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Name: Christian Janus M.

Layague Degree Program/ Year/ Block: BPED-4B



Teenage pregnancy is so rampant in today’s generation that it is now somehow
seen like a normal thing in the society. Due to premarital sex and teenage pregnancy, a
lot of teenage girls experienced and suffered a lot of challenges in their lives.
To have premarital sex is a choice. But to be pregnant in your teenage years is a
huge consequence of that single choice you make. During sex, we may feel the euphoria
and the burning passion. We may feel satisfied with all that physical contact and burst of
emotions. However, all of these are just temporary. What’s more likely to become
permanent are the consequences that follow. Teenage pregnancy is not a trend that the
society should embrace. It is a societal issue that needs to be addressed. Just like what
I’ve said earlier, it is really a huge consequence. It will greatly affect your physical, social,
emotional, and mental aspects. Not only that, you don’t only burden yourselves but you
burden your parents as well. Teenage pregnancy will have an impact to your family’s
finances as well as to your education. A lot of things will be sacrificed and be put on the
line. Before I end this, I just want to let everyone remember that love can wait and sex is
holy. To all the girls out there, focus on yourself, your family, and your studies. Remember
that teenage pregnancy doesn’t just affect you and your partner. It affects the people
around you, and most of all, the baby inside you.

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