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Name: Christian Janus M. Layague Date: March 15, 2023

Subject: Physical Education 5 Topic: Folk Dance: Tinikling


At the end of the lesson, the students with 75% accuracy rate will be able to:

A. Explain the nature and background of Tinikling;

B. Display joy of effort and respect for others;

C. Execute the steps of Tinikling; and

D. Perform the folk dance Tinikling


 Explains the nature/background of the dance (PE5RD-IIIb-1)

 Executes the different skills involved in the dance (PE5RD-IIIc-h-4)


Lesson: Folk Dance: Tinikling

Resources: Bamboo poles, PVC pipes, Printed papers, Speaker, Laptop

References: MAPEH 4 BOOK, Web links


*Activity (5 minutes)

1. The teacher will play a music with the use of laptop and a speaker. To save
much time, the music will be played until the 3 rd stanza.
Tayo'y magsayaw irog ko ng tinikling
Tulad ng sayaw ng lolo't lola natin
Ang mga hakbang kung di pagbubutihin
Dalawang kawayan tayo'y iipitin

Kung nagsasayaw ka giliw ng tinikling

Kumpas ng kawayan kahit mapatulin
Ang mga binti mo'y kay hirap hulihin
'Sing ilap din ng puso mo sa paggiliw

At sa tinikling na tigib ng panganib

Ang hindi maingat naiipit
Pusong maharot ganyan din sa pag-ibig
Ang nakakamit paghakbang ay ligalig

2. The teacher will then ask the students what the music is all about.

Best Answer: The music is all about Tinikling dance.

The music is entitled Tinikling and is a song by the legendary Filipino singer and
“Queen of Kundiman”, Sylvia La Torre. Today, we will continue practicing the Tinikling
dance. Are you all ready? Let’s all loosen up ourselves and start dancing!

*Analysis (30 minutes)

1. Since the class will be focused more on the practice, the teacher will just have
a quick interactive review about the Tinikling Folk dance through QandA.
 The tinikling dance is said to originate in _________.
A. Leyte B. Samar C. Cebu
 The dance movements of tinikling are said to imitate the movements
of what bird?
A. Tinik B. Tikling C. Nikling
 The bamboo poles symbolizes the ______ set by the rice farmers to
catch the tikling birds.
A. Rice Plants B. Branches C. Traps

I see that all of you already know the nature and background of Tinikling dance. Since
you already have the knowledge about Tinikling, now, let us move on the skills.
2. The teacher will teach and let the students practice the dance to the students
using the demonstration-performance method. The teacher will just include
the basic dance steps.

*Abstraction (5 minutes)

1. The teacher will ask a question to the students.

We’ve already done reviewing about Tinikling and practiced dancing it. In
your own understanding, how can tinikling improve your physical fitness?

Tinikling will improve our health. It will help us build muscles for our legs and
also improves our heart and lungs.

Perfect! Tinikling is an aerobic physical activity. It requires several fitness

components. Practicing this dance or any other dance will improve your
body’s health and skill-related fitness. Dance is a physical activity that can be
a form of exercise.

*Application (5 minutes)

1. The teacher will let the students perform the tinikling dance to assess their
learnings for today’s practice. The students will be graded individually based
on the given criteria:
 Knowledge of Choreography – 20 points
(Demonstrates excellent knowledge of dance steps and performs movement free
of errors.)
 Stage Presence – 20 points
(Student uses their face and body to fully express the intent of the movement)
 Musicality – 20 points
(Shows a full understanding of rhythm and timing by staying on beat for the entire
 Technique – 20 points
(Great attention to the quality of movement, body position, and demonstrates
excellent understanding of dance style.)
 Effort – 20 points
(Shows great effort while performing the dance.)
TOTAL – 100 points

1. The teacher will evaluate the students individually by giving feedback to each
of their performance. Feedback includes the strength and the things to be
improved by the students.

VI. ASSIGNMENTS (5 minutes)

1. The teacher will task the student to practice the dance more in their
respective homes. They are encouraged to watch videos of Tinikling dance in
Youtube for their references.

That ends our class for today. I am very grateful for your utmost participation. I just
hope that you will do your best on practicing Tinikling at home for this will serve as your
exam for this Quarter. Also, allways remember, keep loving dancing because Life is
better when you dance!

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