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CBSE Std-IV Semester-II Sub-SS Notes

L. No.7 - Sending Messages

Difficult Words :
1) communicate 7) telecasted
2) information 8) programmes
3) destination 9) exchanging
4) transform 10) technological
5) ordinary 11) knowledge
6) entertainment
Q.I] Fill in the blanks :
1) To talk to someone in another country by the telephone ISD facility is
2) Radio is very useful to give news, education and entertainment to who
cannot read and write but listen.
3) The fastest way to communicate is the telephone.
Q.II] True or False :
1) In the olden days, people sent messages though sparrows.- False
2) The Courier service offered by post offices in India is known as speed
post.- True
3) For sending an e-mail, an Internet connection is necessary.- True
4) Newspapers are the most popular means of mass communication in
India.- False.
5) Television and radio signals can only be received in important cities
in India.- False
Q.III] Match the Columns:
1) Document sent over a telephone – Fax
2) Cell Phone - SMS
Q.IV] Name the following:
1) Courier service offered by post offices.
Ans : Speed post
2) two examples of Mass Media
Ans : television, newspaper, radio
Q.V] Answer in short :
1) What are the different ways of sending messages through post office?
Ans : We can send telegram, letters, speed-post, parcels and money orders
through post office.
2) How do satellites help in sending television signals?
Ans : Satellite is an electronic system which receive signal (information)
from one source and sends (transforms) it to the destination.
3) What do you understand by Mass Media?
Ans : We send information to a large number of people at the same time
through radio or television, these are called Mass Media.
Q.VI] Answer in brief :
1) What is the advantage of speed post over ordinary postal delivery?
Ans : Letters sent through speed post take only one or two days to reach in
any city, in India, where as ordinary postal delivery takes four to five
Q.VII] Give reasons.
1) Telephones, are the popular means of communication today.
Ans : Through telephones we can communicate to anyone, anywhere in the
world and it is the fastest and most convenient mean of spoken
messages, so they are popular.
2) Television is the most popular means of Mass Media today.
Ans : New educational programes and entertainment programes sports and
cultural events are telecasted on television and it is watched by
millions of people even in small villages, so it is the most popular
means of Mass Media today.
Q.VIII] Write short on:
1) Means of communication :-
Sharing our thoughts, ideas, feelings or exchanging information,
E-mails, newspaper, post offices, radio, television, fax, cellphone, etc.
are different means of communication. It helps people to know news
and gain knowledge from one corner of the world to other.
Technological development has made it more convenient and faster.


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