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This survey is conducted to find out the challenges of the second years english major
students when presenting in English. We know that the sophomore struggle to
communicate knowledge and experience a variety of psychological issues. Thus, your
assistance is critical to answering these questions, and the answer can also support us in
improving our presentational abilities, which will benefit the students' presentations.

I. Personal information 

Gender: 1. Male  2. Female 

II. Challenges of the second years English major students when presenting in

Please answer the question by putting the tick () in the appropriate box for each
question based on your experience in presenting courses:  
(1) Strongly Disagree; (2) Disagree; (3) Undecided; (4) Agree; (5) Strongly agree 

 No. Statements (1)  (2)  (3)  (4)  (5) 


1  Anxiety always makes me falter          

when giving a presentation.
2  Avoiding the eyes of listeners          
helps me finish my presentation
3  I cannot confidently give a fluent          
presentation because I'm afraid
I'll make a mistake.
4  No one attends my presentation.          
5  The word " presentation " makes          
me observe.
6  I often  forget knowledge when          
preparing a presentation.
7  I feel confused when the          
audience asks questions.
8  I don't want to hear suggestions          
from the audience.
9  I read  the slides too much and it          
makes the listener feel bored.
10   I feel stressed when the listener          
does not understand what you
want to say.
11  I'm so disappointed about my          
presentation because it's not like
my expectations.
12  I distracted in the presentation when          
there is an outside noise.
13  I worry that when teacher notices my          
14  I don't feel confident about my          
appearance to give a presentation.

15 I do not clearly define the object

which makes them not interested in the

a. Grammar
15  I constantly think that my          
grammatical knowledge is
16  I have trouble when choosing the          
right grammatical structures to send
your message to your audience.
17  I have to master grammar to be able to          
give a better presentation.
18 I think grammar is the most
important part of the
b. Pronunciation
19  My voice and pronunciation do          
not attract listeners.
I often make pronunciation mistakes
that make it difficult to understand.
21  I can't pronounce some words          

22 I'm used to the old pronunciations          

and it's hard for me to change them.

c. Vocabulary
 Lack of vocabulary is my
weakness to express my ideas
when presenting.
24  Body language is seen as a tool in          
my presenting  progress.

27 I can't express my ideas without

28 I don't know how to use
academic vocabulary in

Have a pleasant day and thanks for spending the time to take this survey. 

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