Unit 5 Lesson 1: Advanced

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I love visiting places with lots of history, (like) Rome.
I have never been to Bali. (However), I've heard that it's beautiful.
(Although) I don't have much money, I always try to visit somewhere new every summer.
There are many beautiful islands in south-east Asia. (For example), Cebu in the Philippines and
Koh Samui in Thailand.
For me, the perfect holiday has to include lots of local culture. And (not only that), but lots of
good food too.

I can't wait to visit Asia, e (specially) Japan.

I love trying the street food in Singapore, s (uch) a (s) mee goreng and nasi lemak.
I (nstead) o (f) a beach holiday, we went trekking in the mountains this year.
I get seasick on boats, s (o) I always travel by train or plane.
It was the busiest week of the year for tourists. C (onsequently), there were no rooms available
at the hotel.
We can't go on holiday this year u (nless) we can save a lot more money.
First we're going to do a bit of sightseeing in Victoria, the capital. N (ext) we're going on a tour of
the island.

The first time I went to Bali, I spent (literally) every waking hour on the beach. First I'd go for a
swim in the warm sea, (then) I'd buy a breakfast of fried bananas and coconut milk from a street
vendor. (After) that, I would spend the rest of the day sleeping and reading my book.

My sister loves sunbathing on the beach, (whereas) I can't stand sitting in the
sun. (Furthermore), she hates the cold, but I love skiing. (Therefore), we almost never go on
holiday together. We have very different tastes, but (above all) we get on well together.


A (desert) island is a remote island that is not inhabited by humans.

From the Isle of Wight in the south of England, you need to take a ferry to reach the (mainland).
An (atoll) is usually surrounded by a coral reef.
The Hebrides are a (chain) of islands off the north-west coast of Scotland.
In the North Sea, there are many (offshore) oil platforms drilling for oil.

What if you were a c (castaway) on a completely d (deserted) island, with no one else for
company? At first you might feel thrilled at the idea of spending the rest of your life in peace in a
t (tropical) paradise. But pretty soon you might begin to feel very lonely. If you're lucky, a f (ferry)
might go past and you might be able to signal for help. But if the island is very r (remote), you
could be stuck there for years.


Where did José Iván's boat end up? (The Ebon atoll)
Where was his original destination? (El Salvador)
What problem did his boat have? (The engines broke down.)
What might have killed him? (A lack of water)
How did he survive? (He hunted animals to eat.)
After his ordeal, what was Iván's health like? (He was surprisingly well.)

José Iván shouted to the Marshall Islanders. (NOT GIVEN)

Ebon is well connected to other islands in the region. (FALSE)
Iván knew there was a problem with his boat before he left. (NOT GIVEN)
It seems that Iván had become skilled at catching food. (TRUE)
Locals were frightened of Iván when they first saw him. (NOT GIVEN)
Other fishermen have floated similar distances. (TRUE)

This hut must have been built by castaways.)

(Might a castaway have written this message for us to find?)
(How could they have survived without any food?)
(If people lived here, some sort of shelter ought to have been found.)
(They couldn't have known the island was here.)
(Sailors might have stopped here on their way to Australia.)

Visitors to the island (must have made) this fire.

Given that it's such a remote island, (could he have been) a castaway here until his death?
Some record of the voyage (ought to have been written) for posterity.
It's possible that the ship (might have sunk) in the Pacific Ocean.
Might a ship (have lost) its cargo overboard?
It (couldn't have been) his first voyage on a ship.

No one knows how they made (the voyage of over 3,000km.)

The police made a search of (the local area but found nothing.)
The strong winds made it (too dangerous to go out to sea.)
We slowly made our way (to the nearest train station.)
We left camp at 6am and (made for the river.)
When we finally made it ashore, (the islanders were waiting for us.)

An (unexpected find) was made on a beach in East Sussex yesterday. A woman walking her
dog early in the morning discovered a pile of neatly folded men’s clothing next to a suitcase.
Inside the suitcase were hundreds of bundles of euro notes. The clothes were dry and not
bloodstained, so it seems the owner of the suitcase (made it ashore) safely, probably by boat. It
is possible that the man (made for) the British coast (most probably with help from criminal
gangs), but was startled by something on the beach, and went into hiding. If the cash was
smuggled ashore, it seems likely this would have been done at night as customs patrols (would
have made it too dangerous) to land during the day. But why would he leave his clothes
behind? Police have (made a search) of the area, but have found no further clues.


MEL Do you think you'd ever want to go on one of those survival programmes? On a desert
island, where you have to fend for yourself?

MATT No, I don't think so. It wouldn't be my kind of thing.

MEL Really? But you love camping and fishing and all that kind of stuff.


MATT I do, but I'm not sure how real those TV shows are, (you know)? I wonder how much of
it is scripted, (especially) when they just happen to find a crocodile or a big fish when
they're all starving.

MEL Hmm, I'm not sure it's set up. I think the people on those programmes are usually quite
shocked at how tough it is, (actually). I don't think they hand out sandwiches to them as
soon as the cameras stop rolling.

