishima, who was suspected of smuggling protected animals.
The two met and became close at the second The King of Iron Fist Tournament. Soon after, Jun became pregnant with Jin. Jun went on to raise Jin in the same place where she was born,
in the remote mountains of Yakushima. However, seven years ago, one day when Jin turned 15 years old, Jun was attacked by a mysterious being known as Ogre and disappeared without a trace.
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN the United States FIGHTINGSTYLE Integrated Martial Arts Based on Judo

Paul Phoenix is a hot-blooded martial artist aiming to be the greatest fighter in the universe. He entered the seventh The King of Iron Fist Tournament with his eyes on
the exorbitant prize money, more assured than ever that this time he would claim victory. The tournament, however, would be suspended with the disappearance of its organizer.
Paul received barely a fraction of the fight money he had been counting on, plunging him into a life of destitution. All he could do was take a gamble that the next tournament would
be able to provide him with sufficient compensation. To that end, he promised to split his next winnings with his good friend and sparring partner, Marshall Law.
The pair holed up in the mountains for an intense training session in order to prepare for the tournament.

Marshall Law is a renowned martial arts master and runs his own dojo. However, he fell into debt due to his son's motorcycle accident, and his efforts to repay this debt caused
him to neglect the management of his dojo, resulting in a sharp drop-off of students coming to train. Law set out to find a distinguished master who could take over the dojo and
solve all his troubles. Unfortunately, all negotiations ended in failure, and to make matters worse, his dojo was repossessed as collateral while he was gone. Now plunged into poverty,
Law became bound by the concept of money making the world go round. His only hope was to make a killing at the next tournament and secure the prize money he so desperately needed.
To increase his chances of success, he promised to split the winnings with his friend Paul Phoenix. Together, the pair journeyed to the mountains in order to train.

King is active on the pro wrestling circuit and also manages an orphanage on the side. The war between G Corporation and Mishima Zaibatsu has ravaged the world, causing an unprecedented swell in
the number of children needing his help. King may be the undisputed champion of the wrestling world, but he will need to put on a spectacle far beyond the bright arena lights if he is to earn the funds required to
help all those orphans.Anticipating the need for allies to help realize such aspirations, he set out to hone his body and wrestling skills in preparation of meeting such like-minded individuals.

Lars Alexandersson is Heihachi Mishima's illegitimate son and the leader of the rebel army fighting against G Corporation. A former officer of
the Mishima Zaibatsu's special military unit known as the Tekken Force, Lars led a coup d'état against the Zaibatsu and took many of
the Tekken Force personnel with him.Not long after the coup, the world fell under the control of G Corporation led by Kazuya Mishima. Lars formed
a new rebel army called Yggdrasil and amassed enough military strength to launch a revolt against the tyrant. Lars even formed an alliance with
his long-time enemy, Jin Kazama, and began preparations for Operation Lightning, a plan to take down Kazuya and bring peace to the world.
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN China FIGHTINGSTYLE Baguazhang, Piguazhang-based Chinese Martial Arts

Ling Xiaoyu is a Chinese martial arts master who has feelings for Jin Kazama. She infiltrates the Mishima Zaibatsu building in search of clues to find a missing Jin and to obtain data
that would prove helpful in her search. Traveling around the world and following whatever traces she can find, six months have passed for Xiaoyu with no hope in sight. Xiaoyu has run out of leads,
but she simply must find Jin, no matter the cost. There is something she needs to know from him... It is this unwavering and ever-growing determination which drives Xiaoyu ever forward.

Jack-8 is the latest prototype in the Jack series, G Corporation's premier humanoid weapon. The developer assigned to the Jack-8, Jane, once had her life saved by Jack. She joined G Corporation and worked day and night
to create her ideal Jack machine. While the Jack series was already well established within G Corporation's product line, Jane continued to devote herself to perfecting the Jack design. Her designs for the next-generation
Jack included a vastly improved AI to that of the Jack-7 model, capable of learning with incredible speed and accuracy. She also sought to significantly increase Jack's firepower with heavy-duty special armaments and
an electromagnetic pulse weapon known as the Gamma System.Amid the chaos caused by Kazuya and G Corporation's tightening grip over the world, the order finally came to deploy Jack-8 into battle...

Nina Williams is a master of the lethal arts and a professional killer known by the alias of "Silent Assassin." She was employed by the Mishima Zaibatsu and acted as commander of
the special forces unit, "Tekken Force." However, after failing the mission to retrieve Jin Kazama, she left the unit to work as a freelance assassin. Some time later, Kazuya Mishima takes
the lead in G Corporation's attempts at world domination. Kazuya recruits Nina as his direct subordinate and grants her the title of commander of the G Corporation forces.

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