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Jeremy John Resty L.

BPA-2C | Knowledge Management & ICT for PA

Activity 7

1. Cloud computing – without it, we won’t have servers, no online storage, no

nothing that requires accessing the cloud for services. We would be
handicapped, it would be like not having the Internet at all since it mostly
runs on cloud computing.
2. Software – without software then we can just forget about using
technology that is digital, since we won’t have ways to input information. It
is our way of communicating to the computer, to anything digital and
without it then we’d just be using analog technology.
3. Hardware – without hardware then there is nothing to do relating ICT.
Hardware is the most basic part, without any hardware then there’s no ICT
that we know of. They are our tools, physical objects that we use to put ICT
into reality.
4. Digital transactions – things would be really slow, like going back to the old
days where sending a message would take days or months before it arrives
to someone. The economy and society would be very slow. Thankfully we
have analog technology and analog data to cover that up.
5. Digital data – without digital data we’ll only be using analog technology.
Just like without digital transactions, we’d be using physically recorded data
like something written in paper or any form of physical or analog
media/data. If we don’t have digital data then we’ll be relying on analog
data because ICT needs to keep moving.
6. Internet access – without internet access we won’t be able to access large
quantities of information in just a single click. We’d be using radios,
telephones and television to relay information. Things would be just like
the pre-internet days. It’s not impossible to have ICT but we’ll be limited,
compared to how we access large chunks of data like now. The world will
be slower.

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