MATT Maybe. But (anyway), I prefer camping and fishing on my own. I wouldn't get on well in
a group.

MEL That's true. You'd drive all the other people crazy!

(Josef Have you thought about where you want to go on holiday?)

(Maria Yes, I was thinking about somewhere really cultural, like Paris. But then on the other
hand, I really feel like I need to recharge my batteries.)
(Josef Me too. I think we should go for a beach holiday. I need to take a break. Have you heard
of Boracay?)
(Maria No, where's that?)
(Josef It's an island in the Philippines. It looks really beautiful. Really unspoilt, you know?)
(Maria There's a Filipino restaurant in town. Have you tried it? It's called the Melon Tree.)
(Josef Yes, I have. And the name of the restaurant is the Mango Tree, by the way.)
(Maria Oh yes, that's right. Now, what were we saying?)
(Josef We were saying that we'd like to go to Boracay.)
(Maria Oh, that's right. Shall we look at flights online?)

This is the second series of Back to the Iron Age. (FALSE)

The contestants are allowed one phone call a day. (FALSE)
Members of the male team compete to become leader. (TRUE)
The participants are all celebrities. (FALSE)
There are many similar programmes on TV. (TRUE)
The reviewer thinks a lot of the participants will drop out. (TRUE)

The island where the teams are living is r (emote).

At night, a fire is important for warmth and p (rotection).
The participants have to wear a (nimal) s (kins).
One participant, Tom, stays for only o (ne) d (ay).
The women are better at t (eamwork).
The programme takes place during w (inter).



Noun Adjective

(compassion) compassionate

charity (charitable)

(empathy) empathetic

generosity (generous)


humanitarianism (humanitarian)

(selflessness) selfless

sustainability (sustainable)

(volunteer) voluntary
Frankie works as a volunteer for a (humanitarian) charity.
It's sometimes difficult to (sustain) people's interest in worthwhile causes.
I can really (empathise) with people who are homeless, because I've been on the streets
Rachel earns very little, but she still gives a percentage of her wages to charity. She's
so (selfless).
People have been so generous. We've collected £2,800 in (donations).
We're looking for (volunteers) to deliver leaflets to homes in the area.

Can you (volunteer) some of your time this week to help out at the animal shelter?
I can't believe the (generosity) people have shown during this appeal.
Mario is a very kind person. He has real (empathy) for the refugees.
The WWF is a (charity) that supports endangered species.
Joelle would give away her own lunch if someone else was hungry. She's (selfless) like that.
The charity aims to promote (sustainable) farming.

chill + relax= (chillax)simultaneous + broadcast= (simulcast)friend + enemy= (frenemy)smoke +

fog= (smog)information + commercial= (infomercial)stay + vacation= (staycation)
I'm not working next week, but I'm not going away anywhere. I'm having a (staycation).
In Victorian London, the air used to be thick with (smog).
Please log onto our (simulcast), when we will explain the benefits of investing in our company.
I like hanging out with my friends at the weekend, just watching films and (chillaxing).
That (infomercial) is so annoying! I can't stand the presenter's voice!
One minute Bess is really sweet to me, the next she criticises me on Facebook. She's a
total (frenemy).
Have you got software on your computer to protect it from (malware)?

Tonight I'm just going to get a takeaway, watch a movie and (chillax).
I think my laptop's been infected with some kind of (malware).
Have you seen that (infomercial) on TV about solar panels?
I don't drink alcohol, but I'd like to try one of those (mocktails).
Lots of people in Beijing wear face masks because of the (smog).
I can't afford an expensive holiday abroad this year, so I'm taking a (staycation).

The ticket office opened at 8am and crowds of people rushed forwards, (some of whom had
been queuing since midnight).
The houses can rotate to track the path of the sun, (which is a completely new idea in
Across the UK, houses built after the Second World War which were only (meant to be used for
between five and ten years), are still in use today.
The people (who built the community centre) were residents from the local area.
The people (whose houses had been destroyed) were found temporary accommodation.
Helping young people to understand key concepts is very important, but I also want the
students (that I teach to be confident and believe in themselves).


(The hotel, which has housed many famous writers and painters, is at risk of closing.)
(The charity teaches the young people it works with how to cook basic healthy meals.)
(The community centre is a place of safety for those who have left their family and country
(The refugee centre is named after the politician whose fortune was left to the refugee charity
after his death.)
(It is a place of warmth and safety, which is more than most of the refugees have known for the
past few months.)
(The charity, which was established in 2001, has helped more than 20,000 refugees.)

New emergency shelters may be more (suitable) for victims of natural disasters.
The solar-powered flat-pack shelter is (twice) as large as a normal emergency tent.
The shelter's lighting is powered by (solar energy).
Inside the flat-pack shelter it is (cool) because the sun's rays are reflected by the roof.
The inspiration for the folding house came from (origami).
The folding house is made (in factories).

Victims of a natural disaster may be (frightened and confused.)

Humanitarian charities are beginning to (consider new ways of housing victims of disasters.)

