Environmental Concerns

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When I was 10 years old, I always thought of becoming a farmer. I was amazed how they harvest in rice
field, how they plant a seed of corn. I attended Girl Scout because it always promote Environmental
Concern. One of our activity was to plant a tree and clean-up drive. In our church, we did tree planting
as well.

The importance of environmental concerns is more pertinent now than ever. In a world where
sustainability and climate change are of paramount importance, it's vital that we all make informed
decisions about how we interact with the environment, both as individuals and as a community. The
most important environmental concerns facing us, examine their implications for our future on this
Earth, and explore some ways that we can reduce our negative impact on the environment.

What is a Greenhouse Gas?

Gases that warm the Earth's climate are called "greenhouse gases" because they let visible light from
the sun pass straight through them, but they absorb infrared energy—heat—that comes from Earth.
Since 1900, human activities have released large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

What's a carbon footprint? A carbon footprint is a measurement of how much carbon dioxide (CO2) an
individual or business produces. Carbon dioxide is one of the primary greenhouse gases that contribute
to climate change. You can calculate your own carbon footprint with our free online calculator at or
follow these three steps: 1. Calculate how much energy you use at home and at work. 2. Calculate your
annual travel emissions, including flights within the US and overseas. 3. Visit the EPA's Climate Change
Indicators Portal to find out more about your carbon footprint, including where you emit the most
greenhouse gases .

What's a greenhouse effect? The "greenhouse effect" refers to the process by which heat from the sun
is trapped by gases in Earth's atmosphere (like carbon dioxide), even when its source is below freezing

What's climate change? Climate change refers to a broad pattern of long-term temperature changes
over decades, centuries, or millennia. For example, the current warm period is another name for what
scientists call the "Holocene epoch," or the current geological age.
What's carbon sequestration? Carbon sequestration is a process by which CO2 emissions are captured
and stored securely, such as through geological means like underground storage or biomass.

What's ecological footprint? An ecological footprint measures how much land is needed per person to
produce all of an individual's resources and to absorb his or her waste. It can be measured in terms of
hectares or in terms of acres. A global average of two hectares per person was estimated for 2007 by
the Global Footprint Network .
When I was 10 years old, I joined Girls Scouts and one of our activities was a
clean-up drive. We work together to remove garbage form designated areas. We
used ICT to make a poster concerning how to care for and how to be responsible in
our community and environment. Being engaged with such activities is indeed of
great help to our community. Through this, we can share our little contribution and
take part in a more meaningful and significant life.


What advocacy in your professional track have you supported?

In what way did you support it? Did you use any digital tool t do so?

How was ICT change he

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