Syailendra Dana Kas (SDK) : Investment Objective

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Syailendra Dana Kas (SDK)

December 2021 Preferred Investment Partner

Investment Objective Monthly Report December 2021

The Fund is aiming to achieve income in come from a short-term, or less than one
year, securities and other money market instruments. Month-end NAV/unit : 1,482.1688
Investment Strategy Fund Information
Investment decisions are driven largely by rigorous fundamental analysis focusing on Launch date 12 June 2015
growth prospects, valuation and events that could unlock investment values. The Effective Date 19 March 2015
Fund has a flexible asset allocation strategy and can invest 100% in money market. Fund size IDR 3,585.49 billion
Type of fund Long only
Key Risk Investment geography Indonesia
Risks associated with investing in the Fund include: change in economic & political Custodian Bank Cimb Niaga
conditions, liquidity risk and decreasing Net Asset Value (NAV) of the Fund. Please Base currency Indonesian Rupiah.
refer to the relevant prospectus for details. Minimum investment IDR 1,000-
Performance Relative To Average 1 - mth TD Management fee Max. 1% p.a.
Subscription Daily
Subscription fee N.A.
Redemption Daily
Redemption fee N.A.
CustodianFee Max. 0.10% p.a.
Penalties N.A.

Management Company
Fund Manager PT. Syailendra Capital
Address District 8, Treasury Tower,39rd Fl Jl.
Jendral Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta 12190, Indonesia
Telephone +62 21 27939900
Faximile +62 21 29721199

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec YTD
2020 SDK 0.54% 0.47% 0.54% 0.50% 0.48% 0.51% 0.47% 0.50% 0.46% 0.40% 0.48% 0.43% 5.95%
Average 1 - 0.42% 0.36% 0.40% 0.37% 0.35% 0.39% 0.36% 0.38% 0.34% 0.30% 0.37% 0.31% 4.43%
mth TD

2021 SDK 0.35% 0.33% 0.37% 0.34% 0.37% 0.33% 0.33% 0.36% 0.31% 0.29% 0.33% 0.30% 4.07%
Average 1 - 0.30% 0.27% 0.30% 0.27% 0.27% 0.25% 0.24% 0.25% 0.23% 0.21% 0.23% 0.21% 3.06%
mth TD

Performance Analysis Top Ten Holdings Important Notice

SDK Average 1 - BNOBU_BGR This report is intended to be for the information
IMFI04ACN2 of the unit holders of the Fund only. It is not
mth TD intended to constitute investment advice and
Historical returns: INKP01ACN4
therefore it should not be relied upon as such.
3 Month 0.9% 0.7% INKP02ACN1 Investment involves risks. Part performance is not
6 Month 1.9% 1.4% OPPM01A indicative of future performance. Please refer to
TBIG04CN4 the relevant prospectus or information
1 Year 4.1% 13.5%
memorandum for details and risks associated
Since Inception 48.2% 37.2% TDP-BBKP
with this investment.
Standard deviation 0.10% 0.11% TDP-BKMUAL

Sharpe ratio 0.04 3.28 TDP-BSULUT 360

% Positive months 100.00% 100.00%

Coorporate Bond 46.09%

Money Market 53.91%

Investasi melalui reksa dana mengandung resiko, calon pemodal wajib membaca dan memahami prospektus sebelum
memutuskan untuk berinvestasi melalui reksa dana. Kinerja masa lalu tidak mencerminkan kinerja masa datang.

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