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Participate in athlete competitions 8
Work effectively with your hands 2
Know how to handle detailed work 4
Figure out how machines work, like phones or car engines 10
Use tools to fix broken objects 6
Build models from kits, like K'nex or Legos 10

Analyze reports and draw conclusions from them 5
Learn new information and be energized by it 3
Research topics on your own that you find interesting 1
Study subjects that you enjoy to become an expert in them 3
Work independently to solve complicated problems (like math puzzles) 9
Prefer science-related subjects 9

Create objects: paintings, sculptures, jewelry, songs, dances, clothing 10
Use your imagination freely 3
Play and perform musical instrument 12
Write creative stories 8
Design posters and look for projects that involve art 8
Sing in a band or chorus or sing on your own time 9

Work with groups of people on a project 10
Give emotional support to a friend in need 3
Volunteer in school and community projects 12
Provide advice to a friend on how to solve a problem 8
Teach a friend how to do something new 8
Plan parties and activities 9

Organize and manage school and outside activities 3
Lead others in group projects 8
Convince your friends to change their minds 4
Approach new tasks with self-confidence 3
Successfully sell things to people 3
Serve as a club president 21

Finish your school projects in an organized manner 4
Follow directions thoroughly to accomplish your goal 0
Follow rules and procedures when working on projects 1
Complete each step when doing a project and move to the next step in order 3
Develop an organized way to complete a project 3
Organize things in your locker, desk and when starting homework 2

Frequency Percentage
2 3 4 1 2 3 4
8 17 3 22.86 22.86 48.57 8.57
7 14 12 5.71 20.00 40.00 34.29
11 12 7 11.43 31.43 34.29 20.00
11 10 6 28.57 31.43 28.57 17.14
11 8 9 17.14 31.43 22.86 25.71
20 2 3 28.57 57.14 5.71 8.57

Frequency Percentage
2 3 4 1 2 3 4
15 7 7 14.29 42.86 20.00 20.00
6 13 13 8.57 17.14 37.14 37.14
8 13 12 2.86 22.86 37.14 34.29
8 7 15 8.57 22.86 20.00 42.86
9 11 5 25.71 25.71 31.43 14.29
9 8 7 25.71 25.71 22.86 20.00

Frequency Percentage
2 3 4 1 2 3 4
8 9 9 28.57 22.86 25.71 25.71
11 7 14 8.57 31.43 20.00 40.00
8 4 10 34.29 22.86 11.43 28.57
10 12 6 22.86 28.57 34.29 17.14
13 7 7 22.86 37.14 20.00 20.00
9 4 13 25.71 25.71 11.43 37.14

Frequency Percentage
2 3 4 1 2 3 4
8 9 9 28.57 22.86 25.71 25.71
11 7 14 8.57 31.43 20.00 40.00
8 4 10 34.29 22.86 11.43 28.57
10 12 6 22.86 28.57 34.29 17.14
13 7 7 22.86 37.14 20.00 20.00
9 4 13 25.71 25.71 11.43 37.14

Frequency Percentage
2 3 4 1 2 3 4
14 7 11 8.57 40.00 20.00 31.43
11 9 8 22.86 31.43 25.71 22.86
13 10 8 11.43 37.14 28.57 22.86
8 14 10 8.57 22.86 40.00 28.57
15 10 7 8.57 42.86 28.57 20.00
9 4 1 60.00 25.71 11.43 2.86

Frequency Precentage
2 3 4 1 2 3 4
6 8 17 11.43 17.14 22.86 48.57
5 11 19 0.00 14.29 31.43 54.29
7 9 17 2.86 20.00 25.71 48.57
5 14 14 8.57 14.29 40.00 40.00
9 13 10 8.57 25.71 37.14 28.57
10 13 10 5.71 28.57 37.14 28.57
Based on the gathered data from the 35 respondents

