Numerical Methods Midterm Quiz

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Numerical Methods Midterm Quiz:

Solve the following in excel file and indicate your group no. and member. Only one excel sheet per
solution (name your sheets 1A, 1B, etc. . Score will be based according to the accuracy, completeness,
and presentation. You may use your channels to meet as a group. Interview will be held on the Monday
Session (a member will be chosen randomly from each group channel to test his/her knowledge and
contribution to the examination). Submit your work END-OF-DAY (EOD). To ensure compliance back-
up, you are allowed MAXIMUM two members to upload the file for each group.

Upload your excel file in this link:

Tolerance: The answer must be within plus or minus 0.25% of the calculator answer.

First Iteration: Ensure that your iteration is at least 10 counts away from the answer. (If the answer is
2.5, your first iteration should be 12.5 or higher, or -7.5 or lower).

1. Find four root-finding methods (can be different for each problem) than can solve a root of this
equation. Do not forget to indicate the name of the method.

Provide main graph for each (Re graph it NOT necessary)

6( logx)2 +5 logx−6=0
2. Solve for the equation below using
a. Newton-Rhapson Method
b. Secant Method
c. Regular Falsi/False-position Method
3 2
x −3 x + 4=0

Include main graph for each. For a and b, include Re graph.

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