The solar-powered flat-pack shelter (was a joint venture between a private company and a UN
The solar-powered flat-pack shelter is practical and also safer than some other alternatives.)

An advantage of the folding house is that (its shape is not fixed.)

The structure of the folding house is strong because (of the shapes used in its construction.)

master (bedroom)
built-in (storage)
wood-burning (stove)
custom- (built)
roof (garden)
open-plan (living)
kitchen (island)
solar (panels)
underfloor (heating)
glass- (fronted)
hot- (tub)

Luxury apartment with rooftop views

This luxury apartment in the centre of New York has three bedrooms, all with c-b (custom-built)
closets, a family bathroom and master en-suite bathroom, all with u (underfloor) h (heating). The
bright, g-f (glass-fronted) apartment is really suited to o-p (open-plan) living, with its huge living
and kitchen areas. There is plenty of b-i (built-in) storage in the kitchen, as well as a k (kitchen) i
(island), so there is lots of room for entertaining and preparing food. The real selling point,
though, is the r (roof) g (garden) with stunning views across the city skyline, plus a h-t (hot-tub)
that you can relax in and enjoy the sights of the city.

(GARY Did you see this news story about the granny who stopped a robbery?)? (LUCY The
one who hit the robbers over their heads with her handbag? Yes, amazing!)
(GARY And she was 78 years old! I'm not sure I'd do that!)
(LUCY Are you saying you would never try to stop a crime?)
(GARY No, that's not really what I meant. It's just that there were four robbers,)
(GARY and they were big men. I'm not sure I'd confront them.)
(LUCY In other words, the 78-year-old granny is braver than you are!)


(GARY Well, maybe you're right, I don't know. But maybe if I was actually there, and saw it,)
(GARY I would do something. What I mean to say is that you don't really know)
(GARY what you would do in that kind of situation until it actually happens.)
(LUCY That's true, I suppose. None of us really knows how we would react in that kind of

TOM Did you see that homeless man outside the building? I feel really sorry for him, it's
so cold outside. Every day I give him the change from my coffee.

ROWENA Do you? I never give money to the homeless. They just waste it, anyway.

TOM What do you mean? Could you be more (explicit)?

ROWENA Well, that money you gave him this morning, for example. I bet he doesn't spend it
on food. I bet he wastes it on cigarettes, or worse.

TOM I'm not sure what you (mean). You can't assume that just because he's homeless
he smokes or takes drugs.

ROWENA OK, let me (rephrase) that. I think it would be better to give your money to a
homeless charity because they can really help him.

TOM I don't (get) what you're trying to say.

ROWENA Let me (explain) it in more detail. A homeless charity has hostels where homeless
people can stay. They can try to help people get training or get back into work. The
£1 you just gave him won't make any difference.

TOM That's your opinion. Maybe he really needs a cup of coffee right now, and I just
helped him buy one.

MARTIN You're back early. Are the shops closed already?

SUE No, I just got completely fed up of being asked to donate to charities. It felt like I
couldn't walk more than ten steps without being asked to save some animal or
prevent a disease.

MARTIN Oh, come on. It doesn't (happen that often).

SUE (Generally speaking), no, it doesn't. But today they were everywhere, shaking their
collecting tins!

MARTIN But they're all good causes, aren't they?

SUE By (and large), yes – (for the most) part, I'm happy to donate a few coins. But after a
while I ran out of change, and I started to feel under pressure to give something to


MARTIN Yes, I see what you mean. (I might have a tendency) to pick a few to donate to, but I
don't like feeling pressurised.

SUE Personally, I'd rather choose one or two charities that I feel strongly about and send
them something each month from my bank account.

MARTIN I know what you mean, but (a large number) of charities depend on street collections
to raise the money they need.

Next year I'm (definitely) going to save some money so I can go travelling.
After work, I (usually) go to the gym or go for a walk to get some fresh air.
Katrina is (obviously) the right candidate for this job.
I fell off my bike yesterday, but (fortunately) I didn't hurt myself.
(Lately) I've been trying to eat more healthily and do more exercise.
I love where I live because there are lots of shops and cafés (nearby).

(Lately I haven't had much time to go swimming because I've been studying so much).
(I've been waiting for Jim for an hour now and I'm extremely fed up).
(Are there any good cafés nearby)?
(Personally, I'm not in favour of giving lots of money to homeless people).
(The dog was growling, so the animal handlers cautiously approached it).
(I got up late this morning and I only just caught my train to work).

Steve heard the news story (this morning.)

The man was on his way . (to work.)

The man could have been killed by (electricity.)

Janice says she would probably (be more worried about her own safety than someone else's.)

Steve suggests that in this kind of situation, people (do not think about their actions carefully.)
Janice and Steve agree that the man who saved the baby should (get some kind of recognition.)

The action took place (on the platform) at a train station.

Next to the office worker there was a young (woman) with a baby in a pram.
The pram went onto the tracks because of the (wind).
Janice describes the man as a (hero).
The man was on his way (to work).
The man has become a (celebrity) in the area.


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