Lesson Plan

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LED Teaching Date and Time APRIL 12, 2022 8:40-9:40 Quarter THIRD QUARTER

April 12
I. OBJECTIVES • Distinguish the facts and opinion in the statement.
• Internalize the importance of knowing facts and opinions in real life situations.
• Construct sentences using facts and opinion.

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian literature as mirror to a shared heritage ; coping strategies in processing
textual information; strategies in examining features of a listening and viewing material; structural analysis of words and propaganda
techniques; and grammatical signals for opinion- making, persuasion, and emphasis.
B. Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a persuasive speech based on an informative essay featuring use of properly
acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making , persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features,
stance, and behaviour.
C. Learning
Competency/Objectives EN8RC-IIIc-2.13: Differentiate facts from opinions.
Write the LC code for each.
A. References Book
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials Page 89-90
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource
1. Prayers (Greetings) Students pray. (Good morning!)
2. Classroom norms.
3. Checking of
attendance through 1…2…3…
the given numbers.

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

B. Reviewing previous Yesterday we’ve tackled about bias and prejudice. Anyone, what (Students raising their hands.)
lesson or presenting the are the differences between bias and prejudice?
new lesson Yes, Sophie. “Bias is your unfair idea about a person may it be negative or positive
before knowing the facts while prejudice is your generalization, when
you take something that is true to some and you say it is true to

Very good! (Students raising their hands.)

Give me an example for bias and prejudice. “The Lakers is the best team.” -bias
Tina. “All rich people are spoiled.” -prejudice

Any questions? None so far ma’am.

C. Establishing a purpose • I guess you are now ready for the next topic.
for the lesson • Now let us have a short activity before we proceed to our new
lesson, the first word game is who am I!

Activity 1. A WHO AM I?
I have prepared statements and letters here that will serve as your
guide in knowing our mystery word. All you need to do is to
answer this with a single letter. Are you ready?
• Yes Ma’am
1. I am the first in Final.
2. I am the vitamin that you can get in squash for good • The students will answer…
eyesight. 1. F
3. I am one of your abilities that you can use in observing 2. A
charts. 3. C
4. I am the three-letter word kind of drink that is healthy for 4. T
the body.

Based on your answers, what do you think is our mystery word?

Very good! • Ma’am the word is FACT.

Let us proceed to our second word game.

•Observe the statements presented on the board and identify the
scrambled letter.
I have here the scrambled letters, all you need to do is to guess the
correct word base on the sentences which I am going to give you
as clues.

French fries of Jollibee taste better than McDonalds.

Is it true that French fries from Jollibee is tastier than from
Have you tried it?
Sering is the best performing Barangay in the municipality (Answers may vary.)
of Basilisa.

Now, based on the statements arranged the scrambled letters.

• That’s right, very good.

• Ma’am the word is OPINION

D. Presenting Activity 2. TELL ME!
examples/Instances of
the new lesson I’ll give you statements and you are going to identify if it is fact or

 On December 31, 2019- WHO was informed of cases of FACT

pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan City, China.
 The official names COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 were
issued by the WHO on February 11, 2020. FACT
 Drinking alcohol can cure or prevent getting the COVID-
19 virus. OPINION
 People who got vaccines against COVID-19 are likely to
become zombie after 2 years. OPINION
 According to WHO over millions of Filipinos received
their full shot of vaccines. FACT

Excellent! Now, support your answer. Why is it fact and why is it

opinion? (Answers may vary.)
It is true and it is written in history where COVID-19 started at
Wuhan City in China which brought pandemic to the entire world. It
was late 2020 when everybody was alarmed by the virus because
according to the study it is an airborne disease.

Recently, do you have numbers of new cases and deaths here in Our province Dinagat Islands has listed 104 total cases confirmed via
our province? Antigen test from December 17 2021 to March 11, 2022.
Total Active Cases -1
Total Recovered Cases- 101
Total Deceased Cases- 2

E. Discussing new concepts Okay based on the examples how can you determined if the We can easily determine that it is fact because it has basis especially
and practicing new skills statement is fact or opinion? if it comes from a research and data is presented.
#1 Opinion is something which can’t be proven, and they are based on
Ver good! When we say facts, it is a statement that can be proven someone’s thoughts, feelings and understanding.
and the source is credible.
It is something which can be verified with evidence and is
provable, observable and measurable.
Opinion is basically your view or judgement about something not
necessarily based on fact or credible sources.


I’ll show you some photos and you are going to create a factual
and opinionated sentence about it.

(Answers may vary.)

- Sara Geronimo is the Asia’s popstar.

- Rodrigo Roa Duterte is the first president from Mindanao and
b. is the oldest.
- I think Sarah Geronimo is the best singer in the Philippines.
- In my opinion Leni Robredo is the greatest vice president
- Maria Leonor "Leni" Gerona Robredo is a Filipina lawyer
c. and politician.
- President Duterte did many projects during his presidency.
Very good!
You can also use phrases like I feel, I think and in my point of
view to state your opinion.
Remember that fact is true or real. It is something which can be
verified with evidences and is provable.
F. Discussing new concepts Any questions? None so far ma’am.
and practicing new skills
#2 • Did you understand already the differences between facts and • Yes ma’am
• At this point class, let us all read an article, in the article there
are line being underlined, tell me whether the underlined statement
is fact or opinion. Am I understood? • Yes ma’am

• (The teachers will give the article.)

