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Performance Task 1: Demonstration of Laboratory Experiment

For this task, you will be working in groups of 4 or 5. Each person in the group will have a task to

1. Each group will randomly pick the laboratory experiment to demonstrate from the topics
that will be provided by the teacher.
2. Prepare a laboratory report about your laboratory experiment. Print a copy of your
laboratory report and submit it to your teacher during your demonstration. Laboratory
report will include the following:

A laboratory report is an account of an experiment and what was discovered during the
The 3 main purposes of a lab report are:
 communicate exactly what occurred in an experiment by presenting data
 discuss the results/observations
 provide conclusions
A standard Lab Report should contain:
A. Title Page
B. Objectives
C. Introduction
D. Materials or Equipment
E. Experimental Procedure
F. Results/Observations
G. Discussion
H. Conclusion
I. References
3. Demonstration will be done in class. If some materials are not available, make sure to
4. While demonstrating the laboratory experiment, explain the procedures,
results/observations, and conclusion.

Freezing Point Depression and Phase Changes


Viscosity of Liquids

Acids and Bases

First Law of Thermodynamics

Density of Liquids

Intermolecular Force Experiment

Category Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Points:

(25pts) (23pts) (20pts) Improvement
Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration
Performance performance is performance is performance is performance
well suited to adequate to relevant to the does not
the stated the stated stated match the
purpose and purpose, but is purpose, but is stated
performed performed not adequately purpose;
with with a lack of performed and/or is not
excitement and excitement or clear to the
showmanship. showmanship audience;
and /or the
does not show
what it was
designed to
Procedures Vs. Performed Performed Performed Performed
Listed demonstration procedures are procedures are procedures do
Procedures procedures are listed in a listed but are not accurately
listed in clear logical order, not in a logical match the
steps. Each but steps are order or are provided
step is not numbered difficult to procedures of
numbered. and/or are not follow. the
clear. demonstration.
Participation All members Most of the Half of the Only one
demonstrate members group did most person
an active role demonstrate of the work. demonstrated
in the process. an active role. an active role.
Conclusion Demonstration Demonstration Demonstration No conclusion
conclusions are conclusions are conclusions are was included
very clear, present and present but are OR shows little
easily clear as to not clear as to effort and
understood, what was what was reflection.
and learned from learned from
interesting; the the
illustrating demonstration. demonstration.
what was
learned from

Experiment: ______________________________ Group: ___________

General Chemistry 2 Group Performance Task


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