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Project 3

Nombres: Saya Janina Vega Teran

Curso: 3 BGU E
Maestro: Wilmer Fernando Pusda
Mark T., Bronx, New York
Lauren L., Palo Alto, California
Catherine D., London, UK
Lauren L., Palo Alto, California
Mark., Bronx, New York
Catherine D., London, UK

1. Working here is really stimulating.

2. We work very hard, but the perks make it better than any other job I can imagine.
3. I found typical cubicle farm, with desk as farm as the eye could see.
4. Working in a lab isn’t as tedious as it sounds.
5. True, the workplace isn’t very luxurious.

My name is Saya Yes, I am a full- time student

My name mean mighty women They are from Peguche

Yes, is Janina They are from Peguche

no I go to my college in bus

Yes, I love my name 5 minutes

I live in Otavalo No, I don’t have many friends

Yes, I like it
From school
I live with my family
Humble, modesty and funny
I have 2 sisters
They are from Peguche
Talk, eat, watch TV or walk

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