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Tour operators
- transport
Take off
1. They are advertising: traditional sun, sea, and sand holiday; safari, skiing, cultural tour
- Beach holidays - why do I have to go on a package holiday to the beach when I already live in Da Nang, which has one of the most
attractive beaches on the planet
- Adventure -
- Ski holiday
- Cultural holiday (museum)
2. They go on package holidays because of
- Lack of experience
- Cost-saving
- Safety
- Time-saving
- Less stress
Listening 1
1. Reasons for choosing a package holiday:
- Saving in cost - Low cost - Cheaper
- Knowing how much the holiday would cost before leaving home (control the cost)
- Being organized by professionals
- tour rep available on site to help with problems
2. 1. C two years
2. A,b buying drinks and souvenirs
3. The rep deals with problems on site
4. You can relax for knowing someone will help you if you have any problem
1. a. The components of a typical package holiday
- Transport to and from the destination
- Transfers between the airport/station/port and hotel
- Food and accommodation at the destination
- Other services such as a guide or holiday rep
b. Travel agents
c. four: mass market operators, specialist operators, domestic operators, incoming tour operators
2. Package tour, inclusive tour
3. B
4. To get a much lower price
5. Because they don't have to pay a commission to a travel agent
Listening 2
1. Because it’s very peaceful
2. Yangon: visit The capital city
Bagan: visit some of the many temples, Rent a bike
Inle: Go trekking in the mountains, Visit the city’s floating Markets
Mandalay: Visit a school of Buddhism
Ngapali:Spend some time at the beach
3. They don’t know about Burma, they are scared
Destinations or examples

Write a letter
1. Starting a letter (referring to previous meeting or correspondence)
Further to our meeting last Friday …. (referring to previous meeting)
Further to your enquiry, we are pleased to enclose (file đính kèm) ….
With reference to your enquiry of 13 May, I am enclosing details of ….
Thank you for your letter of June 14.
2. explaining the reason for writing
I am just writing to confirm ….
3. giving bad news
I regret to inform you that …….

4. giving good news

We are pleased to announce ….
5. giving information
I wish to advise you that according to the terms of our agreement …
We are writing to give you further information about ….
We are writing to inform you that ….
6. apologizing
We deeply regret any inconvenience caused by …
7. ending a letter
Do not hesitate to contact us again if you need further assistance.
If you have any further questions, please contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you.

boss of ur friend is a professor. He comes to a conference in HN, and travels in ĐÀ NẴNG for 2 days
ask you to find a hotel for the boss
write an email to the boss accommodation
why is suitable

unit 11
ngày số tháng chữ
Listening 1
T = Travel agent, S = Susan Venables
T Hi. Can I help you?
S Yes. We were here last week. We were thinking about a holiday in the Dominican Republic. And you gave us this brochure, and we went away to think about hotels.
T Mrs Venables, isn't it?
S Yes, that's right.
T And have you decided on a hotel, or do you need some more help?
S No, we've made our mind up. We thought the Playa Tropical seemed the best for us.
T Mm. Good. A lot of our clients go there. You've made a good choice. So, let me just get a few details down and we can make the booking.
T Could you tell me your first name, please?
S Susan.
T OK. And could you give your contact details - your postal address, a daytime telephone number, and an evening number, as well.
S Yes, it's 64 Bridge Lane, Lazenthorpe.
T Is that with a 'z' and a final 'e'?
S That's right ~ L-A-Z-E-N-T-H-O-R-P-E.
T OK. And a telephone number?
S Er. It's probably easiest to ring my husband on his mobile. That's 0 double 7 479 797 double 9.
T ...7 double 9. You don't have an email address, too?
S Yes, it's venables.s-r@hotmail.com'.
T ... dot 's' hyphen 'r' at hotmail dot com. OK. Now, let's see. Is it just the two of you going?
S That's right.
T And it was for the end of September?
S You've got a good memory! The 21st of September to the 11th of October.
T OK. 21st of the 9th to the 11th of the 10th. And to the Playa Tropical?
S Mm.
T And what about meals? Did you want full board or half board?
S Half board, I think. We want to get out of the hotel and try the local restaurants...
T Which are very good. I'll see if I can find a couple to recommend.
S Oh, that would be nice.
T OK, nearly finished. Let's see if there are any problems. There shouldn't be. No, look, it's come through straight away. Playa Tropical.
S Oh good. That's lovely.
T So if you leave me the deposit we can confirm the booking.
S How much is it?
T £120 per person. So that's £240 for the two of you.
S And I can pay that by credit card?
T Yes, of course. If you give it to me, I'll just swipe it.
S And when do we pay the rest? I did read it in the conditions...
T You need to pay the balance at least eight weeks before departure. That would be... July twenty seventh. Could you just sign here? So, this is your copy of the
booking form. Now, you'll get an invoice through the post within the next two weeks, Mrs Venables. Could you be sure to check the details, and if there were to be any
mistakes, let me know, and I'll sort it out for you. OK?
S Lovely. Thanks very much for your help.
T My pleasure. And we're here for anything you need.
S That's great. Bye, then.
T Goodbye.
Listening 2
I = Interviewer, C = Clemen
I Clemen, could you tell us something about the first computer reservation systems?
C Well, the first system goes back to the 50s, when American Airlines and IBM decided to work together on a computer-based reservation system. The result was
known as the Semi-Automatic Business Research Environment, which is quite a mouthful, so it gets shortened to SABRE.
I Ah, right. SABRE. And is that the same as Amadeus?
C No, no. I mean, they're both computer reservation systems. In that sense they're the same. But they were created by different people at different times. SABRE is an
American Airlines creation. That was in 1959. But Amadeus was Air France, Iberia, Scandinavian Airlines, and Lufthansa. And that was quite a lot later.
I Quite a lot later?
C Mm. In 1987.
I So there's SABRE and there's Amadeus. Are there any other systems?
C There's Galileo, and Worldspan, but the two biggest are Amadeus and SABRE. They've each got about 30% of the market. Galileo's about 25% and Worldspan is
much smaller. It's only about 15% of the market. They're all very big, of course. Today we call them GDSs - Global Distribution Systems. Do you know the term GDS?
I Yes. GDSs. And when do Galileo and Worldspan date from?
C Galileo's from 1993. It was a product of British Airways, KLM, Swissair, and Alitalia joining forces.
I Uh-huh. And Worldspan?
C That was in 1990.
I And was that a consortium too?
C Yes. Worldspan was Delta, Northwest Airlines, and TWA - American companies.
IOK, that's interesting. And what about before GDSs...

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