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R = 0.08314; % universal gas constant in bar.L/(mol.

T = input('enter temperature of the gas in K = '); % temperature of the gas in K
w = input('enter the value accentric factor = '); % accentric factor for the gas
Tc = input('enter the critical temperature of the gas in K = '); % critical temperture of the gas in K
Pc = input('enter the critical pressure of the gas in bar = '); % critical pressure of the gas in bar
a = 0.45724*R^2*Tc^2/Pc; % PR EoS coefficient 'a'
b = 0.07780*R*Tc/Pc; % PR EoS coefficient 'b'
syms Vm temp
% alpha as a function of temperature
alpha = @(temp) (1 + (0.37464 + 1.54226*w - 0.26992*w^2)*(1-sqrt(temp/Tc)))^2;
% pressure as a function of molar volume and temperature using PR EoS
P = @(Vm,temp) R*temp/(Vm - b) - alpha(temp)*a/(Vm^2 + 2*Vm*b - b^2);
fplot(P(Vm,Tc),[0,1000]) % plotting PR isotherm @ critical temperature
hold on;
fplot(P(Vm,T),[0,1000]) % plotting PR isotherm @ generic temperature
hold on;

T2 = input('enter the second temperature of the gas in K = ')

fplot(P(Vm,T2),[0,1000]) % plotting PR isotherm @ generic temperature
hold on
T3 = input('enter the third temperature of the gas in K = ')
fplot(P(Vm,T3),[0,1000]) % plotting PR isotherm @ generic temperature
hold on
T4 = input('enter the fourth temperature of the gas in K = ')
fplot(P(Vm,T4),[0,1000]) % plotting PR isotherm @ generic temperature
hold on
T5 = input('enter the fifth temperature of the gas in K = ')
fplot(P(Vm,T5),[0,1000]) % plotting PR isotherm @ generic temperature
hold on
T6 = input('enter the sixth temperature of the gas in K = ')
fplot(P(Vm,T6),[0,1000]) % plotting PR isotherm @ generic temperature
hold on
if 0 < T && T < Tc
% to find the points of local minima & maxima on isotherm
% dP/dVm = 0 @ Vm = points of local minima & maxima
dP = diff(P(Vm,T),Vm);
extrema = (sort(vpasolve(dP == 0,Vm,[0,inf]),'ascend'));
extrema = (extrema(end-1:end));
plot(extrema, subs(P(Vm,T),extrema),'*')
hold off;
% to calculate variable limit to x and y axis
xlim([0 1])
ymin = double(min(min(subs(P(Vm,T),extrema)),Pc));
ylim([ymin-50 100])
xlim([0 1])
ylim([0 70])
grid on;
grid minor;
xlabel('Volume, L/mol')
ylabel('Pressure, bar')
title('Peng-Robinson Isotherm')

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