Sering is situated at approximately 10.0827,125.5379, in the island

of Dinagat. People who lived in the barangay are friendly and • The students will read the localized article.
generous. It has vast and bountiful field of rice terraces. It is
absolutely a heaven sent. They celebrate fiesta in honoring Saint
Peter every 30th of June.The household population of Sering in the
2015 census was 3, 192 broken down into 769 households or an
average of 4.15 members per household. Sering, Basilisa, Dinagat
Islands is a fascinating Island. A real paradise.

• What is the article all about?

•Very good
• Do you like the article about our barangay?
•It is about our own barangay Sering.
Activity 4.
I will show the underlined statements from the article then in a ¼ • Yes ma’am
sheet of paper, write F if the statemen is FACT and O if it is an

1. Sering is situated at approximately 10.0827,125.5379,

in the island of Dinagat.
2. People who lived in the barangay are friendly and
1. F
3. It is absolutely a heaven sent.
2. O
4. They celebrate fiesta in honoring Saint Peter every
3. O
30th of June. 4. F
5. A real paradise. 5. O

5 minutes will be given for this activity

(After 5-minute.) Are you done?
Okay pass your paper to the person in front of you.
Yes ma’am.

G. Developing mastery We’ll be having an activity. Form a circle.

(leads to Formative
Assessment 3) Activity 5. PLEASE DON’T THE STOP THE MUSIC
I have here a box with stripes of paper inside and you’re going to
pass it along while I am playing the music. The moment the music
stops you have to stop passing the box and the student who’s
holding it, will pick a strip of paper, read aloud the statement and
answer whether it is fact or opinion. (Some may pick white
stripes which is empty, it’ll be his/her lucky day.)

Am I clear?
(The sentences written on the stripes of colored paper.)
•Yes ma’am
1. Earth is the third planet from the Sun. (The students will do the activity.)
2. Stomach ache is one of the symptoms of having COVID. 1. Fact
3. I smell fresh air whenever I’m in Sering NHS. 2. Opinion
4. Wearing facemask is one of the protocols to avoid the 3. Opinion
virus. 4. Fact
5. President Rodrigo Roa Duterte is the 16th president of the 5. Fact
third Philippine Republic.

H. Finding practical
application of concepts Activity 6. GUESS ME!
and skills in daily living.
For this activity, I want you to be paired by your seatmate or to the
person in front of you, not with your friends. (Students start to stand to look for their partner.)

At the count of 10, I want you to be with your partner. (1…2…

Are you seated with your partner right now? Yes ma’am.

Direction: You have to say two attributes or what you have

observed towards your partner. One for OPINION and one for fact
about him/her.
I will be just calling the names who to stand to start this activity.
(Calling the names of the paired students.)
(Student states one fact and opinion.)

J. Generalizing and • What are the differences between facts and opinion? • Facts it is a statement that can be proven and has a basis.
abstractions about the It is something which can be verified with evidence and is provable,
lesson observable and measurable while opinion is something which can’t be
proven, and they are based on someone’s thoughts, feelings and

• How important for you students to distinguish facts from opinion • It is very important ma’am so that we could distinguish the real one
in your daily lives? from the unreal or the lies from the truth.

•Ma’am in order for us to be knowledgeable so, we’ll not be fooled.

•In today’s generation it is very significant to recognize factual

information for us to be safe, for instance in getting a shot for COVID
vaccine. We must have a thorough investigation/research what brand
suits for us to avoid consequences.

K. Evaluating learning Activity 6. (Preparation of the evaluation and presentation.)

• I’ll give you 10 minutes to prepare your activity and present it to
the class.
(Have the students do the tiered activity.)

A. Below Average Students

Direction: In the given picture with statement distinguish
the facts and opinion.

B. Average students 1. The teacher together with his pupils are wearing face mask inside
Direction: Read the statement then match it with the 1. The researchers finally found the most effective vaccine for COVID-
theThe ten presidential candidates of the Philippines.
corresponding pictures and identify the statements whether it 19.
2. Leni Robredo
Mr. Lim leads awill be the
prayer next
to his president of the Philippine
is fact or opinion. 2. One of the safety protocols is to wear face mask to avoid the virus.
C. Above Average students
Direction: In the given picture construct a statement
describing facts and opinion.

• The criteria are the following

Content/Correctness 30%
Cooperation 10%
Presentation 10%

L. Additional activities for Activity 7. WHICH IS WHO!

application or For your assignment, in a short bond paper construct five factual
remediation. sentences and five opinionated describing yourself as a student. It
should be encoded; font size is 12 and Arial for font style. Next
meeting I’ll be reading few from your outputs and you’re going to
identify the author/owner of it.

Is everything clear?
Any questions and clarifications? Yes, ma’am.
None so far.
We’re travelling the love lane…
Down the road we’ll meet again.
V. Agreement
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Prepared by:


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