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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City



A Basic Research

Prepared by

Head Teacher I


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Frequent Classroom Observation to Four English Teachers to Address the RPMS-COT Standards
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City



This paper aimed to determine the effectiveness of frequent classroom

observation to four English teachers of Calatagan National High School, Calatagan,

Batangas employing the Results – Based Management System (RPMS) and

classroom observation tool (COT).


Employing the descriptive research design which was qualitative in the aspect

of data gathering, an in-depth interview was used as a date gathering technique.

This involved intense probing for deeper meaning and understanding of the

responses. The interview guide was used as a device through collected informative

knowledge that is interview technique.


All of the participants pointed out that classroom observation is the way to

help them improve their craft. They were very submissive when it comes to meeting

the standards of the RPMS COT scheme. However, they found disadvantages in it

but still they have to adjust for the sake of growth in the profession.

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Frequent Classroom Observation to Four English Teachers to Address the RPMS-COT Standards
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City

Research Limitations

The study focused on the perceptions of the four-seasoned English Teachers

on the implementation of RPMS-COT standards and its implication and effect on

their efficiency and competence as teachers.

Originality/ Value

Thus, the study will be beneficial to the teachers and future teachers for the

results of this study may inspire them to be the best teachers on their special ways

and uplift the value and integrity of the profession.

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Frequent Classroom Observation to Four English Teachers to Address the RPMS-COT Standards
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City

I. Introduction and Rationale

Education plays a significant role in realizing the National Development

Goal (NDG0 as mentioned on the mission of the department. The present

educational situation face by the entire academe as well as the call for global

competition drove the Philippine government to consistently pursue teacher

quality reforms.

To completely realize the K-12 reforms (R.A. 10533), the government set

measure called the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST),

which is built on NCBTS, and aims to elevate the quality of teaching and

teaching performance of teachers.

Along the endeavor of lifting the quality of education, the Civil Service

Commission issued memorandum circular no. 06, s. 2012 or the Strategic

Performance Management System (SPMS) to ensure efficient, timely and quality

performance among personnel. This paved the way to the department of

education to follow the same aspiration through the issuance of Dep. Ed Order

No. 2 s, 2015 called the “Guidelines on the Establishment and Implementation of

the Result-based Performance Management System (RPMS).

In response to this matter, the researcher has come up with his study on

the effect of frequent classroom observation to Four English teachers to address

the RPMS-COT standard.

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Frequent Classroom Observation to Four English Teachers to Address the RPMS-COT Standards
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City

II. Literature Review

For relevant information and necessary background for the present study,

a comprehensive research on related literature has been conducted by the


As cited by Niven (2002) the rise of public voices towards accountable

and efficient government has influenced most government in the world to

implement Performance Management System (PMS0 that cater to the needs of

the citizens. Nevertheless, the lack of comprehensiveness in terms of

implementation and its practices have caused the failure of the system.

Cokins (2002) said that governments worldwide are under pressure to

improve their service and to control their costs. National state, country, municipal

and public agencies in almost all of the countries in the world are encountering

some sort of fiscal squeeze.

On the other hand David (2018) said that even if teacher’s performance

appraisal is being revitalized through the PPST –RPMS, it may not accomplish

what it wants from the teachers as long as there is a culture of “concealment”

Dep Ed must require truthful and accurate reporting so that the real illnesses that

plague our counrtry’s education system can be appropriately addressed and be

given the right cure.

Ginigundo (2017) stated that the country needs two things to improve

teacher quality: professional standard for teachers and school leaders (e.g,

principals and supervisors) and an independent and separate agency devoted

carrying out these standards.

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Frequent Classroom Observation to Four English Teachers to Address the RPMS-COT Standards
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City

The aforementioned literatures provided various perspectives relative to

the implementation of RPMS –PPST. Niven(2002) said on the rise of public

voices towards accountable and efficient government, Cokins(2002) stressed that

governments worldwide are under pressure to improve their service, Furthermore

David (2018) pointed out the truthfulness and accurate reporting of Department

of Education, and Gunigundo (201&) stated that teacher’s quality would be

improved through professional standards and good educational leaders.

Similar views were mirrored but the study is different from the said views

because it focused really on the perceptions of teachers on the said standard.

III. Research Questions

This research aimed to know the effect of frequent classroom observations

to ten English Teachers of Calatagan National High School, Calatagan,

Batangas. Specifically, this research seeks to answer the following questions:

1. How does the teacher find classroom observation?

2. What positive and negative effect has this observation brought them?

3. How do teachers find the implementation of RPMS-COT in teaching?

IV. Scope and Delimitation

The study focused on the reactions, perceptions and opinions of the

selected participants regarding classroom observation involving the use of RPMS-

COT standards.

The study was limited to the responses of the four selected female teachers

who are the subjects of the implementation of the said performance standards.

