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− Luminous Flux––The Lumen

• luminous flux (Φ)––the measure of the _______________ ________________ produced by a

light source

o It is measured in units called ___________________ (_____).

o A ___________________ point light source (approximately equivalent to 1 candle) emits light

at a rate of about ___________________.

− Illumination at a Point––Illuminance

• illuminance (E)––the ___________________ of light an object receives from a light source

o Illuminance is proportional to the ___________________ of the source and inversely

proportional to the ___________________ of its ___________________ from the object.

o The units of illuminance are lumens per square meter (lm/m2), which are called

___________________ (____).

• Figure 26-6 on ST p. 599

• Sample Problem

o What is the illuminance on a surface 2 m from a 4 cd source?

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