Avance Ingles 1

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Unit 1 - Task 2 - English is easy and fun - Writing task



CODE :900002A_ 1391

National Open and Distance University


Step 1:

Student name: Mayerlis Muñoz Herazo

Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2 Screenshot Module 3

Student name: Maria Valencia Martínez

Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2 Screenshot Module 3

Step 2: Participation in Student Talk Time (STT)

Student 1- Name: Mayerlis Muñoz Herazo
Date: Tutor in the workshop: Topic and what did I learn?

Student 2- Name: Maria Valencia Martínez

Date: Tutor in the workshop: Topic and what did I learn?

In this task I learned the topics of adverbs of

frequency. and cases where it is used, also
about the conjugation of past progressive and
present simple

March 10 Yolanda Chavarro

Step 3: Adverbs of frequency and routines a. Watch the video: https://ejoy-english.com/go/video/in-the-

morningadverbs-of-frequency/59356 then select and answer 2 questions using the adverbs of

selected question student's name

What time do you get up in the morning? Mayerlis Munoz Herazo
A/: I usually get up at 6 o'clock
How often do you make the bed in the morning? Mayerlis Munoz Herazo
A/: always naked in bed
Sometimes I go for a run in the morning Maria Sirley Valencia Martinez
I always shower in the morning Maria Sirley Valencia Martinez

Activities: b. Watch the video above and each student will write 2 sentences with adverbs of frequency.
Underline the adverb of frequency:
Example: I am always very busy in the morning. (Leidy Diana)
1. Then I read the newspaper ( Mayerlis Muñoz)
2.I sometimes go to the movies ( Mayerlis Muñoz)
3. Then I rest to take a shower (Maria sirley Valencia Martínez)
4. Sometimes I go for a walk in the park (Maria sirley Valencia Martínez)






C. Each student selects an adverb of frequency and writes a sentence, remembering the correct use of
the verb for the third person:
Example: Always (Leidy Diana)
 My father always jogs in the morning.

Usually ( Mayerlis Muñoz)

 my cousin usually goes to the gym
coincidentally (Maria Valencia)
 coincidentally my brother plays tennis

Step 4: Countable and uncountable nouns Each student writes 5 countable and 5 uncountable nouns
(25 total of each), check before writing your nouns, you cannot repeat them.
Countable nouns Uncountable nouns Uncountable nouns
Chairs Sand Tutor Leidy Diana
shoe Water mayerlis munoz
magazine Air mayerlis munoz
apple Time mayerlis munoz
computer Sugar mayerlis munoz
hotel Snow mayerlis munoz
rock Energy Maria Valencia
Bed Gasoline Maria Valencia
Dishes Distance Maria Valencia
Candies Crying Maria Valencia
bottles Temperature Maria Valencia

Step 5:
Write a story in past simple and past progressive.
The scariest day...
Last year my friend Melissa was planning her vacation, she was very happy because she planned to go
with her fiancé, she planned to have a great time there, she bought the plane tickets, she made the
reservation in a very nice place and everything was established. The day before the old man, she met
her fiancé to go to dinner, that day she was really anxious, because her fiancé was going to tell her
something. at that moment her boyfriend picked her up around 7 at night, I helped her get ready that
afternoon, she looked beautiful as always; when they were having dinner she asked him, what was so
important that you wanted to tell me yesterday? He got quite nervous at that moment, he told her that he
didn't know how to start because it was quite complicated, I just want you to know that it was not my
intention and hopefully at some point you can forgive me, his fiancé told him, he got quite impatient
hearing those words ( Mayerlis munoz)
 maria sirley valencia
the day i met love
Karina walks every afternoon in the park where she saw Esteban for the first time and fell in love, after that Karina
began to go more often, one day when Esteban realized that Karina was looking at him, he smiled at him. When
Karina saw him laugh, her heart raced. She walks up to him and they start talking. They talked for hours, about
everything. They laughed and joked as if they had known each other for years.
While they were talking, Karina noticed that Esteban kept looking at his watch. She asks him if he has to be
somewhere and he says that he has work to do at his office. Diana is disappointed, but understands that he is
Before leaving, Esteban asked her for her phone number and Karina gave it to him with a smile, the next
day Esteban called her to go to the movies, Karina happily accepts,
As the days go by they continue dating forming a beautiful friendship, but Karina was in love with Juan after
several months of dating Karina asks Juan to be her boyfriend, Esteban is surprised and says yes, it was the first
time they met they proposed it
Today Karina with a beautiful smile on her face remembers how she asked Esteba to be a boyfriend and they
have been together for 2 years now.
Step 6 : Reflection and personal growth
With this topic I studied what the guide suggested, however, for a more complete learning it is essential
to look for more information. In personal growth I was left with knowledge on the subject that I did not
In my reflective part I think I should have gone deeper and inquired about the proposed topic

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