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Avery Solis

Bridgette Rohde

English 1301

March 30, 2023

Journal Week 2

While one of my biggest pet peeves is being lied to, I know that I, sometimes lie. I do not

condone lying and I truly do feel that honesty is the best policy. When I know someone is an

honest person, I automatically know I can trust them, take them more seriously, and will do

anything to keep them in my life and grow a better relationship. Depending on the situation on

who is involved honesty is always the best policy but doesn’t always allow for a positive

outcome, and that is what usually makes people think it is okay to lie, is not knowing how the

other person will interpret the honesty, or even believe it. Some people may think that confidence

is the new way to gain trust rather than being honest, but in my opinion, and maybe this is just

from personal experiences, sounds phony or as it’s a facade. Being honest can make you more

confident. I truly feel that all people should be honest only where is it needed because sometimes

what’s honest to you isn’t always someone else’s truth. This can cause people to respond to

things you say in a negative way or maybe even questioning your honesty! In other sense, I do

feel that withholding the truth sometimes doesn’t necessarily fall under the umbrella as being

dishonest. It does feel guilty knowing something you shouldn’t or doing something that hasn’t

come out yet, but I think it is more just one’s own remorse or culpability. I understand that

sometimes when in difficult situations it would just be easier to come up with a lie to temporarily

fix a problem, but it is making your situation more strenuous by allowing false statements solve a

problem, false statements that can be proven false. The saying “the truth always comes out” is a
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very REAL saying, that sometimes no matter how elaborate the lie, there is still always a chance

the truth will come out. To add, some people may think “Oh well, I got away with it once and no

one ever found out” creates a habit and speaks on their own character. Overall, I would say my

life would have been a lot easier with people just telling me the truth, or even me being honest to

someone else at a time when I wasn’t.

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