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SCOR Global P&C Alpha Platform

Detailed Functional Specification on

“New Project requirement”

Functional Requirements Document

1 Document Revision Log
1.1 Version History

Date Version Author Document Changes

1.2 Reviewers

Date Name Role Interest (Document sections)

1.3 Approvers and Sign off

Date Name Role Interest (Document sections)

1 Document Revision Log............................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Version History....................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Reviewers............................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Approvers and Sign off........................................................................................................... 2

2 Document Overview..................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Objectives............................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Content and Coverage........................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms...............................................................................5
2.4 Related documents................................................................................................................. 5
2.5 Out of Scope.......................................................................................................................... 5

3 Business Overview....................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Business Context.................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Current Process (As-Is).......................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Proposed Business Process (To-Be)......................................................................................6
3.4 Solution Proposal................................................................................................................... 6
3.5 Dependencies and Assumptions............................................................................................ 6

4 Product Capabilities (Functional Requirements).......................................................................6

4.1 Feature Area N....................................................................................................................... 6
REQ 1. Feature Requirement 1................................................................................................... 6
a. Sub Feature or Usability requirement (Prioritized)..................................................................6

5 Non-Functional Requirements..................................................................................................... 7
5.1 Performance........................................................................................................................... 7
5.2 Legal and Compliance............................................................................................................ 7
5.3 Reliability................................................................................................................................ 7
5.4 Scalability............................................................................................................................... 7
5.5 Maintainability......................................................................................................................... 8
5.6 Security.................................................................................................................................. 8

6 Testing Requirements.................................................................................................................. 8
6.1 Unit Testing............................................................................................................................ 8
6.2 Integration Testing.................................................................................................................. 8
6.3 Acceptance Testing................................................................................................................ 8
6.4 Regression testing.................................................................................................................. 8

7 Technical Requirements.............................................................................................................. 9
7.1 Technical Design Diagram..................................................................................................... 9
7.2 Technical Specifications......................................................................................................... 9

7.2.1 Servers............................................................................................................................... 9
7.2.2 Application Servers............................................................................................................. 9
7.2.3 File Servers......................................................................................................................... 9
7.2.4 Database Servers............................................................................................................... 9
7.3 Code changes........................................................................................................................ 9
7.4 Databases.............................................................................................................................. 9

8 APPENDIX................................................................................................................................... 10

2 Document Overview
2.1 Objectives
<This section describes the reasons and purpose of the FRD.>

The purpose of the Functional Requirements Document (FRD) is to present to the stakeholder a
formal statement of the applications requirements needs for <a target improvement> completely,
accurate and unambiguously as it relates to the technology. This document will detail the details
of operations conducted on the various screens, data handling logic and workflows that may be
impacted in Alpha.

This document is intended to be ready by all responsible for the management of the project
development initiative including business, the project team, and other interested parties.

2.2 Content and Coverage

This section describes the high-level scope of the FRD
Out of Scope:
Is there anything that has been discussed as a possible activity of the project that needs to be
identified as explicitly out of scope? If nothing is identified as out of scope, will everyone’s
expectations be met?

2.3 Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms

<This section should provide the definitions of all terms, acronyms, and abbreviations, or refer to
other documents where the definitions can be found.>

2.4 Related documents

This section should provide a complete list of all the applicable and reference documents,
identified by title, author, date and version. Alternatively, the list of documents may be put into
an appendix. However, even in that case, a clear indication of the existence of applicable
documents, and a pointer to where the list of them may be found, must as a minimum be
included in the section.

Document Type Document Name Sign-off date Business Owner

Business Requirement

3 Business Overview
3.1 Business Context
Provide a short description of the proposed solution being specified and its purpose in relation to the
recommendation of corporate goals or business strategies. This should be summarised highlighting
application dependencies from the BRD. Key areas of inclusion are as follows:
- Definition of critical business factors that are to be addressed or satisfied by this system.
- Business issues that may impact or impede the success of the system.

