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According to IEEE std 1159 The concept of powering and grounding

sensitive equipment in a manner that is suitable for the operation of that

equipment is known as power quality. Now a days because of the
increased use non- linear loads harmonics are also increasing which are
directly impacting the quality of power which is sent to the industries,
shops, companies and homes.

It is necessary to pay attention to the harmonics in order to preserve the

quality of the power supplied to the device. As it can cause excessive
heating, pulsation and reduced torque in motors and generators, can
increase heating and voltage stress in capacitors; and malfunction in
electronics, switchgear and relaying. It may then lead to a reduction in
the power quality.

For example, the devices like Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs)
which are commonly used for the local security in the vicinity of
appliances in household, trips down because of harmonic voltages and
currents. The false triggering of GFCI activation is an annoyance to the
end user. Like this, harmonic also effect the meters, motors, high
frequency switching circuits etc. and thus degrading the power quality.
Malfunction of communication devices, computers are caused by
harmonics which results in reduction in the efficiency.

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