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Frequent Classroom Observation to Four English Teachers to Address the RPMS-COT Standards
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City

V. Research Methodology

A. Research Design

The study employed descriptive design which was qualitative in the

nature of data gathering. An in- depth interview was used as a data gathering

techniques. This involved probing for deeper meaning and understanding of

the responses.

B. Sampling

Homogenous sampling was utilized since the participants of the study

are under one nature of work and with similar characteristics. The research in

return, as a teacher by profession understands the experiences shard by

these participants while comparing and contrasting those experiences.

The target participants of this qualitative study are four-female English

teachers who are the subject of the implementation of the new teaching

standard within the district of Calatagan. Few only criteria for the selection is

that they are still neophyte in field of teaching considering that they have been

in the profession for atleast 5 years. This will guarantee the fact that they can

substantially contribute to the study.

C. Data Collection

To capture the essence of the participants’ experiences an in-depth

interview was used as a data gathering technique.

The interview guide was devised through collected informative knowledge

such as questionnaires samples and interview techniques. This encompassed

the three main questions through corresponding sub questions which were for

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Frequent Classroom Observation to Four English Teachers to Address the RPMS-COT Standards
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City

formulated to elicit responses that determined the participants opinions,

perceptions and reactions with regards to classrooms observations.

This was presented to different experts for validation. Their comments

and suggestions were considered in the finalization of the instrument.

D. Plan for Data Analysis

The interviews were transcribed accurately. A draft of narrative was

made to organize the ideas of the participants in chronological order.

Subsequently, the transcriptions were coded and emerging themes were

formulated. As the interviews were reviewed, the transcripts were


E. Ethical Issues

Letters were addressed to the selected participants, asking permission

for the interview. With their permission, each interview was scheduled based

on their vacant period.

VI. Results and Discussion

VII. A. Stands of the Four-seasoned English Teachers on classroom


All of the participants stated that classroom observation is a way of

improving teachers’ craft.

Participant A

It helps me to improve my craft and becomes knowledgeable in the

field of teaching trough the technical assistance that the observer may


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Frequent Classroom Observation to Four English Teachers to Address the RPMS-COT Standards
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City

Participant B

Classroom observation for me is a way of elevating my performance

and helps realize the competency of the day.

Participant C

For me, through classroom observation, I am able to show the correct

and proper way of teaching. It also helps me find out my weak points.

Participant D

It helps me to be honed as a good teachers for I will be guided through

the technical assistance given.

B. On the positive effects of classroom observation.

Participant A

It Made me become better and executed the lesson well.

Participant B

It made me to give more effort in my teaching and followed the correct

phasing of the lesson.

Participant C

It made me find out my strengths and weaknesses.

Participant D

It made me boost myself confidence and respect for myself as a


C. On the negative effects of classroom observation

Participant A

It will add more pressure to the teacher since teacher nowadays has

lots of paper works

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Frequent Classroom Observation to Four English Teachers to Address the RPMS-COT Standards
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City

Participant B

I became very conscious and unnatural during lesson execution

Participant C

I am nervous and feel rattled whenever I am observed

Participant D

I fell very much pressured knowing that someone watched over me in

my teaching

D. On their stands on the implementation of RPMS –COT standard. All of

them burden in it but oblige to follow .

Participant A

It is a burden additional task but on the contrary I will learn

Participant B

I find it hard but I will follow

Participant C

I will try my best though pressured

Participant D

I am a teacher, I have to follow

VIII. Conclusion

The participants are seasoned teachers who are less than five years in the

teaching service.

All of the participants considered classroom observation as the way to hone

their craft in teaching. They all find advantages and disadvantages in the process.

However, they all came to terms that they have to abide the rules and standard for

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Frequent Classroom Observation to Four English Teachers to Address the RPMS-COT Standards
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City

modern teaching for no one forced them to get into the profession but rather they

were the ones who chose it.

Lastly, the participants declared that they were very much willing to employ

into their teaching the technical assistance given by their observer.

VII. Recommendation

Based on the findings and conclusions the following recommendations are

hereby suggested.

1. Show and develop more enthusiasm in teaching.

2. Accept by heart and employ religious in teaching, the technical assistance

given by the observer.

3. Develop more passion in teaching.

4. Always think that teaching is a mission not a job.

5. Love students above all for they are the core of the entire educative process.

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Frequent Classroom Observation to Four English Teachers to Address the RPMS-COT Standards
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Batangas Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, Batangas City

IX. References

Cokins G 2002: Activity – Based Lost Management in Government,

Management Concept Vienna, VA 22182

Niven, PR 2002 Balanced Score card Step-by-step, John Wiley and Soas,

Inc, New York.

Magtanggol T. Gunigundo I - @inquirerdotnet

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Frequent Classroom Observation to Four English Teachers to Address the RPMS-COT Standards

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