- Key requirements that need to be fulfilled by the system

3.2 Current Process (As-Is)

At the high-level articulate the “as is” in terms of what the Customer has now (business functions,
processes, and infrastructure). Key areas to include:
 Trigger Events and Nature of processing (timings), and what constitutes a cycle
 What judgement needs to be applied in and out of the application

3.3 Proposed Business Process (To-Be)

State why the current situation needs improvement, then articulate what the Customer expects to be
able to do in the “to be” state

3.4 Solution Proposal

Conceptual representation of the solution proposed, this should include a representation of UI Interfaces
and Data Changes to be made

3.5 Dependencies and Assumptions

This section lists the dependencies between and within the system for which these requirements are
written and the subsequent project phases or other systems. Describe which factors may influence the
quality and the success of the product, such as the availability of an external component in a certain date.
Dependencies are a form of constraint in that they can influence the timing, content, risk, etc. for a
project. If there are none, delete the table and add the text,

4 Product Capabilities (Functional Requirements)

4.1 Feature Area N
Bundle features areas together to explore specific requirements of the Application. This can be done
at a Functionality Level (exploring UI to data requirements) or by specific business represented areas
with detailed behaviours as Feature Requirements. Create sections as required to support the

REQ 1. Feature Requirement 1

a. Sub Feature or Usability requirement (Prioritized)

Detail feature requirement with the following considerations for following types of changes:
Data and Data Storage
- Specific Data Types and Storage Requirements
- Reporting Requirements
- Business or Transformation Rules
- Security Requirements
- Volume and Storage
UI Behaviour and UI Display
- Data Entry and Valid Paths of Usage (including Alternate Paths)
- Warning or Error messages

- Users Typically Involved
- Specific behaviour, usability requirements, integrations
- Webservice Details (Frequency, Format of Data Types)
- Automated batches/jobs
- Data Transformation Rules
- Reporting Filters, Column Display
- Reconciling outputs
Other applications and interface changes

5 Non-Functional Requirements
5.1 Performance 
State the performance requirements for functions or features given the proposed resources and explain
their rationale to enable suitable design choices including

 speed
 precision

5.2 Legal and Compliance

State the legal and compliance requirements including
 Audit log
 Access and Permissions

5.3 Reliability
State the reliability requirements for the system including ability to recover from
 errors, and
 failures in the interfaces

5.4 Scalability
State the expected scalability for
 users,
 storage,
 infrastructure support,
 modules

5.5 Maintainability
State the maintainability requirements for the application post implementation including
 the ability to implement changes without causing unexpected failures
 the ease of making changes

 the ability to make changes to components without affecting others

5.6 Security

6 Testing Requirements
Identify the high-level test strategy that would cover off the requirements scope including prerequisites to
fulfil a continuous validation approach.

6.1 Unit Testing

First tests done in Dev environment by the IT Team on the new developed functionalities.

6.2 Integration Testing

Tests related to the logical integration of all the modules in Alpha and tested as a group. The purpose of
this level of testing is to expose defects in the interaction between the different modules deployed in Dev
and then in UAT environments.

6.3 Acceptance Testing

Alpha will be tested by the business on the different functionalities delivered in UAT environment for
acceptability. The purpose of this test is to evaluate the system’s compliance with the business
requirements and assess whether it is acceptable for delivery in production.

6.4 Regression testing

 This part will describe the non-regression testing done to confirm that no recent deployment or code
change has affected existing features/modules in Alpha.

7 Technical Requirements

7.1 Technical Design Diagram

Provide a diagram that illustrates all new and existing technical resources required for the successful
completion of this project. The diagram should include the following:
 How new infrastructure will be located and how it will connect within existing infrastructure.
 Servers, storage, network – assume all are virtual unless there are specific technical issues
that are expected to require physical resources.
 Logical data flow.

7.2 Technical Specifications

Provide detailed technical specifications for required infrastructure as outlined below.

7.2.1 Servers
list a brief description and function for each server that is needed, and include the following
 Operating System
 Application memory requirements

 Functional characteristics of the application and whether there are any system dependencies

7.2.2 Application Servers

- List the applications that are impacted by the changes and that are expected to be deployed.
- Any configuration requirement that needs to be applied.

7.2.3 File Servers

List the files impacted and that will be changes within the delivery (property files,)

7.2.4 Database Servers

List the database servers on which the scripts will be run to ensure that data modifications.

7.3 Code changes

 Front end usability changes
 Backend changes.

7.4 Databases
List a brief description and function for each database that is needed, and include the following
 SQL Server/MongoDB server
 Database versions required (Describe the changes on the queries and DB scripts)
o New fields, new DB tables or columns, new stored procedures, new functions …
 Memory requirements (optional)
 Amount of storage needed (optional)
 Expected transaction volume (optional)


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