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1. The teacher will ask the prior knowledge of the students.

Can you still remember the different kinds of triangle?

What are those?

What are there differences?

Activity 1: I CAN DO IT!

Materials:4 pieces of short coupon bond paper,pencil, ruler, adhesive tape, protractor and pair of

Procedure:1. Each member of the group will be given different kindof triangle (shown in establishing the
purpose of thelesson).

2. Choose a third side of a triangle. Mark each midpointof the other two sides then connect the
midpoints toform a segment. Does the segment drawn look parallel to thethird side of the triangle you

3. Measure the segment drawn and the third side youchoose.

• Compare the lengths of the segments drawnand the third side you choose. What did youobserve?

4. Cut the triangle along the segment drawn.Triangle 1Triangle 3Triangle 1Triangle 3

• What two figures are formed after cutting thetriangle along the segment drawn?

5. Use an adhesive tape to reconnect the triangle with theother figure in such a way that their common
vertexwas a midpoint and that congruent segments formedby a midpoint coincide.

• After reconnecting the cut outs, what newfigure is formed? Why?

• Make a conjecture to justify the new figureformed after doing the above activity. Explainyou answer.

• What can you say about your findings inrelation to those of your classmates? Do you think that the
findings apply to all kindsof triangles?

Activity 2: I CAN PROVE IT!

Given: ∆HNS, O is the midpoint of HN, E is the midpoint of NS.

Prove: OE || HS


1. What is midline theorem?

2. What needs to be shown in proving midline theorem?


1. Which of the following is a statement of the Midline Theorem?

a) The midline of a triangle divides the base into two congruent segments.

b) The midline of a triangle is perpendicular to the opposite side.

c) The midline of a triangle is parallel to the opposite side.

d) The midline of a triangle connects the midpoint of two sides.

2. Given a triangle with midline ML, which of the following is true?

a) ML is perpendicular to the base of the triangle.

b) ML is perpendicular to the altitude of the triangle.

c) ML is parallel to the altitude of the triangle.

d) ML is parallel to the base of the triangle.

3. In triangle ABC, if AB = 8 and BC = 12, what is the length of the midline that connects the midpoints of
AB and BC?

a) 4

b) 6

c) 8

d) 10
4. Given a triangle with midline PQ, if PQ = 6 and the length of the base is 8, what is the length of the
altitude from the vertex to the base?

a) 3

b) 4

c) 5

d) 6

5.In triangle GHI, if GH = 15 and the length of the altitude from the vertex to the base is 9, what is the
length of the midline that connects the midpoints of GH and HI?

a) 4.5

b) 7.5

c) 9

d) 12

II. Prove and solve:

Given ∆ABC, G is the midpoint of AB, E is the midpoint of BC.

Prove: GE || AC and GE = 1/2 AC

III. If you are the carpenter to repaint the house, how can you find the area of that attic?

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