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(C) Condenser

(B) Extractor

(A) Flask

(This apparatus can be obtained from any chemical supply house at a reasonable price.)

5. When the alcohol coming through the syphon tube eventually

becomes clear, that is an indication that the extraction has been com-
pleted. The thimble should now be removed and its contents placed
in an earthenware or porcelain dish. Place a wire screen over the dish
and light this residue, which will ignite at once due to its being satu-
rated with alcohol. Care should be taken that there are no other flam-
mable substances close by. This material should be calcined to black
ash. Grind this and then calcine again to a light gray.*

6. The calcined ashes (Salt) are now placed into the lower flask. A suffi-
cient amount of the extract is poured over this Salt. The flask is reat-
tached to the extraction apparatus and circulation is started. This is
to be continued until the Salt has absorbed the Essence and Sulphur.
The extract in the lower flask should become lighter. When there is
no further change in color, the Salt has absorbed all that is possible.

* A prolonged calcination can change the gray to a reddish color which of course is preferable, but this will require
a long time.


Albertus_ALCH HANDBOOK WC PRESS pages.indd 25 3/25/22 6:28 PM

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