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Santiago Trillana Academy

Mabini St. San Sebastian Hagonoy, Bulacan

A Research Presented to
Senior High School Department




In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Dela Cruz, Jose Louis R.
Calayag, Ezra B.
Isip, Trisha Mae M.
Sebastian, Aliah

May 23, 2022


Title Page .......................................................................................................................... i

List of Figures, Charts and Graphs .................................................................................. v

Invocation ........................................................................................................................ vi

Dedication ...................................................................................................................... vii

Abstract ......................................................................................................................... viii

Acknowledgement .......................................................................................................... ix

Chapter I. The Problem and Its Background

a. Background of the Study ..................................................................................... 1

b. Conceptual Framework ........................................................................................ 3

c. Statement of the Problem ..................................................................................... 4

d. Thesis Statement .................................................................................................. 5

e. Significance of the Study ...................................................................................... 5

f. Scope and Delimitation ........................................................................................ 6

g. Definition of Terms .............................................................................................. 7

Chapter II. Review of Related Literature

a) Foreign Literature

The Impact of the Marketing Activities of on Businesses on Consumer Purchase

Intentions............................................................................................................... 9

Marketing Management ....................................................................................... 9

b) Foreign Studies

Impact of Marketing Techniques on Consumer’s Purchase Intentions: The

Mediating role of Customer Trust....................................................................... 10

The Effects of Promotional Activities on the Intention to Purchase: A Field Study

in Kahramanmaras .............................................................................................. 10

c) Local Literature

Social Media as a Marketing Tool: A Literature Review ................................... 11

Consumers’ Outlook about Marketing................................................................ 12

d) Local Studies

Integrating intellectual capital and knowledge management .............................. 12

Marketing under uncertainty: The logic of an effectual approach ...................... 13

Chapter III. Research Methodologies

a. Research Design.................................................................................................. 14

b. Research Instruments .......................................................................................... 14

c. Respondents/ Sample Size .................................................................................. 14

d. Data Gathering Procedures ................................................................................. 15

Chapter IV. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

a. Profile of the Respondents .................................................................................. 16

b. Results of the Quiz Assessments ........................................................................ 17

Chapter V. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

a. Summary ............................................................................................................. 26

b. Findings/Conclusions .......................................................................................... 27

c. Recommendation ................................................................................................ 29

Bibliography .................................................................................................................. xii


Research Questionnaire .................................................................................... xiii

Researchers Profile

Calayag, E. B. ................................................................................................. xxiii

Dela Cruz, J. L. R. ........................................................................................... xxiv

Isip, T. M. M. ................................................................................................... xxv

Sebastian, A. ................................................................................................... xxvi


Tables Pages

Table 1 Barangay of the Respondents ................................................................................ 16

Table 2. Marital Status of the Respondents ......................................................................... 17

Table 3. Top Markets in Hagonoy, Bulacan........................................................................ 17

Table 4. Top Marketing Strategies of Businesses in Hagonoy, Bulacan. ............................... 18

Table 5. Respondents Who Agreed. ................................................................................... 20

Table 6. Four Factor that Affects the Respondents’ Outlook ................................................ 21

Table 7. . Ways of Marketers in Promoting a Particular Product .......................................... 22

Table 8. Consumers Who Agreed. ..................................................................................... 23

Table 9. Understanding Consumers’ Outlook as the Most Efficient Strategy......................... 24

Table 10. Understanding the Current Consumers Outlook as the Most Efficient Tactic ......... 25


Figure 1: Theoretical Framework ..................................................................................... 3


Graph 1 Preference Market of Respondents ........................................................................ 18

Graph 2. Effective Strategies of Marketers ......................................................................... 19

Graph 3. Outlook of Consumers Regarding the Strategies ................................................... 20

Graph 4. Percentage of the Factors that Affects the Consumers ........................................... 21

Graph 5. Top Strategy of Marketers in Hagonoy, Bulacan ................................................... 22

Graph 6. Importance of Consumers’ Perception.................................................................. 23

Graph 7. The Most Efficient Strategy by Respondents ........................................................ 24

Graph 8. The Most Efficient Tactic.................................................................................... 25


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your guidance and love.

Thank You for the opportunity to present our research.

Forgive us all the sins we did. We are still growing and learning, building our self and

making a change for the better.

In this time of crisis that we are currently experiencing, still we are grateful for the

opportunity to continue our education for this school year.

We are asking for Your guidance, compassion, and victory on our whole presentation, as

well as reaching our dreams.

We pray for the success of our research about Consumers’ Outlook; The Marketing

Strategy in Running an Effective Business Within the Competitive Market of Hagonoy,


Let it be effective, efficient, and successful.

Lord, we also thank You for the lives of our mentors and panelist that helps us improve.

We offer this work to You,

We thank You, In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.



The researchers would like to dedicate this research to the youth who wanted to

comprehend the intellectual tactic or the marketing strategy in running an effective

business within the competitive market.

The researchers also dedicate this study to the marketers or business person to help them

create an effective tactics or marketing strategies to help them to gain sales and most

importantly profit.

The researchers also dedicate this study to the community.

Lastly, the researchers dedicate this study for the future researchers and students

of Santiago Trillana Academy to use as a reference and also to give insight on what is

happening in the market.


The purpose of the study is to analyze consumers' outlook with regard to various

marketing strategies implemented by marketers in Hagonoy, Bulacan. The researchers

aimed to determine the factors that influenced consumers' perceptions regarding various

businesses’ marketing strategies. Given that there is a competitive market, market

competition does result in some businesses losing revenue. In order to resolve the

problem, a marketer needs to understand consumers’ outlook to make strategic decisions

that will result in effective marketing in a competitive market. The researchers discerned

the outlooks of the consumers with regard to a particular business by asking the

respondents how they get familiar with a particular product. The researchers discovered

that understanding the current consumers’ outlook is the most efficient tactic due to the

fact that comprehension allows a businessperson to have a deep insight regarding how

consumers define their need, want, or demand which led marketers to strategic decisions.


First and foremost, the researchers are beyond grateful to God Almighty, for His

showers of blessings and His guidance throughout our research study. Immeasurable

appreciation and deepest gratitude for the help and support are extended to the following

persons who in one way or another have contributed in making this study possible.

The researchers would like to express their deep gratitude to their research

teacher, Mr. Mark Joseph Q. Torres for his guidance, advice, and immense knowledge

that he gave to the researchers to complete this research study. His valuable comments

and constructive suggestions during the planning and development of this research. His

willingness to give his time generously has been very much appreciated.

The researchers are very thankful for giving an opportunity to conduct a research

study that enhanced their ability and critical thinking skills.

The researchers would also like to extend their deepest gratitude to their adviser

Mr. Aldrin F. Casyao for her unwavering support and motivation.

Thanks and appreciations also go to the respondents who willingly helped with

their full cooperation which has validated and finished this study. The researchers would

also like to give thanks for the time that they have given to conduct this study.

Last but not the least, to researchers’ dearest parents, for their deep consideration

for the finances and the undying support that they gave from the beginning until the end

of this research. As well as for their words of encouragement to all those nights that have

spent making the research study.


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