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Std. :- IV CBSE - II Semester Notes - Subject - S.S.

L. No. 9 - People Who Made a Difference

Difficult words :
1. physician 2. Aryabhata
3. rituals 4. emphasised
5. forgiveness 6. foreign
7. literature 8. Ayurveda
9. astronomers 11. surgery
12. Kalinga
I] Fill in the blanks :
1) Buddhism was started by Gautama Buddha.
2) Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ.
3) Akbar ruled in India about 400 years ago.
4) Charaka was a famous physician.
5) Aryabhatta was a great mathematician and astronomer
of ancient India.
II] Match the following :
1) Battle of Kalinga - Emperor Ashoka
2) Dohas - Kabir
3) fought against the practice of sati - Raja Ram Mohan
4) Zend Avesta - Parsis
5) Quran - Muslims
Multiple choice questions :
1) Who among these was a spiritual teacher ?
a) Gautam Buddha b) Raja Ram Mohan
c) J. C. Bose d) Aryabhata
Ans. a) Gautam Buddha
1) Which of these is a holy book ?
a) Zend Avesta b) Gita
c) Quran d) all of these
Ans. d) all of these
2) A social reformer –
a) Teaches about a religion
b) Works for the growth of Arts and Science
c) Works to change the evils in society
d) Works for peace
Ans. c) Works to change the evils in society
3) Which social reformer gave his messages in the form
of dohas ?
a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy b) Kabir
c) Ramabai Ranade d) all of these
Ans. b) Kabir
4) Which famous king gave up war and became a
follower of Buddha ?
a) Ashoka b) Akbar
c) Krishnadeva Raya d) Raja Ram Mohan
Ans. a) Ashoka
III] Name the following:
1) Any three social reformers of India.
Ans : Kabir, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ramabai Ranade
2) Any three books of Hindus.
Ans : The vedas, the Puranas, the Ramayana
IV] Answer in short:
1) Who is called social reformer ?
Ans : A brave person who fights against the evil (bad)
practices of a society and helps to improve a society
is known as a social reformer.
2) What evils of society did Kabir fight against?
Ans : Kabir fought against social evils such as the caste
system and the importance given to rituals by Hindu
and Muslim priests.
V] Answer in brief:
1) What was the condition in Arabia at the time of
Prophet Mohammed? How did he try to improve it?
Ans : People in Arabia were fighting with each other for
wealth and power etc. Prophet Mohammad gave them
message of love, peace and brotherhood to the Arabs.
2) Who founded Christianity? What were his teachings ?
Ans : Jesus Christ founded Christianity. He taught people
to love God and other people and emphasised the
importance of forgiveness.
3) Why is Akbar remembered as a great ruler?
Ans : Akbar is remembered as a great King for the
following reasons:
i. Though Akbar was from a foreign land, he respected
India and their religions.
ii. He himself could not read and write but encouraged
art, music and literature.
iii. He paid a lot of attention towards the welfare of the
4) Give examples to prove that mathematics, astronomy
and medicine were well developed science in ancient
Ans: i. The decimal system of numbers was developed in
India. ii. The Ayurveda system of medicine of India is
still popular. iii. Aryabhata and Varahamihira were
well known astronomers of ancient India.
VI] Give Reasons:
1) Emperor Ashoka gave up wars.
Ans : Emperor Ashoka won many battles but after winning
the famous battles of Kalinga, he was very sad to see
thousands of dead and injured soldiers so he gave up
2) Fighting over religion is wrong.
Ans : Each religion teaches equality, kindness and peace.
So fighting over religion is useless. It does not give
any profit, in fact we lose many lives.
VII] Write short notes on :
1) Krishnadeva Raya
Ans : Krishnadeva Raya ruled in South India about 500
years ago. He worked for the good of the people. The
people were free to follow whatever religion they
wanted. He encouraged artists, poets and writers.

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