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Opening speech topic 2: Arms embargo in the Middle East.

(Yemen’s case)
Country: Japan
Commission: Security Council
Delegate: Sofía Robledo Urueña
School: Colegio Jordán de Sajonia

Good morning honorable chair, respected delegates and distinguished guests.

The delegation of Japan is honored to be part of the XI edition of this United Nations model.
Japan is a fully supportive of the weapon embargo imposed to the Middle East. Yemen, the
poorest country of the Middle east is now the battlefield of this violent conflict and as in every
war, it is the civilians who are bearing the brunt and consequences of this dispute. Through this
embargo, this Security Council country members should succeed in preventing the access and
use of weapons by the militias against the civilians.
We consider that moving towards reducing the risks of death and injury to every citizen in the
Middle East should be a priority. Japan is not directly involved in the conflict, but we have
offered and given our help to promote peace and stability in the region through humanitarian aid,
diplomatic negotiations and an increase of dialogue.
As non-permanent member of the Security Council and members of the United Nations we are
always open to contribute to the resolution of anything that is threatening either the protection of
human rights or maintain global peace. We call upon the international community to support and
help with this issue.
Thank you.

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