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Angelina Beatriz B.

Claveria May 20, 2022

Midterm Output
Draft for TED Talk Presentation

Minute Topic Content

1st Minute Introduction Introduction of the speaker. Will

follow up with different images
showing different posts with both
true and false information. This will
serve as a hook to keep the
audience interested.
2nd Minute What is Disinformation? Disinformation is defined as false
information spread to influence
public opinion or to obscure truth.
With the age of technology, truth
and disinformation has been
mixed together in the internet.
Both old and new generation of
people can be blinded by
disinformation specially if it is with a
biased opinion.
3rd Minute Satire and Advertisement There are different kinds of
disinformation. Some
disinformation does not create a
big negative impact. For example,
satire is a humor with irony and
exaggeration to expose people’s
lack of critical thinking. Another
example is advertisement, where
articles show positive bias towards
a certain product or company to
entice consumers to buy the
4th Minute Manipulated/Fabricated Content The next kinds of disinformation are
and Propaganda the most damaging:
Manipulated/Fabricated Content
and Propaganda. Manipulated or
Fabricated Content refers to
stories with some sort of realism
with it. It could be use of real
images or videos but with an
attached false narrative. This can
convince people that the
disinformation is of truth. The other
one is propaganda which is
grounded with political bias. It is
used to influence the publics
perception of a certain candidate
may it be good bias or negative
5th Minute What are Trolls? Trolls is a internet slang for people
who intentionally posts
disinformation, inflammatory
and/or false comments, and off
the topic comments. They are
either people who just wants stir up
emotional rage or clout, or people
that are paid to spread
6th Minute The Reason Behind Disinformation: There are 2 main reasons why
Revision of History people spread disinformation: First
is to revise history or a story.
Revising history can make peoples
perception on a certain event or
person to be good or bad. With
revising history, even the villains of
the past can be a hero in the
future because of people
spreading propaganda.
7th Minute The Reason Behind Disinformation: The primary reason for a lot of
For Money people who spread disinformation
is money. Spreading fake news,
nonsense articles, advertisement,
and propaganda are usually paid
by a company or corrupt
politicians. They hire troll for their
personal gain.
8th Minute Closing Remarks Disinformation is all around the
internet and we should be
cautious. We should always think
critically when we are reading
posts and articles. Do not be
swayed by the majorities belief
and do your own research. With
our current era, disinformation is
nowhere soon to stop.
Ps. Sir I will be sending my Finals (video) on a later day (Sunday).

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