Frequency and Distribution of Responses on the Administered RIASEC Assessment in

Discovering Ones’ Strengths, Abilities and Skills.
Skill Category: Realistic
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Very Little Skill
in Figure out
how machines As can be gleaned from
work, like Figure stated that they possess v
out how how machines work, like
10 28.57% A High Level of Skill
machines work, they have very little skill
on Work effectively 34.29% of the responde
like phones or with your hands 12 34.29%
car engines

Build models
from kits, like 10 28.57%
K'nex or Legos

Frequency and Distribution of Responses ion the Administered RIASEC Assessment in

Discovering Ones’ Strengths, Abilities and Skills.
Skill Category: Investigative
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Very Little Skill
on Work
independently to As to the Investigative S
A High Level of Skill respondents or 25.71%
solve on Study subjects
complicated 9 25.71% probles independently an
that you enjoy to skill on Science-Related
problems (like become an expert in 15 42.86%
math puzzles) level o

Prefer science-
9 25.71%
related subjects

Frequency and Distribution of Responses ion the Administered RIASEC Assessment in

Discovering Ones’ Strengths, Abilities and Skills.
Skill Category: Artistic
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Very Little Skill
A High Level of Skill
in Play and As presented on the tablle
on Use your
perform musical 12 34.29% 14 40.00% have very little skill in pla
imagination freely.
instrument the respondents replie

Frequency and Distribution of Responses ion the Administered RIASEC Assessment in

Discovering Ones’ Strengths, Abilities and Skills.
Skill Category: Social

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Very Little Skill
A High Level of Skill
on Volunteer in
on Give emotional Based on the data prese
school and
support to a friend in very little skill in voluntee
community 12 34.29% 14 40.00%
need the resspondents said tha
Frequency and Distribution of Responses ion the Administered RIASEC Assessment in
Discovering Ones’ Strengths, Abilities and Skills.
Skill Category: Enterprising

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

A High Level of Skill
Very Little Skill
in Organize and As seen on the prese
in Serve as a
manage school and possess very little sk
club president 21 60.00% 11 31.43
outside activities. resspondents declared th

Frequency and Distribution of Responses ion the Administered RIASEC Assessment in

Discovering Ones’ Strengths, Abilities and Skills.
Skill Category: Conventional

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Very Little Skill
A High Level of Skill
in Finish your
in Follow directions Based on the present da
school projects
thoroughly to very little skill in finishing
in an organized 4 11.43% 19 54.29%
accomplish your goal of the respondents said
the 35 respondents

As can be gleaned from the gathered data the Realistic Skill Category, 10 or 28.57%
stated that they possess very little kill in Figure out how machines work, like figuring out
how machines work, like phones or car engines,and another 10 or 28.57% said that
they have very little skill in building models from kits, like K'nex or Legos while 12 or
34.29% of the respondents said that they have very high skills in working effectively
with their hands.

As to the Investigative Skills Category of the administered assessment tool, 9 of the

respondents or 25.71% responded that they have very little skill solving complicated
probles independently and another group of 9 or 25.71% said that thay have very little
skill on Science-Related subjects while 15 or 42.86% responded that they have a high
level of skill in studying subjects that they enjoy.

As presented on the tablle on the Artistic Skills Category, 12 or 34.29% stated that they
have very little skill in playing and performing musical instruments, while 14 or 40% of
the respondents replied that they have very high level of skill in imagining freely

Based on the data presented, 12 or 34.29% of the respondents replied the they have
very little skill in volunteering in school and community projects, while 14 or 40.00% of
the resspondents said that they have a high level of skill in giving emotional support to
a friend in need.
As seen on the present data, 21 or 60.00% of the respondents stated that they
possess very little skill in serving as club president, while 11 or 31.43% of the
resspondents declared that they have high level of skill in organnizing annd managing
school and outside activities.

Based on the present data, only 4 or 11.43% of the respondents said that they have
very little skill in finishing school projects in an organized mannner, while 19 or 54.29%
of the respondents said that they have a very high level of skill in following directions
thoroughly to accomplish their goals.

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