The Rescue-Apple Inc

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Avery Solis

Bridgette Rohde

ENGL 1301

April 10, 2023

Task 2- Guided Thinking

1. The Rescue- Apple Inc

2. The ad starts off with a man speaking on a what sounds like a distress signal of an

incoming storm that is “Headed your way” as you see people with gear heading to a

helicopter preparing to fly. There is very slow somber music playing. The helicopter

takes off in what seems like an emergency search and rescue mission over large

mountains as the song’s lyrics begin. Immediately, there is a close shot of what

appears to be a young couple, one man sitting on the floor holding his leg in pain with

a makeshift splint, and a woman holding her iPhone in a dark spot, hinting that they

are somewhere with no phone signal, lost, and in need of help. Then, in the frame it is

just showing the woman’s iPhone with bright screen stating “Emergency SOS

CONNECTED Keeping Pointing at Satellite” with a radar giving directions on where

the woman needs to point her phone (at the satellite). The ad shows the woman’s face

look into the distance with wonder if this emergency satellite distress signal was

going to work or not as a gust of wind blows her face. The next two frames are the

same helicopter as before flying over on a mission, in a hurry, to find the couple who

needed help before the storm comes in. You see the woman kneel in the dark with the

man, almost accepting defeat that they would not be found. The next scene you see

the helicopter searching for the couple with multiple flashlights as they are getting

3. closer. The woman receives a notification from the Emergency SOS via Satellite

reading “Continue your connection with emergency services.” and a notification from

actual Emergency Services saying “Responders have been notified. Stay where you

are.” She immediately gets up and seeing the helicopter approached and raises up her

hand to signal to helicopter where she was. At last, you see the search and rescue

team lean in from the helicopter and shine their flashlight on the young couple. They

were found. The ad end with white text saying, “iPhone 14” and the last frame being

a black screen with Apple’s logo as the song comes to a close.

4. The ad is attempting to sell the 2022 iPhone 14 that has a never-before-seen feature

called “Emergency SOS via Satellite” that allows people to receive emergency SOS

services, without actual phone service.

5. In my opinion, the target audience would be outdoorsy, active lifestyle people. Maybe

single people, people who live alone or do risky things like take hikes in mountains

that find themselves in emergent situations. Anyone can use this service or be in need

of emergency services, but I think the target audience here in this ad was daredevil

type, outdoorsy people.

6. Three things that grabbed my attention in this ad, for one, was the song used seemed

so fitting. The song used is called “Found” by Toulouse. Another attention grabber

was the overall lighting and tone used in the ad, from light to dark to emphasize the

situation being displayed. Lastly, the final thing that grabbed my attention, the limited

text shown in the entire ad to really highlight what the commercial was advertising.

7. First, the ad showed this slow somber song that went perfectly with the situation

being displayed with deep lyrics mentioning almost the same story the ad was

showing. “Yes, I have the map of the universe… but I got lost somehow” showing

that anything can happen at any given time. Especially since, people who have been

in these emergent situations before can relate emotionally to this song. Secondly, the

overall mood and lighting used throughout the ad, really emphasizes the struggle of

being in a literal dark emergent situation. The only light that throughout the entire ad,

was from the iPhone and the rescue flashlights from the helicopter creating a parallel

of light being the way out or rescue. Lastly, the small texts or notifications showing

that the couple was going to be save created a hopeful mood in the characters.

Reassurance in knowing that help is on the way. These are all ways that it can relate

to the targeted audience, maybe some who have been in an emergent situation before

or think about all possibilities in scenarios when being in an active lifestyle or one

that is more adventurous.

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