Preview Activity 1: Green Foot Live Eco Bio

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PREVIEW ACTIVITY 1 Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021. For use only with license.

What If Everyone In The World Went Vegan? (B2)

Work with a partner, group, or your teacher. Do the activities below together.

PART 1 Discuss the questions below depending on whether you eat meat or not.


1 For what reasons do people turn vegan or vegetarian?

2 Have you ever considered going vegan or vegetarian? Why or why not?
3 What do you think would be the pros / cons of eating a vegan diet?


1 Why have you chosen to be vegan / vegetarian?

2 How difficult has it been for you to avoid eating meat?
3 What kind of impact has veganism / vegetarianism had on your life?

PART 2 Choose the correct part or prefix for each compound word below. One is not used!

green | foot | live | eco | bio

1 Animals that are raised on farms are referred to as stock.

2 Gases in Earth’s atmosphere that trap heat are called house gases.
3 diversity refers to the wide variety of organisms living on Earth.
4 “Environmental print” refers to the environmental impact humans
have on the planet.

PART 3 Write the missing letters for the words you think fit the sentences below.

1 D ___ i ___ y products are products that are made from milk.
2 S ___ y ___ is a popular plant-based alternative to meat.
3 C ___ t ___ l ___ refers to a group of animals that include cows and buffalo.

PART 4 Discuss what you think each phrasal verb below means based on the context.

1 It is estimated that farmland takes up about 40% of all land in the USA.
2 My doctor recommends that I cut down the amount of sugar in my diet.
3 Transport accounts for around one-fifth of global carbon emissions.
Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021. For use only with license.
What If Everyone In The World Went Vegan? (B2)

PREVIEW DISCUSSION: Read the discussion topic

below and discuss it with your partner or teacher.

Discuss what you think would happen if every-

one in the world ate a vegan diet. What kind
of impact do you think this would have?


PART 1 Write short answers according to the information in the video.

0:21 1 What kinds of problems does meat production cause?

1:15 2 What happens when cows digest food and how does this affect climate change?

2:01 3 What kinds of meat alternatives are mentioned in the video? What problems do
they cause?

PART 2 Write a question that could fit the information that was answered in the video.

0:01 EX How much meat does a person eat on average every year?

ANSWER: About 40kg of meat per year.

0:30 1

ANSWER: Around 80% of all farmland.

1:29 2

ANSWER: Between 70 and 100kg of methane per year.

Discuss your opinion: Did you feel that this video was intended to persuade those
who are not vegan to go vegan? Why or why not?
POST-VIEWING ACTIVITY 1 Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021. For use only with license.
What If Everyone In The World Went Vegan? (B2)

PART 1 Write the missing endings for the compound words that were used in the video.

1 Around 15% of all green gases emitted by humans are from

live production.

2 Small-scale farming can be beneficial for bio and have a lower

environmental foot . However, vegan alternatives come with their
own problems.

PART 2 Write the missing prepositions that were used in the video.

1 Experts advise cutting the amount of meat we eat to help

reduce climate change.

2 Meat and dairy typically account 60% of greenhouse gas

emissions from agriculture.

3 Eating meat takes a lot of space. Around 80% of all farmland is

dedicated to meat and dairy production.

PART 3 Choose the correct definition for the vocabulary words as used in the video.

1 When cows digest their food, they produce methane.

digest means... a. quickly prepare something to eat

b. slowly increase the temperature of food
c. chemically convert food into a smaller form

2 Large-scale production of soya can lead to deforestation, and almond

production requires huge amounts of water.

deforestation means... a. gathering or collecting data about forests

b. destruction or removal of forests
c. growth or development of forests

3 If we all became vegan, greenhouse emissions would be slashed.

slashed means... a. postponed or put to the side

b. calculated or added up
c. reduced significantly
POST-VIEWING ACTIVITY 2 Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021. For use only with license.
What If Everyone In The World Went Vegan? (B2)

PART 1 Study the examples and usage of the second conditional.

The narrator uses several examples of the second conditional in the video...

“ If we all became vegan, greenhouse emissions would be slashed.”

If everyone in the world ate a vegan diet, around 8 million deaths could be avoided.”

We use the second conditional to imagine hypothetical conditions and results that are either
impossible or unlikely to happen / become true in reality. In the examples above, the use of the
second conditional indicates that it’s unlikely for everyone in the world to become vegan.

STRUCTURE If + [past simple], ...would / could / might + [base verb]

If more people cut down on food waste, it could help reduce climate change.
If I didn’t live in a cold climate, I would keep a nice garden all year round.

Write a past simple form and then a form of would / could + [base verb] that fits
the context. Pay attention to where past simple negative forms can be used!

EX If humans cut down on food waste, it could help reduce climate change.

1 If I the taste of meat so much, I down the amount I eat.

2 If I more money, I higher quality food at the supermarket.

3 If I so much meat, I a lot of weight.

4 If we better care of the planet, we better quality air.

5 If you the cruel conditions in factory farms, you eating meat.

PART 3 Write a sentence in the second conditional that could follow the first sentence.

EX I live in a cold climate, so I don’t keep a nice garden all year round, but...

If I didn’t live in a cold climate, I would keep a nice garden all year round.

1 There aren’t any vegan restaurants where I live, so I don’t eat vegan food often, but...

2 The farm releases chemicals into the soil, so it pollutes the local water supply, but...

Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021. For use only with license.
What If Everyone In The World Went Vegan? (B2)


Do you agree (A), disagree (D), or partially (P) agree / disagree with the statements below?
Explain your opinion.

1 It’s natural to eat animals.
2 Vegans have healthier lifestyles than those who eat meat.

3 It’s wrong for vegans to push meat eaters towards becoming vegans.


Imagine you’re a cow who has a special ability to communicate with humans. You’re a
representative for all cows. What message would you like to write to humans? Write at
least 3 - 5 sentences below. Then read your message out loud.


In the video, the hypothetical thought experiment that was explored was:

“What if everyone in the world went vegan?”

Create two hypothetical thought experiments that you think would be interesting to
explore the answers to. Use the same “What if...” + [past simple] structure that was used
in the video.

EX What if aliens arrived on planet Earth?

Explore possible answers to your hypothetical questions with your teacher or partner.
QUIZ & REVIEW ACTIVITY Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2021. For use only with license.
What If Everyone In The World Went Vegan? (B2)

Work with a partner. Complete the quiz and review activities below.

PART 1 Questions. Discuss and answer the questions below about the video.

1. What kinds of problems does meat production cause?

2. What is methane and how does it contribute to climate change?
3. What kinds of statistics do you remember from the video?

PART 2 Vocabulary: Explain and/or write what each word or term means below.

1. livestock

2. deforestation

3. dairy

PART 3 Vocabulary: Write the missing verbs in the spaces below.

1 When cows their food, they produce a greenhouse gas called


2 Meat and dairy typically for 60% of greenhouse gas

emissions from agriculture.

3 Experts advise down the amount of meat we eat to help

reduce climate change.

PART 4 Grammar: Explain the usage of the second conditional. Do you remember the exam-
ples from the video? If so, finish writing the missing parts of the sentences below.

If we all became vegan, greenhouse emissions .

If everyone ate a vegan diet, around 8 million deaths by the

year 2050.

PART 5 Bonus: Match each vegan-related word pair to its description on the right.

1 b tofu, tempeh a. brands of plant-based burgers

2 Vitamin B12, calcium b. good sources of meatless protein 
3 Impossible, Beyond c. the biggest reasons people go vegan
4 kale, spinach d. leafy greens that are often part of vegan diets
5 animal cruelty, ethics e. nutrients that vegan diets often lack

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